
Street Fighter IV dumbed down?

GamesRadar writes:

"We're not sure how Capcom managed to make thousands of people stupid-crazy about a game that more or less plays just like its 1991 ancestor. Yet somehow, Street Fighter IV captivates all who touch it. We spent hours banging away on two side-by-side arcade units and walked away only wanting more. Anyone who stepped up left with a grin on their face and a clear appreciation for the sweet science that is Street Fighter."

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XBREAK3FIXME6059d ago (Edited 6059d ago )

Wouldn't surprise me. Every Capcom game that was originally meant to be PS3 exclusive was dumbed down for the sake of a 360 port. DMC4 was supposed to be 1080p / 60 fps. Look at it now. Hardly even HD with pretty bland looking graphics. Look at the blood splatter on Dante's face after he shot Sanctus. It's not as red or as good looking as it was when the game was PS3 exclusive. DMC4 was delayed for that reason. 360 development. Sony doesn't care about DMC anymore and I'm glad. I lost all the respect I had for Crapcom. DMC4 looks like one of those crappy looking games that use the Unreal Engine.

Fishy Fingers6059d ago

Umm is this a Street Fighter article, or DMC?

OC Shock Value6059d ago

I do agree with the dumbed down part.. BUT as long as capcom makes the games great like they have been doing.. I dont have a problem.. Street Fighter 4 will be outstanding on both consoles..

Ri0tSquad6059d ago

I think any PS3 or 360 exclusive going multiplatform has the chances of ending up downgraded. Either way, DMC4 was extremely easy on default. If I would of known it was THAT easy, I would of rented it.

kewlkat0076059d ago (Edited 6059d ago )

Xbox 360 names......

People ageeing with your comment shows us how ridonculous and delusional PS3 fanboys have gotten.

DMC4 is a great game by the way. 5GB installation only helps. I have no problems with that actually.

I can't believe some are still whining about the game going Multi, it's been a year..let it go, 3rd-party titles will never be as exclusive as it was in the past.

Capcom has always been my favorite developer and they have supported almost every Platform to date regardless. From the Arcades, Nintendo, to Dreamcast, PS and Xbox 360.

I got my PS3 for fighters because of the D-Pad and I'm sure this game will turn out alright. When was fighting games about graphics anyhow? It takes skills, coordination, and timing with hopefully a great group of characters. Come on it's a fighting game, for sakes..

Fighting games are trying to make a comeback and I welcome that. With the likes of SF, MK, KI(I hope), Tekken, VF, Soul Caliber and I'll be getting this game, forget all the conspiracies and Fanboy BS.

I swear there is always something to "Cry" about with you fanboys that play one console...

actas1236059d ago

They should release this game for a price tag of 30 dollars. I think its the only way its gonna sell well.

kewlkat0076058d ago

SF is not for everyone. If you've never played the game or not interested in fighting games because you suck at them, I do not think this game is going to magically lure you in.

IF that was the case you'd be playing all the old-school SF before hand.

SF has it's niche just like every game. Hardcores will get the game regardless. People like me will get it. I grew up play SF and all the great fighting games to date. I do not expect Capcom to suddenly have 5million copies sold or something out of the blue of this game.

Japan will eat it up, where Arcades are still popular. Capcom makes games in different genres that do appeal to more regions, So I do not think they are that worried.

I actually get to practice on my MAME arcade machine.

PeeboDaKilla6058d ago

did you even read the f*cking article man? It's not talking about a downgrade due to the hardware limitations of either system. It's referring to the fact that the game appears easier for the casual gamer to pick up and play. You're in the wrong zone...and I can't believe you got so many agrees...Read the freakin articles people!

actas1236058d ago

I also grew up playing SF and other capcom and sega games and what have ya, and I really want to buy this game, but for 60 dollars, that is too much. But, I also think all video games are currently overpriced. Hopefully that will change and the prices will go down as more people buy 360s and PS3s.

Enigma_20996058d ago

I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the lack of any REAL iinovation of the game itself.

SFII will always hold a special place in gamer's hearts. that's the only way they can get away with repackaging the d*mn game over and over and over and over...

How you managed to pull "dumbed down for an XBOX360 port" out of all this is absolutely amazing... and idiotic.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 6058d ago
Ri0tSquad6059d ago

I might rent it, won't buy it though.

At least we can all look forward to Resident Evil 5 delivering.

BloodySinner6059d ago

Based on Devil May Cry 4's performance, we can safely assume Capcom will follow it's path and the same curse will be applied upon SFIV. Meaning, the title will most likely be dumbed down in order to appeal to the casuals.

OC Shock Value6059d ago (Edited 6059d ago )

Fighting games dont really require much of a technical push as games like DMC4.. Im sure the 360 is more then capable of handling SF4 at its full potential.. Some of you should really calm down..

