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The Last of Us' Launch Date Points to the PlayStation 4's Imminent Arrival

Push Square: "Sony, like most other publishers, is not a massive fan of mid-year releases. The platform holder has had some success launching Sucker Punch’s two supercharged inFamous titles during the sunny window, but it typically reserves its heavy hitters for the start of the year or the festive period. It’s interesting, then, that the company has opted to lavish The Last of Us with a 7th May release date. Could it be an indication that the PlayStation 4’s coming next Christmas?"

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Abash4306d ago (Edited 4306d ago )

I dont know, I mean Beyond: Two Souls will be releasing Late 2013. Sony confirmed the game build is still in the Alpha stage so it'd be unrealistic to expect it to be ready anywhere in the first half of 2013. As well as Puppeteer Im assuming, so they have a holiday line-up for PS3 already in 2013.

While I think The Last of Us *could* be an indication of the next PlayStation arriving next year, it could also be that the game is just ready by then and they dont want it to get drowned in the hype of new consoles that'll be shown at E3. Because face it, this E3 will be all about next gen games whether the consoles are releasing late 2013 or sometime in 2014

get2sammyb4306d ago

Beyond: Two Souls is definitely the anomaly. Clearly they're not going to just abandon the PS3 when the next-gen launches, but I think it's very clear that they're making a big empty space for it in Christmas 2013.

My inkling is that even The Last of Us /was/ set to be finished in May, they'd hold it back until Christmas in any other year. The fact that they have tells me they want all eyes on PS4 after E3.

Abash4306d ago

Like I said it could or could not be a sign, it's best to just wait for E3 and see what happens. If anything the only anomaly is The Last of Us releasing in May because while it seems so many big PS3 games are releasing before E3 2013 we have to remember Sly 4 was delayed to next year and should have released this year, God of War always releases in March, and there are PS3 exclusives like Beyond, Puppeteer and Im betting Until Dawn too planned for the holiday line-up of 2013.

-Mika-4306d ago

@ Abash

Ya but beside Beyond. Those aren't top tier exclusives. I think Sammy is pretty much correct.

MikeMyers4306d ago

Beyond, much like Heavy Rain, is not as mainstream as The Last of Us will be. Naughty Dog is by all accounts Sony's top developer right now. Which makes it even more interesting to have it launch in May and not October/November.

Sony has a history of supporting their older systems past the new one. They won't abandon the platform like Nintendo did with the Wii or how Microsoft did with the Xbox. Nintendo knew the Wii was in a huge decline, both the Xbox 360 and PS3 are still selling fairly well.

GuyManDude4306d ago

All this along with the fact that Guerrilla Games hasn't announced their next game yet. Killzone 3 came out nearly two years ago, and the VGAs would have been a good platform for the reveal of a PS3 game. They have to be working on a PS4 game. There's no other reason that they would keep the project a "secret".

Same goes for Sucker Punch: 18 months since Infamous 2 came out.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see the following at Sony's E3:

Next console announced for Fall 2013
Guerrilla Games title announced for launch
Sucker Punch title for launch/launch window
and MAYBE a teaser from Naughty Dog (U3 team)

That leaves Naughty Dog's Uncharted team, Media Molecule, and Evolution Studios for 2014 (outside shot for Polyphony Digital, we know how slow they work).

One thing's for sure: there's going to be a LOT of buzz surrounding E3 this year.

8bitHero4306d ago


actually GG is working on the vita killzone & MM is working on a vita game as well. but, MM has said that they're working on something else besides the vita game.

torchic4306d ago


dude Guerilla has made it no secret that they're working on 3 different games, one was revealed to be Killzone Liberation, the other is another Playstation Killzone, the third is a new IP. so that "Playstation Killzone" could very well be Killzone 4.

I personally think the PS4 will release sometime 2014. what I think the'll do at this year's E3 is unveil PS4, then announce a PS3 price cut, most probably for the 12GB version only. like the article's author said PS3 is selling like hot cakes right now, it's just getting into top gear, it would be ludicrous to comprise it's performance now. I don't know but we won't see a PS4 being SOLD in 2013 (apart from maybe Japan) but then again Q4 2014 will be too far away so maybe Q1-Q2 2014. they did it with the Vita, and I'm pretty sure they'll do it with PS4

Veneno4306d ago

@ Mike Meyers

Don' t count out Beyond 2 souls. Everyone thought Heavy Rain was going to bomb but it surprised everyone by becoming a hit and debuting in the NpD charts in its release month and doing many times better thaneven Sony expected.

Beyond is poised to do even better than Heavy Rain because they have Ellen Paige as Star Power (even my girlfriend recognized her in the E3 demo. She said, isnt that Juno?) .

And with star power like that i'll bet that Sony will promote the game as something big just like an Uncharted tlou or GoW.

So all that said i dont believe we will see PS4 in2013. Probly an xbox cause that thing is done.

