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The Games To Buy In 2013

Cinelix: "With a new year upon us that means one thing, brand new games to look forward to! The odd thing is a lot of the games we all want are all coming early in the year, with hardly anything confirmed for the Fall of this year so far. Yet even with that being the case, the early year is crowded with absolutely awesome games! So here is our list of anticipated titles of 2013."

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Community4284d ago
showtimefolks4284d ago

confirmed BUYS for me:

Lat of us
Beyond 2 souls
hitman hd collection
rainbow six

i want to get MGR but not 100% sure

these are most likely buys but after some sort of price drop. most likely my games to buy when in bargain bin.(dead space 3 could be a day oene for me i love DS1-2)

dead space 3
army of two
tomb raider

remember me from capcom and watch dogs from UBI both will be next gen games IMO.

also how many of these games will end on on ps4,xbox720 Via Ports? look at wii-u and all the ports it got from games that came out in early 2012. i think a lot of these games will get a 2nd release for next gen system. Publishers will give it very minor improvements than charge full price

Soldierone4284d ago

I didn't disagree, but I think you are right. Only game I don't think that won't do that is The Last of Us since its the second team at ND making it, while the first team (Uncharted) is working on something else.

Enemy4283d ago

Dead Space 3, The Last of Us, BioShock Infinite, GTA5, Beyond: Two Souls, Sly 4, and Ni no Kuni are all day zero must buys for me.

Metal Gear Rising is a must for me as well but damn with Sly 4 and Dead Space 3 in the same month. Still waiting to be impressed by Tomb Raider.

tdogchristy904284d ago

Last of us
Beyond two souls

Aside from that I'll wait and see what next gen. has to offer.

Y_51504284d ago

I preordered 4 of the must buys for me next year. GTA5, Last of Us, God of War Ascension, and Thieves in time. I still have to buy Naruto Storm 3 and Tearaway!

prototypeknuckles4284d ago

they got tomb raider, the last of us, mgr revengeance, and GTA V, but where the heck is sly freaking 4.

MizTv4284d ago (Edited 4284d ago )

For me I have preordered
Dead space3
Metal gear revengance
Crysis 3
Last of us
God of war
And there might be done more I can't think if right now

Aliens colonial marines is my most wanted

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New Tomb Raider Merchandise Provides Closer Look At Lara Croft Character Design

The arrival of new Tomb Raider merchandise has offered a closer look at the updated Lara Croft character design.

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Community33d ago
Sonyslave334d ago

Im going to miss the new lara croft design, i hope they don't change that much from the last game.

RavenWolfx33d ago

I liked her reboot look as well.

OtterX33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Plot Twist, this is what happened to Nathan Drake after Uncharted 4.

I kid, I kid. :)

CrimsonWing6933d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Man… her face gives me the heeby jeebies. I hope she looks better in game.


Upcoming Tomb Raider RPG shows more unified Lara Croft for leaked "open-world" game

An upcoming Tomb Raider RPG planned for early 2025 shows more of unified Lara Croft planned for a new AAA adventure leaked as "open-world".

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Community53d ago
ROCKY2853d ago

This is not the Crystal Dynamics you once loved - this is a sold publisher that houses maybe 10% of it original cast of employees - this game will BOMB !!!! F Embracer Group - they suck BALLS ! Basketballs

LG_Fox_Brazil53d ago

Dude, calm down, let us wait and see the announcement and official images first

anast53d ago

The game is going to suck, though.

ROCKY2853d ago

Embracer Group is an EVIL company that absorbed many companies with investor money
knowing damn well they were going to put amazing hard working people on the street
their plan was weak and they screwed up and lost BIG TIME $$$$
They can go Fuk themselves !

jznrpg53d ago

Of course most of the the original Crystal Dynamics team is gone they took over Tomb Raider over 20 years ago. That’s not abnormal. That doesn’t mean the newer devs will automatically fail.

KyRo53d ago

Open world is already part one of setting it up to fail. I can sense the fetch quests, camp clearing, kill quests with hundreds of collectables sprinkled in already, just like every open world of the last 10 years. Lazy game design awaits.

YourMommySpoils53d ago

But do they suck basketballs or actual balls? I really need to know.

smashman9852d ago

This is true of literally any IP as old as Tomb Raider.

ChronoJoe52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

Definitely not true. Crystal have kept the majority of their team, know a lot of folks that work there.

Don't disagree with you about the general sentiment towards Embracer though.

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Redgrave53d ago

Isn't this the "Truth Seeker" one

jznrpg53d ago

I am interested for sure. Embracer as a parent company has made a massive amount of mistakes and crappy moves but that doesn’t mean this dev team can not make a good game. If the game is good and has a physical copy I’ll buy it. Tomb Raider rpg in theory could be great.

RaidenBlack53d ago

the 'rpg' referred here is the table-top borad game called the Crypt of Chanos

ROCKY2853d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Embracer SUX ASS !!!!
Yes I said it - they are an EU company where they received investment to suck up companies and kill them off or break them down and has put 1000's of workers out of work - as we say in the USA - F them - losers

Rebel_Scum52d ago

A wise man once said “I seen a lot of people hate me and I didn't know what to feel about that so I guess I didn't like you much neither. During this fight, I've seen a lot of changing, the way you felt about me, and in the way I felt about you. In here, there were two guys killing each other, but I guess that's better than 20 million. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!”

RaidenBlack53d ago

I don't like the 'open-worlding' every franchise idea ... Tomb Raider needs to be semi-linear-ish ... or do segmented open spaces

KyRo53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

This. They all follow the same basic structure and it's boring. Open world games have all become to similar to one another.