You guys act as if SF4 was a cross platform MGS4 or somethin.. SF4 will be fine

BloodySinner6058d ago

Us guys act like SFIV isn't great because we CARE.

OC Shock Value6059d ago

Between Street Fighter 4, Smash Bros Brawl, King Of Fighters XII, Soulcalibur 4, and Tekken 6...

We are going to have one of the best @SS whoopin years ever..

Save your money ladies and gentlemen.. Dont waste cash on stupid games.. Do yourself a favor because the Big Dogs are on the way

bigjclassic6059d ago

They took 3rd Strike, dumbed down the parry system and added Flashy supers.

I already stated this, and also that SF vets will still crush any no0b.

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The 7 Best Street Fighter Games: Exploring the Franchise

The Street Fighter series has a long history, but which are the seven best games the franchise has yet offered to gamers?


How Street Fighter IV Saved 2D Fighting Games (Ft. Maximilian Dood)

After Street Fighter II released in in 1991, it caused a fighting game explosion, both in arcades and in home consoles. But, as the decade ended, and arcades were failing, so too were 2D Fighting games. This is how Street Fighter IV completely revitalized the genre.

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Snookies12462d ago

I'd say Blazblue helped too. Didn't care for Street Fighter 4, but Blazblue was amazing during that time. Sad that the series kind of went downhill after the first 2 or 3 games though.

DarXyde462d ago

BlazBlue was phenomenal. Platinum'd Calamity Trigger because I loved it so much. I remember buying Continuum Shift back in the day at launch for like $40. They did have DLC characters (Valkenhayne, Makoto, and Platinum at the time) and it came out to just a tad more than it would at full price. Didn't mind at all.

Great fighting game.

Snookies12462d ago

Continuum Shift was definitely my favorite. Spent way too many hours on that game, haha... Had the counters for days with Hakumen.

DarXyde462d ago

I really like Makoto, Valkenhayne, and Hazama. Super fun characters

Terry_B461d ago

Valkenhayn ..just sayin'

Terry_B462d ago

BlazBlue was the much better, more technical game..and a real 2D Fighting Game after all. But yes, since it was a big name..the characters were still popular and the game itself was good, SFIV indeed helped a lot. However, I am pretty sure the much better-selling Mortal Kombat 9 would have been done without SFIV as well..and that one truly helped to make the fighting game genre in general more popular again.

Ryuha1234h462d ago

You’re sound dumb. Blazblue was not better than sf4. You’re just saying that because you’re a street fighter hater.

Redgrave462d ago

>calls someone dumb
>does it by saying "you're sound dumb"

Task failed successfully

Terry_B461d ago

A SF Hater eh? Fight me in SF 2,3 4 or 5 and you will regret that stupid comment ;)

gold_drake462d ago (Edited 462d ago )

eyyy max xD

one of the very few streamers i can actually watch without it being cringe and awful ha.

GhostScholar461d ago

The content of IV was severely lacking when it launched. It got better over time.


Street Fighter Producer Says Fans Need To "Convince" Nintendo, If They Want More Entries On Switch

In the same interview at EGX 2019 recently, Capcom and Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono responded to a fan question asking if there were any plans to bring the fourth or fifth entries in the series to the Nintendo Switch.

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gamer78041793d ago

they botched SFV so bad, just start over, make a new version with proper single player mode and fully fleshed out with support for all of the consoles this time.

King91793d ago (Edited 1793d ago )

Gamer7804@ they already did kinda it call sf5ae it help sf5 sell like another 2 million copies.

Teflon021793d ago

SFV is actually great now. Bunch of modes, bunch of characters, alot of stages, not sure what else there is to even complain about. Costume MTX? Not a issue imo, I don't get what I don't want anyways

gamer78041793d ago

botched launch, and they launched only on one console and currently after a long time still on one console.

Enigma_20991793d ago

Did you see how Ultra and the Collection sold? We don't need to convince Nintendo of anything. Just put it on the console.PHYSICALLY.

King91793d ago

Enigma_2099@ they probably have to make a new sf game just for the switch they probably will need Nintendo to help fund it just like sony help fund sf5.

PhoenixUp1793d ago

You’re not seeing Street Fighter V come to other platforms besides PC because Sony helped co-fund the game so it’s staying only on PS4 & PC

NapalmSanctuary1793d ago (Edited 1793d ago )

Don't know why anybody would want SF5 on Switch. Especially if they owned a Switch.

rainslacker1793d ago

That doesn't makes sense. Is Nintendo saying that Capcom can't publish the game on the system because it's users don't want the game? if so, that's really stupid of them, because why should they care?

Nintendo isn't saying such things of course.

Capcom shouldn't pass the buck. If they don't want to make more SF games on the Switch, then just say so, and say why.

If they want Nintendo to fund the project, then they are the ones that need to convince Nintendo to give them money.

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