
Renegade Kid Worried About 3DS Piracy

It has recently been reported that a couple of hackers have broken into the 3DS, allowing them to run custom code on the device. They claim their motives are good — getting around the 3DS region lock for example — however games developers, as you can imagine, are less than pleased with the news.

In a recent blog post Jools Watsham, co-founder of Renegade Kid, the developer behind the hit 3DS eShop title Mutant Mudds, claimed that illegally delving into the guts of the 3DS opens up the door to piracy — something that could damage the industry and support for Nintendo's handheld.

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ziggurcat4191d ago

all hackers claim that their motive is "good", but we all know the real reason behind hacking these devices...

bobshi4191d ago

Actually I think their motive is good. They just do not care about the consequences.

They do it do look good, to be the first person to manage to crack a system. For props.

They don't do it to get the latest games for free.

ShaunCameron4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

They think they're entitled to get something for free (actually at someone else's expense). And then they wonder why DRM, online passes, et cetera exist. That's all there really is to it. Greedy consumers.

poo3429472947924191d ago

this well just sell a lot more 3ds' and the average kids mom well still buy all the games and such ect same like the 1st ds blah blah

princejb1344191d ago

i agree, piracy didn't ruin the ds sales at all
it might have ruined the game sales but not by a big margin since many companies were still earning profits
unlike the psp where piracy ruined it

megamanX24191d ago (Edited 4191d ago )

naw psp just sucked just look at the vita nobody cares about it.

Qrphe4191d ago

Who cares? Is Renegade Kid a stockholder?

Inb4 the more pirating the less devs
Because the DS wasn't profitable due to 0.1% of users pirating

aquamala4191d ago

It's why Wii and psp console sales are so good, so many people buy the consoles and pirate games

Qrphe4190d ago

The PSP died the moment cfw came out even in Japan while that thoroughly stellar Wii library didn't see many sells because of hackers. This has nothing to do with the lack of PSP game releases in the West or the Wii's overall crappy library.

ZeroX98764191d ago

they can do whatever they want with their 3ds`s, they paid for it. I`m still going to support good devs. Even more, Maybe I'll be able to support other country`s devs (mainly thinking about japanese devs)

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GameEnthus Podcast ep287: Atooi'd or Quest Switch - GameEnthus

GameEnthus Podcast ep287: Atooi’d or Quest Switch This week Jools Watsham(@JoolsWatsham) fr om Atooi (formerly Renegade Kid) joins Aaron(@In d1fference) to talk about: Renegade Kid, Atooi, Infintizmo, Chicken Wiggle, Treasurenauts, Matthew Gabrel, Bomb Monkey, Xeodrifter, Mutant Mudds, Troop, Nintendo NX, GCN, Super Mario Sunshine, Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 2, WiiU, … Continue Reading →

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150: The Banner Saga WILL come to Vita, Renegade Kid is no more & Minecraft Tumble

Welcome to Heroes of Handheld 150! A new Minecraft Minigame comes along! September PS Plus announced! Banner Saga still happening, HONEST!.

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FullmetalRoyale2850d ago (Edited 2850d ago )

I would buy Banner Saga, if it releases on Vita. We'll see whether or not they want my money, ultimately.


Renegade Kid, Creators of Mutant Mudds, is Shutting Down | TheTech52

Development studio Renegade Kid is shutting down after its two co-founders have decided to go their separate ways. They will both continue to develop games.

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BlackIceJoe2852d ago

Very sad news, because they made some great games. I do have to wonder though if the closing has anything to do with them not making many games for systems other than Nintendo ones. Because sadly not many people have been buying games on Nintendo one recently.

2851d ago Replies(1)