Christopher53d ago

I'm kind of hoping they're saying open world but they mean the more 'hub' design they've had with recent games. I liked the hub concept. I'm not a fan of just open world a la Ubisoft, though. Ubisoft goes so hard on open world that I feel we really don't need any more.

Noskypeno52d ago

I would like them to do a Halo ODST style, with the open hub area containing extra tombs and Easter eggs and collectibles and finding certain items will bring you to the linear mission.

Profchaos52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

For me I'd like to see more of a emphasis on puzzles return the last trilogy felt a bit like a modern action game

-Foxtrot53d ago

The Unified timeline bullshit still sounds awful going off the rumours

You can't make Survivor Lara and Classic Lara the same, they have totally different histories and origin stories.

They actually want to say that Survivor Lara turns into Classic which would then erase Classic Lara's origin story with the plane crash in the Himalayas.

Also an open world game...sigh

I had hoped the love for the Remaster games would have pushed them to continue that timeline or do a new reimagined timeline where you play as Classic Lara surviving in the Himalayas for those 2 weeks before she found a small village for help.

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Drops To Best Price Yet Alongside More Great PS5 Game Deals

PlayStation's Back to School sale includes big discounts on a bunch of PS5 exclusives, including Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

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Community56d ago
just_looken56d ago

spiderman 2 $40 from $70 so it's priced right now as a expansion pack like MM.,

andy8556d ago

Pretty decent expansion pack then saying i got 30-40 hours out if it.

just_looken56d ago

I can get 30hours out of a job outside does not mean it was good.

But i know no matter what i post or prove people love there nerfed spiderman or playing as a blind person for 5 hours then mary jane shehulk for another 12hours.

I am so glad today's "gamer" was not around for the ps3/360 era these new gamers are way to easy to please and have killed gaming.

andy8555d ago

It was good though. Are you actually saying it wasn't a good game? And blind? The person you play as was deaf and it was 10 mins not 5 hours. Doesn't seem like you've even played it by that comment. And MJ was...30 mins at most? Not sure how you get 40 mins into 17 hours exactly

CobraKai55d ago


I’ve been playing since the Sega Master System. I love Spiderman 2. There’s too much going for it to be a simple expansion pack. I felt Miles Morales could fall into the expansion pack range.

If you didn’t like it, it’s fine. That’s what’s great about opinions, there are no wrong ones, just different ones.

StormSnooper55d ago

You guys have to understand, they don’t have anything even close to it on his preferred system. There is a whole psychology behind his comment.

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pwnmaster300055d ago (Edited 55d ago )

lol I was in the ps3/360 era and spider man 2 would of been a massive hit still.

Please don’t try to represent us gamers from that time. You are not a good example, always complaining and being negative lol.

CobraKai55d ago

I mean, it’s New York. You can’t exactly change the map.

It sounds like you’re hard to please vs gamers being easy to please. You mentioned great games. Games whose sequels had very similar gameplay with each other with very minimal changes or upgrades.

Im with pwnmaster. Don’t speak for us. It sounds like probably only started gaming from PS360 era.

Rebel_Scum55d ago

Peter Parker lives in New York, where else do you expect the map to be?

Using the same map/location is not a problem.

On topic: In my region the base game is $80. Still not low enough for me to dive in. Not that Im in a rush. Havent even finished the 1st one’s dlc yet.

just_looken55d ago

The map still has asset's buildings the the first game its like madden yeah same stadium but can you change that madden 14 logo?

Not to mention they never added shield basses basically unique interiors you can explore off missions or add in jersey.

pwnmaster300055d ago

Sony pony??
Are you a child? Lmao

Just stop man. It’s embarrassing.
We can like games and not be a fanboy.
Gaming shouldn’t be taken this serious. Relax lol

just_looken55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

"lol I was in the ps3/360 era and spider man 2 would of been a massive hit still.

Please don’t try to represent us gamers from that time. You are not a good example, always complaining and being negative lol. "

You come at me calling me a bad example talking like this game is gods gift to us and on any sony article you defend them no matter what.

But now i am a child? what because i used logic again this site you throw facts at people they cry to the admins to get me off here again or play the victim card.

pwnmaster300055d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Lmao gods gift to us what. I said it would have been a massive hit not a perfect game. It’s a good game get over it.

And this is why I said what I said.
“ But i know no matter what i post or prove people love there nerfed spiderman or playing as a blind person for 5 hours then mary jane shehulk for another 12hours.”

And you’re still proving me right. God forbid people like a certain game.
And BS about me on every sony article defending them. I like games and praised every games I

“ But now i am a child? what because i used logic again this site you throw facts at people they cry to the admins to get me off here again or play the victim card.”

Your opinions are not facts and the fact you think they are is sad. Step off video games for awhile.

just_looken55d ago

Na its fine you go ahead belive 200 million dollars makes sense for 1 game when 80 created a trilogy on 360.

I live without blinders unlike others.

pwnmaster300055d ago (Edited 55d ago )

“I live without blinders unlike others.“
🤣😂🤣 thanks for the laugh. Have a good night brother. Fight that good fight your fighting.

repsahj55d ago

Saddest Xbox loyalist on N4G. XD

StormSnooper55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

He is a duplicate account. He changes names to get a new lease on life and people would respond to him. Sad indeed.

MetroidFREAK2155d ago

Definitely more than an expansion pack... the Miles Morales game from 2020 is that... ya silly goose

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