
Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt Weapon Details

So Gearbox is getting ready for its upcoming DLC titled, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. This is their third DLC already in a span of 3 months. Which is pretty great, constantly pumping the game with more and more content will keep the fans coming for more.

This time it's set to take place in a marshy continent called Aegrus. A new boat is to be added, seraph gear, new enemies, a stalker raid boss, hunting missions as well as 5 main quest missions and 12 side-missions.

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RamsesNum14299d ago

Nice, waiting. Weapons look pretty sick if you ask me. Give it up to the game of the year ;p

Sovereign594299d ago

"This is their third DLC already in a span of 3 months. Which is pretty great, constantly pumping the game with more and more content will keep the fans coming for more."

I strongly disagree. I would much prefer the team developing these DLCs (which isn't even the team that worked on the main-game) work on 1 DLC for a reasonable amount of time rather than have them churn out what have in my opinion been mediocre experiences (Captain Scarlett and Torgue DLC) at best.
With the exception of the Moxxi DLC, I absolutely loved every moment of Borderlands 1's downloadable content. So far I have been immensely disappointed with Borderlands 2 DLC, and if I'm being quite honest I actually regret purchasing the season pass.
If the final 2 add-ons wind up being great and live up to the expectations that for me were set by Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Armory of General Knoxx, and Robot Revolution, then I will be content and this purchase will have been worth it. I have great doubt that this will be the case, and I will most likely be left feeling that I wasted something like $30 on and received little to no enjoyment from.

konnerbllb4299d ago

I love bl1 and bl2, and you're right, the dlc was much better in the first game. I also regret buying the season pass because it just hasn't been good yet. I hope bl2 gets two seasons, the second being developed by gearsoft

Sovereign594299d ago

At the rate they are pumping out DLC for this game it wouldn't surprise me if they released more then the 4 add-ons the pass covers. I'd probably pay for new characters to play as, but I'd be reluctant to put $30 into DLC for this game again before really knowing what the DLC will be like.
I loved Borderlands 1 and all of its DLC so I bought the season pass when I bought the second game thinking I would be very satisfied with the upcoming DLC. If a second season pass is released, I won't do this again. I'll wait for reviews and gameplay videos of the first couple of add-ons before committing to the pass.

Jdoki4299d ago

I'm a bit more mixed on the DLC

I liked the Captain Scarlett pack and thought it was worth the money - the story and characters were ridiculous (in a good way), and whilst the missions didn't really add anything to the game, and the loot was nothing special, I did like the theme.

But the the Torgue pack is a bit boring and feels disjointed (not completed it yet).

Fingers crossed for the next DLC.

Sovereign594299d ago

Captain Scarlett's DLC was so anticlimactic. The titular character just runs away without a final confrontation and there is little sense of reward for completing the missions.

Megaton4298d ago

Thought Scarlett was pretty bad, liked Torgue.

RamsesNum14299d ago

Yeah I understand, we are probably going to see more and more DLC's. I'd also rather spend my money ounce, and not have to pay after every small installment. Since its not even the same team handling these DLC, I wonder how long they can keep it alive. This profit motive can only go on for so long.

I mean, I'm a big fan of the game so idk what to expect.

Detoxx4298d ago

The season pass will be worth it's money after all the releases.

konnerbllb4298d ago

Oh if there is two seasons I wouldn't buy the seocond pass, I would wait for each to be reviewed and compared by a reliable source before deciding to purchase them individually. I had a lot of respect for Gearsoft going into BL2 and I still do, but I expected more from them in the DLC department. Buying the pass was almost a sure thing, but if I'd have known they would outsource the DLC to another studio I wouldn't have bought the pass.

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fOrlOnhOpe574299d ago

I agree with the above posters re BL1's DLC being of superior quality and content (excluding Moxxi of course).
I haven't picked up the season pass but have bought and played through the Captain Scarlett DLC - which if Im honest, I found it disappointing and.....empty?. The Torgue DLC hasnt really tempted me at all yet but I feel a little more optimistic about the Sir Hammerlock DLC.
Overall though, the main game still gives me as much as I need at the moment.

