
new FIFA 07 gameplay movies from X06

Here are three new (off screen) movies from EA Sports upcoming football title, taken at the X06 in Barcelona.

Not only the graphics, also the gameplay and animations look nothing short of stunning this time round.

The only true next-gen football (soccer) title will be released end of the month and a playable demo will appear a couple of weeks before that on the Marketplace.

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Antan6505d ago

ill take pro evo over fifa any day !!!

6505d ago
Antan6505d ago (Edited 6505d ago )

LOL, typical fanboy comment ?? how do you work that one out !!??!!?? I think you misunderstand !!!! i said i prefer to play Pro Evo over fifa, how can this be construed as a being a "fanboy" comment? if i want the most realistic game of football then hands down Pro Evo has always been that game. Whereas Fifa may "look" better, it certainly doesn`t "play" better. Again, tell why this is a "fanboy" comment. Gameplay over gfx pal, get over it.

6505d ago
kevin360uk6505d ago

I've always preferred Pro Evo over Fifa, but by the looks of things Fifa '07 on the 360 looks the business and going by video footage, has improved over previous versions.
The Fifa team has put a lot of work into the new system and think itl be a decent purchase along with Pro Evo.

6505d ago
Antan6505d ago

Of course it HAS to improve as its been playing catchup all the time, maybe it has fancy ball physics, but Pro Evo has had this for years. I`ll rephrase, ill bet the new Pro Evo plays a better game of football than the new Fifa, even judging by the screenshots, movies etc etc. I was stating my "opinion" not "fanboy" comments as you say based on previous incarnations of both titles. And going on past titles, there has only ever been one winner for the purists like myself. Fifa MAY have moved in search of getting closer to Pro Evo, but of course Pro Evo will also have moved forward also, as they do year by year.

6504d ago
Antan6504d ago

ill take it for myself thanks very much. Im 31 years of age, I have been playing sunday league football for many years, playing games since i was 6, and have worked in the games industry since 1994, working with the likes of Electronic Arts, THQ, Atari and Konami.......if we are naming names here? but in all of this you haven`t provided any "facts" of what you saying? Looking at the videos, you can tell the ball movement is not right, i`d love to be able to bend a ball as much as the new fifa, but thats the problem, fifa has always been the most unrealistic out of the two. Tell me which game made you "feel" better when you scored a goal, made you work for your goal, gave you the most satisfaction? very few people out there will pick Fifa im afraid.

Antan6504d ago

ill take it for myself thanks very much. Im 31 years of age, I have been playing sunday league football and 7-a-side for many years, playing games since i was 6, and have worked in the games industry since 1994, working with the likes of Electronic Arts, THQ, Atari and Konami.......if we are naming names here? but in all of this you haven`t provided any "facts" of what you saying? Looking at the videos, you can tell the ball movement is not right, i`d love to be able to bend a ball as exagerated as the new fifa, but thats the problem, fifa has always been the most unrealistic out of the two. Tell me which game made you "feel" better when you scored a goal, made you work for your goal, gave you the most satisfaction? very few of the hard core footy fanatics will pick Fifa im afraid.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6504d ago
CG6504d ago

Dude your talking out your ass, its obviuos your a fifa fan.
The truth is fifa has been playin catch up every since the first pro evo.
EA talks about their new game engine and new independent ball physics...well yeah its new to fifa alright but this is old news for pro evo, all this has been in pro evo for years.

fifa may look better than pro evo but it will never play like pro evo. Its all about which game plays the game of football best and not even you can deny that pro evo doest it best and it will be the same in the next generation.

Fifa is for kids
Pro evo is for the TRUE football fans.

6504d ago
RuffRyder6503d ago (Edited 6503d ago )

Listen your ovbiously a lil computer geek. you claim to have played football at a national level lol yeah right dont lie to your self. I played for the wolerhampton wanderers football academy so trust me i know how hard & competitive it is to make it as a footballer.
You say fifa is the best selling game your right, but does that make it the best? NO.
Just look at reviews from all the top games sites of the past fifa vs pes games and tell me what you find.
Fifa is the best selling game because its got more public awarness and because ea has brought all the license for leagues and kits etc. not becuase its the best football game stupid.
Real football fans/players chose pro evo purley because of gameplay, but you wouldnt understand that has you've never played football.

Truth is your not a football fan your just a lil kid which explains why you think fifa is better.


PES vs. FIFA detail comparison: 10 years of rivalry

The epic fight between the two soccer giants Pro Evolution Soccer and FIFA has been going on for over 10 years now. Cynamite takes a look at the scores from both games and shows, at which point PES overtook the FIFA series.

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Cheeky Gamer5049d ago

PS1/PS2 - PES by far
360/PS3 - FIFA by far

I can't see that changing until the next generation of consoles.

presto7175049d ago

Fifa 10 was good, but have you seen Fifa 11? NOt that much of a step up from 10. Pro Evo 2010 was not that good, but so far, what I've seen of Pro Evo 2011 blows anything and everything Fifa out of the water.

