
Star Trek Legacy Xbox 360 Preview - FiringSquad

Star Trek: Legacy isn't an RTS game and it's not exactly an action shoot-em-up in space either. In some ways it's kind of like a Rainbow Six title where you select your ships in your mini-fleet, upgrade them with different abilities, and then control them in a tactical action-like format. The result is a space based game that contains all of the cool action stuff you can handle but just enough strategy and thinking to keep the hardcore gamers occupied...

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Chewy 1016504d ago

I feel like someone stabbed me every time I see that freaking Star Trek 2.0 in G4TV or Spike! Please! Let that damned elf eared idiot die!

Boink6504d ago

I want this game, and damn do I feel like a geek everytime I think of it.

but the appeal of being a borg flying through space yelling "resistance is futile a**hole!!!" into my mike is just too appealing:)

USMChardcharger6504d ago

i have grown up with star trek always being on TV in some form. i can't wait for this. it just looks fun. multiplayer will be a blast. plus with the makers of Oblivion behind it...how can you go wrong.

TMoney6503d ago

...looks too good to be true. I just hope the gameplay can match the incredible graphics. Considering that it's a Trek franchise...I have my doubts.

If this gets even half way decent reviews...I'm all over it.


Brashcast: Episode 20 – Star Trek & Star Wars

Brash Games writes, "So, some pretty big news this week. In case you hadn’t heard, PlayStation 4 is to be revealed on February 20th, JJ is directing Episode VII and Ross owns a human skull…..who the hell owns a human skull"?

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Star Trek Games Cosplay Gallery

VGC: "One of the most popular movie and television franchises to make the jump to video games happens to be the one with the most dedicated fans anywhere. I'm of course talking about Star Trek and its many variations including The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, as well as the movies and spin-offs (we rarely include Enterprise). So it wasn't difficult to look at Star Trek when picking a topic for a video game cosplay gallery. Below you'll find some of the best Star Trek cosplayers dressed up as recognizable (and fan-fic) characters."

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MysticStrummer4746d ago

They should include Enterprise, if only for Jolene Blalock.

xtremegamerage4746d ago

Voyager was actually decent, seven of 9.

Kahvipannu4744d ago

Hmmm, so I can pick one gallery from that site, and post it as news here, and I get approval?


New Star Trek Online Klingon Trailer has Klingons in It

Atari sent out a new trailer for Star Trek Online showing the Klingon Faction doing its thing. It also gives us a brief look at the game's space combat.

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5306d ago