
A Time For Heroes: How A Community of Thousands Was Abandoned And Still Fought On

Dealspwn writes: Fun Fact: City of Heroes is, to this date, both my first and final MMO. As a kid who'd grown up surrounded by Marvel comics, fixated on Saturday morning cartoons, I'd always fancied being a superhero. Even before City of Heroes was announced, I was excited. Less excited, of course, by the subscription, I wasn't too keen on that, but here was a game that would let me live out my superpowered fantasies and team up with others like me.

I was a little apprehensive, truth be told, both that it wouldn't match up to my expectations, and that I wouldn't necessarily enjoy this new experience, predicated on co-operation with a whole bunch of people I'd never met before, who'd been engaged in the world for weeks before me, who might not be kind to a newcomer. I'd heard tales of veterans in EVE preying on the wide-eyed and innocent, ranging bands of rookies in World of Warcraft found themselves overrun by those who deemed them easy pickings, and I feared the same might befall me.

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NexGen4298d ago

These are the same clowns that have been killing Guild Wars 2 as well. The degree to which they made it apparent that they wanted to nickle and dime me was slightly disgusting. I fully understand that money is the point, but the pandering/pickpocketing is far more ever-present in GW2 than in other games.

Ah well, it's more about the money than the enjoyment...or the quick churn revenue, rather than the much smaller group of MMO long-term players. That is sad.


The Best Games You Can't Officially Buy Anymore

From Xfire: "It's been estimated that roughly half of the video games ever released on the market can no longer be downloaded or purchased. Whether this is exactly correct is not the point. Rather, we think that either way, the video game industry, as a whole, has done a terrible job at preserving video games and making older titles available to play for future generations."

Terry_B1222d ago

You can play all of these games still lol. The headline is just misleading. Funny is that there is not one game in the list that you really can't play anymore due to it being online only games.

CorndogBurglar1222d ago (Edited 1222d ago )

Its not about games you can't play. Its about games you can't officially buy anywhere.

Terry_B1222d ago

The author changed it actually

Army_of_Darkness1221d ago

Who needs to buy these games anyway? Most of them are average at best and won't really be missed.

littletad1222d ago (Edited 1222d ago )

It says buy, not play though. You can't purchase Deadpool or the Simpsons game anymore. Unless you have a 360 for the simpsons or a physical copy of deadpool, or purchased it before it was delisted.

shuvam091222d ago

Look at his comment. It's from 9 hours ago. Article goes back 4 hours. Title might have been changed after realising the mistake

isarai1222d ago

One you actually legit cannot play AT ALL is Noby Noby Boy. I miss turning my brain off and messing around in that game, was so psyched to re-download it when i rebought a ps3 slim, but you cant, even if it's in your downl library, along with a few other obscure PS3 games i had.

NecrumOddBoy1222d ago

The original memes to the moon game. Loved NNB on PS3.

FreeckyCake1222d ago

I would replace Transformers Devastation with War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron tho.

Knightofelemia1222d ago (Edited 1222d ago )

Transformers Devastation was good but not as good as Fall and War of Cybertron they should be on the list. SH 2 I can play any time I want since it came free in a $10 Xbox I bought used. The Simpsons Arcade I have on my PS3 surprised the Xmen Arcade game is not on this list or the Turtles arcade game either.

CorndogBurglar1222d ago

I had the X-Men arcade game on my 360. I don't know if Xbox Live is still a thing or not, and of it is, I don't know of they still sell X-Men. But it was deinitely on Xbox Live at some point.

Knightofelemia1222d ago (Edited 1222d ago )

If you had X-Men before you can redownload it from your transaction history on the 360 Microsoft did not castrate the 360 from online. That is how I was able to redownload the old TMNT arcade game to my 360 you can't play it on XB1 or Series X but you can still access it for sure on the 360.

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