Pro Evo is back to reclaim the number 1 spot.

ad4mb5049d ago

just because pes has improved alot over pes 10 dont mean much, its still the same robotic game it has been for a while. and if you have played fifa 10 then moved to 11 its improved on a lot on what was already a great game.

Anderson85049d ago

agreed, pes11 is an improvement on last yr but it still lags way behind fifa at this point.. all the same issues that make it bad are still their

nix5049d ago

PES 11 is the Demon's Souls of soccer. and I LOVE IT!

Samus HD5049d ago

pes was good till 2011
it's a fail - they tried to change the gameplay for good but they ruined it

Cheeky Gamer5049d ago (Edited 5049d ago )

It's a shame that people such as yourself are still stuck in the dark days, clinging onto the hope that PES will be what it once was.

I was a huge fan of PES back in the day - as big as you could get, really - and I still believe that PES 5 and 6 are the best football games of all time. But I played the PES 2011 demo and deleted it after two games, because it's just horrible. Passing is decent, but that's about it; the player movement still borders on robotic, shooting is way too floaty and the presentation is mediocre.

If you really believe that the 'King' is back, then you must have a very short memory. PES this generation has absolutely nothing on the old games, nor does it have anything on FIFA this gen either; its rival is superior in almost every way.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5049d ago
hennessey865049d ago

to its awsome best, therefore alot better than fifa arcade football 11

Jamaicangmr5049d ago (Edited 5049d ago )

It's actually a step down, they ruined the Fifa 10 formula and this is coming from a Fifa player. Am not a PES fan so i really don't know if the new one is good or not. My angle is the fact that EA messed up Fifa 11, i have spoken to many diehard fifa fans that feel the same way. Some are considering to just stick with 10 and see what 12 is like.

Cheeky Gamer5049d ago

FIFA 11 is superior to FIFA 10 in practically every way, without a doubt. I find it laughable that anyone could think any different.

FIFA 10 was a great game, but it had way too many flaws. FIFA 11 is a much more refined experience, and is all the better for it.

e-p-ayeaH5049d ago

2000 - 2005 -> PES dominated since the PS1 days but then it came PES 2006 it was a major letdown

2006 - NOW -> Fifa started to show its quality on this current gen and it evolved year after year while PES was still way behind.

A shame that games like "This is football" just vanished during the PS2 days

ELite_Ghost5049d ago

pes2011 is much different from any next gen pes, this is really a huge improvement

AKA5049d ago

Its funny to read or talk to the FIFA fanboy they cant accept the true and hate PES.

If you go to the FIFA forums they talk Bs. About pes and they hate it.
In the Pes forums they respect Fifa and many will be getting the two and we aré confidente that PES11 is better and the kind is back

5049d ago
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Boomtown Editorial: Football Rivalries

Boomtown writes: "No rivalry in the world of gaming is fiercer than the one between competing football franchises. It almost mirrors the strength of feeling people have for their club. Crossing the divide to support another franchise is a relatively rare occurrence. There are two major derby matches in the football gaming calendar and they feature a bitter enmity which has built up over the last few years. The first is Pro Evolution versus FIFA and the second is Championship Manager versus Football Manager."

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YourEMGN: FIFA 2010 | Game Preview

FIFA 10 will be the next installment of Electronic Arts' FIFA series of football video games. Developed by EA Canada, it is published by Electronic Arts worldwide under the EA Sports label. It will be released on October 2, 2009 in Europe and October 20, 2009 in North America and Australia. It will be available for Sony's PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii. Versions of the game will also be released for the Apple iPhone/iPod Touch, Nintendo DS, Nokia N-Gage, Sony PSP and for mobile phones.

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Madusha5458d ago

One of the very highly anticipated games of 2009. Although it doesn't have too many new features, the graphics will be outstanding for sure...

Madusha5457d ago

The new cricket game - Ashes cricket 09 has a lot more new features. Their first cricket game in 2 years.

kingdavid5458d ago

Is that all that matters? Graphics? pfft. Theyll be the same graphics as the last 2 versions.

Gameplay is all that matters.

Madusha5458d ago

The gameplay will be similar, i don't think there will be too many changes.

EMGN5458d ago

I agree, the FIFA games are very repetitive.. there are not many changes in gameplay.

Madusha5457d ago

Yeah, what they need to do is add something completely new. This one has manager mode which will probably increase sales by a lot more but EA needs to do more than that. I'm not saying it's a bad game, I've loved all the FIFA games, it's just the repetition.

EMGN5457d ago

Just like the EA sport cricket games, these are gonna stop selling eventually unless they come up with something completely, completely new. Small features won't work. I definitely won't be buying FIFA 10 since I already have FIFa 09.

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