Off Topic: How I wish Gearbox had left in the Proximity grenade from BL1. Great fun on skag hunts lol

-MD-4299d ago

Still nothing for us Bloodshed Zeros. Garbage devs.

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I Sure Hope The Next Borderlands Is A Lot Like Borderlands 2

Ahmad from eXputer: "Borderlands 2's unrivaled storytelling is something that has to lean into the core elements of the next iteration in the Borderlands series."

TheNamelessOne40d ago

What? You didn't love the cringe writing that 3 had?

pwnmaster300040d ago

Playing it now and it’s not so bad, but I’ve just started so maybe it will get worse

DustMan39d ago

It's not bad. It's just hard to top Handsome Jack as an antagonist. I really enjoyed 3. It has the best gameplay of the entire series, and it holds the same vibe. Tiny Tina's Wonderland was a huge disappointment to me.

Demetrius39d ago

I recently finished 3, definitely had fun fr

-Foxtrot40d ago

I'm curious how they are going to do the Siren since they've kind of wrote themselves into a corner regarding the lore.

gold_drake40d ago

well, im sure the last eridium slab is the answer to that. either mystery or villain

-Foxtrot40d ago

I meant more in terms of how they established only 6 Sirens can exist in the entire Universe...which was kind of silly to me as they seem to all end up on Pandora, and the Universe is a pretty big place.

Then there's now the fact, since Borderlands 3 retconed it, when a Siren dies she can transfer her power to the next Siren, they don't have to be born with it. This also means there's only 6 Siren powers which will end up being recycled as the franchise goes on.

Phasewalk (Lilith)
Phaselock (Maya / Ava)
Phasetrance (Amara)
Phaseshift (Angel / Tannis)
Phaseleech (Tyreen)

So there's only one power unaccounted for and I'm guessing it belonged to Commandant Steele. There was Queen Dido but she died and someone else like Amara, Maya or Angel could have gotten their powers so really it only gives them one more Siren before they need to start rethinking things going forward.

Either we get Phaseleech next or whatever power Commandant Steele had (kind of odd she never used it in her boss fight but you know).

Terry_B39d ago

inb4 the next siren is a trans character.

gold_drake40d ago

it will probably be alot like wonderlands, since that is the last borderlands game

but we'll see soon

Terry_B39d ago

Most people do. But the people that create the games don't seem to understand that.

I bet it will be even worse than BL3 when it comes to story and character designs.

RaidenBlack39d ago

Hey Gearbox, remember Brothers in Arms?

Abnor_Mal39d ago

I would love a new game in the series, or a remake/remaster of the first three games.

RaidenBlack39d ago

I'd want them to do the 4th part and just end the story of Baker Company.


5 Amazing Side Quests In Games That You Need To Experience

While gamers usually take notice of the mainline missions, these 5 side quests deserve more widespread attention for how entertaining they are.

jwillj2k4618d ago

Honorable mention to Drive Clubs Ferrari Fxx-K. Should be there over Horizon.

598d ago
TheColbertinator617d ago

The Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak from the Gran Turismo series

Nissan Skyline from Need for Speed Underground

Motorcycle Steamroller from Dead Rising 3

And finally a car you never drive but saves your ass over and over : Honey Badger from COD MW2

Gardenia617d ago

I was thinking of Mad Max. That V8 felt really good to drive around in, especially with upgrades.

dumahim617d ago

No one liked the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. Top 10?

toxic-inferno617d ago

I don't know... It was a strange addition to the game, and the parts of the game where you had to fight in it were tedious. But driving it around Gotham felt brilliant.

BrainSyphoned617d ago

FFXIII-Snow's Shiva motorcycle
Persona 5-Makoto's Persona motorcycle