
PS4, Sony Exclusives, Gaikai and More in 2013

Look outside – do things look different? Of course it does! It’s 2013! Last year sucked, but things will certainly be different for gamers and PlayStation this time, right? Daily Reaction’s Seb and Dan rub their balls to see the future, and offer their mystic, absolutely correct, predictions about the next 12 months.

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alexcosborn4224d ago

This year is going to be insane! (Hopefully) new consoles, loads of great games... I can't wait!!

jujubee884224d ago

C'mon, Sony! Make us Playstation enthusiasts proud!

It's not exactly like we had the best of years in 2012. Nevertheless, we are gamers and look forward to some fun this year.

Exclusive games. Exclusive experiences. Exclusively Playstation.

Happy New Year, everyone!

LOGICWINS4224d ago

2012 was great for PS owners if you didn't confine yourself to exclusive games.

Killzoner994224d ago

If you think 2012 was not a good year for Playstation then I wouldn't call yourself a Playstation enthusiast. It sounds like you wish you were but you are NOT . Sony dominated 2012 just like it will in 2013, 2014 , 2015 etc. and anyone who says otherwise is nothing but a troll.

EVILDEAD3604224d ago (Edited 4224d ago )

'2012 was great for PS owners if you didn't confine yourself to exclusive games.'

It's a shame that this quote is viewed differently in regards to all consoles, when multi-plats get brought up.

edit @ Kilzoner

The guys said it wasnt the best of years and that was his opinion. LOL @ you jumping down his throat for not claiming mandatory worldwide 'domination if he were to be a Sony enthusiast...LMAO


BitbyDeath4224d ago

2012 wasn't that great for me either luckily PS+ filled the gap with plenty of free games to play.

zeeshan4224d ago

I absolutely love my PS3 but to be honest, I am getting sick and tired of this. No wait, I AM already sick and tired of current-gen consoles. They are taking forever to launch new consoles and breathe a fresh life in the industry. IMO, consoles should not stick for this long!

LOGICWINS4224d ago

"If you think 2012 was not a good year for Playstation then I wouldn't call yourself a Playstation enthusiast. It sounds like you wish you were but you are NOT ."


EddieNX 4224d ago

I just want the ps4 NOW!!!! Not interested how powerfull it is (although would appreciate it looking good obviously)

But I just want a new console because it's NEW. You know it's gunna be supported for many years in the future and all that. This is the main reason I like my Wiiu. Just because It's new.....

xursz4224d ago

^ i always thought you were LX-General-Kaos posing as a new user but obviously he'd die before posting that. Good on you for supporting new consoles.

MaxXAttaxX4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

Lot's of good stuff on both PS3 and Vita.

4223d ago
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shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4224d ago (Edited 4224d ago )

Sony will most likely let you play anywhere you want.

CD Projekt red is a partner with then and you can play the wither 2 on gaikai.

Sony needs to make big profits to get out of trouble and I think they will want to expand into something more bigger and universal.

We could play on a calculator or toaster!

OR not.

I just don't think they spent 380M for a demo service. And on top of theat they invest 1/4th of 1.9 billion to further develope gaikai.

Gaikai was gonna start a full service just before sony bought them anyway.

But anyway Xbox will have only console games and ps4 might have pc games also.

Like alan wake!

RevXM4224d ago

"Sony will most likely let you play anywhere you want."

You know, when putting it this way it kind of makes me see a whole another main area of use for GAKAI technology.

Streaming game content like demos and so forth is cool... but what if its main purpose is to be fully implemented on PS4 and VITA to have seemless communication between them?
Stream your ps4 games to vita anywhere and anytime and access content to any PS certified device. Ps3 and Vita does this already to SOME EXTENT which I really hate because its a major tease because at one point I thought every game would be streamable to VITA day 1 but here we are with like almost no games supporting it...

Imagine having music, pic's and videos on your playstation and stream it to your android or iOS device and the other way around?

Knight_Crawler4223d ago

If Sony really wanted to get out of trouble they would start by putting SOME OF there exclusive games on the PC.

Ezz20134223d ago


lol in your dreams

GribbleGrunger4223d ago

Ezz213: I think you'll find it is more than likely going to happen when Gaikai is fully utilised. Perhaps not the brands new AAA titles, but Uncharted 1, Motorstorm or Resistance would probably be part of the offerings.

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Orionsangel4224d ago

This looks to be the best year for gaming in years. Tomb Raider, Gears of War Judgement, Bioshock Infinite, GTAV, The Last of Us and even better if MS and Sony announce their next gen consoles. Big year!

Conzul4224d ago

Yeah March especially is gonna be mad.

akaakaaka4224d ago

Reading the comments in this tells one thing is sure

(Just making sure Sony gets the f&%$ message )

PS4 need to be a solid console in term of polished games and lag free online..

MasterCornholio4224d ago (Edited 4224d ago )


If releasing it now means releasing something similar to the Wii U i would rather wait because i want something that a lot more powerful than the PS3.


showtimefolks4224d ago

a lot of games-check
most like new systems--check

insane year in gaming Check and check

i am so excited for early 2013 but i am also jyst as excited for what's to come in fall 2013(which most of it is still unknown)

TruthBTold4223d ago

Lol, "rub their balls", should have been "rub their CRYSTAL balls" so their would be less fun to make of it. Anyways, I hope we at least get to see some next gen console games this year. I am ready if the jump is decent enough.

4223d ago
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Foolsjoker4224d ago

Nothing like some ball rubbing to start the year off.

doctorstrange4224d ago

Meh, wake me at 2014 so I can get all the games on PS+

Foolsjoker4224d ago

Maybe we will see The Last Guardian also...or maybe not. =(

Killzoner994224d ago

It's people like you who really piss me off. You need to buy these games to support Sony , not wait around for them become free on PS+. You are nothing but a free loader IMHO and frankly I don't think you should be posting here until you realize that. Now GTFO.

JaredH4224d ago (Edited 4224d ago )

Based on the maturity of your comment I'm guessing you were born in 1999.

Foolsjoker4224d ago

That will be a bit late, especially since late 2013 is pretty much empty for both Microsoft and Sony. So we will see next-gen by the end of this year, or Jan/Feb of 2014.

BitbyDeath4224d ago

You can wait if you want but i'll be picking it up as soon as it arrives in 2013.

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Media Molecule’s Next Game is Going to be a New IP

A job listing published by the UK studio reveals that its next project will be another entirely new IP.

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Inverno91d ago

The only PlayStation dev I care about tbh.

Inverno90d ago

Dayum did I hit a nerve. Sorry for not liking most of this gens games coming from PS, not really doe.

Cacabunga91d ago

Hopefully doesn’t take them a complete gen to release it

TheColbertinator91d ago

Good. Something not boring, not one of those "make your own game" crap and also on Steam would be nice.

Stopac90d ago

I too like to look for things in the wrong places.


Dreams Dev Media Molecule Says Layoffs Impact Planned Community and Curation Support

IGN writes: "Media Molecule has said the layoffs at the Sony-owned studio have affected plans for ongoing community and curation support in Dreams."

Inverno125d ago

How self sustained can DREAM be when it's basically stuck on PS4? I don't think it's even gotten a PS5 upgrade. Ending support for what is essentially a game making engine is basically death. SONY did DREAMS dirty.


Guerrilla Games' Multiplayer Horizon Game Could Be Named "Hunters Gathering," Teases Leak

Guerrilla Games' upcoming multiplayer Horizon title could be dubbed "Hunters Gathering," according to a new leak.

Jin_Sakai219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

I wish PlayStation Studios would just stick to what they do best, making great single player games.

Outside_ofthe_Box219d ago

The core gameplay of Horizon is really good, so this is one of the few I can see working out. Also GG does have one of the greatest multiplayer games ever made in Killzone 2 under their belt so MP isn't too far off with what GG does best.

SyntheticForm219d ago

Hell, I enjoyed Shadowfall's MP thoroughly even though it had issues. Guerrilla have delivered solid multiplayer experiences.

Cacabunga218d ago

Oh boy. No idea why they don't want to work on a killzone it's a much more fun multi mode. -

__SteakDeck__218d ago

@Jin_Sakai First. As a business, you don’t just stick to what you do great. If that was the case, Apple would of just done computers and not taken a risk with iTunes and the iPhone. Also have you seen the cost of their AAA games like Spiderman 2? Sony is going to need one of these GAAS games to hit, or expect budget cuts to their SP games. We’re already seeing in the document leak, that they’re asking Insomniac to cut budgets.

Jin_Sakai218d ago

Their studios aren’t masters at GaaS and it’s showing. Naughty Dog wasted all that time and Resources just to cancel Factions and Insomniac's multiplayer Spider-Verse got axed. If Sony really wants a big GaaS hit their best bet would be to acquire EA or Epic Games. You need huge support to keep these games going with content and updates.

purple101219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

OHH GOD YES,, or at least some new shooter. finals was okay but I want more, spesh from 1st party

DaleCooper219d ago

Meh. You know what could be good? A new Killzone.

Magatsuhi219d ago

Hope it's not battle royale.

anast219d ago

It would be better than Monster Hunter, but I'm good with the Gaas stuff.

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