BinaryMind4306d ago

It's not just Sony. A lot of developers are scrambling to release their titles in the first half of 2013. Obviously, they know what's coming in the fall...

SolidStoner4306d ago

You all forgot one important thing... Sony is one of those companies that continue to support us with games even if there is a newer consoles... I remember very good when ps3 was out I still played games on ps2 and they come out on both ps2 and ps3.. then after about a year they started slowly to move on on ps3 only (BTW... PS2 still sells now and it seem it have some sort of support!).. So this new summer release dosnt show anything...

nukeitall4306d ago


"Sony has a history of supporting their older systems past the new one. They won't abandon the platform like Nintendo did with the Wii or how Microsoft did with the Xbox. Nintendo knew the Wii was in a huge decline, both the Xbox 360 and PS3 are still selling fairly well."

You mean like the PSP Go? How they promised day and date release of digital games of retail and barely ever did? How many games aren't available? How they essentially canned support for it way too early?

I would be pissed if I paid $250 for a PSP Go, got very poor support after empty promises, overpaid for the unit, got very few games to play and then got slapped in the face with even poorer support by Sony pulling the unit.

As far as I can tell, all manufacturers pull support when it isn't profitable to support it. If you want long term support, you are probably better off on PC, but don't spout nonsense. Sony is no more of a saint than MS or Nintendo.

Everything so far points to a PS4 release and an abrupt cut off for PS3.

dafegamer4306d ago

@torchic dont you mean Killzone Mercenery or am i missing something?

Tei7774305d ago (Edited 4305d ago )

But why would we know PS3's holiday 2013 line up in 2012?

None of the games that came out this fall were announced before 2012. not saying that ps4 ain't coming next year (although I don't think it should), just think that the release date for The Last of Us isn't saying much. Their current line up takes them up to september (with puppeteer and Beyond), all they need is one more title to be announced for november 2013 (The Last Guardian? Killzone 4 or guerilla's new IP) and you have an incredible line up which is arguably the best the ps3 has ever had. And before anyone dismisses the Last Guardian, sony wouldn't reaffirm its progress multiple times in the last few months if it wasn't on its way. It would be wise to launch ps4 sometime in 2014 and let the ps3 shine next year. Also this way the ps4 could actually launch with next gen games like Dragon 3 and not just current gen ports.

DigitalRaptor4305d ago (Edited 4305d ago )

Most of Sony's major exclusives will have released by the first half of 2013. But then like you said, there's games that are still to be released late 2013 and probably an overflow of exclusive games into 2014. Games that we have been waiting years for and will most likely not be coming out worldwide next year - 2 of those are The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Then there's the stuff that will released by developers who want to take advantage of the PS3's position as a cheaper and more popular console as the more family oriented marketing is put out there, as well as the fact that PS4 development will be too expensive for some, and they can make more back on cheaper PS3 dev cost.

@ nukeitall

I have to question why you're seemingly always going against the grain on these topics and going against what is overwhelming logic. I remember a few articles back you said you thought that Sony were incapable of releasing a PS4 alongside MS because of their financial situation, their focus on first party (even though most will be released by E3), and the "fact" that Sony definitely, definitely aren't going to improve their PSN for next gen (LOL). Now it seems, because the mass majority on here are saying that PS4 will release soon with support continuing for PS3, you're using an isolated SKU of PSP to determine that Sony will "cut off" PS3 support.

Here's just a LITTLE bit of logic for you. PSP go was a market test for them. Not saying that is a positive thing and Sony are no angels when it comes to random decisions like this, but the thing wasn't selling so they stopped support for it as an isolated SKU. Poor guys who invested in one, but you'd have to have been a short-sighted consumer to pick one up so early when Sony hadn't even fully established themselves in digital like they have as of now.

PS3 is still selling and will continue to sell (just like the 360 will). I'm basing this off their position with PS2 when PS3 came out. I have no doubt that they'll do the same family focused marketing to push more units going into their 10th year and beyond. A price cut coming along with that when PS4 comes out only seems logical. PS3 has been profitable since at least 2010 and so you believe they will cut support based on PSP go? Profitability gives them no reason to cut off support so there goes your belief there.

On the article itself get2sammyb posted:
"Sony's able to really extend the life of its platforms because it has longer distribution arms than both Microsoft and Nintendo. It's easy for the company to sell PS3 in emerging markets like India. Also, it sounds like the PS3 is going to finally launch in China, which could be huge."

True that.

And like I mentioned above there are still games that will be released that we've been waiting for going into 2014.

"Everything so far points to a PS4 release and an abrupt cut off for PS3."

Tell me what you consider "everything" to be, cause i'm not seeing where your providing it. So yeah, you're either not seeing all the details or only in this to troll.

Outside_ofthe_Box4305d ago (Edited 4305d ago )


He does it again. I can no longer take this guy seriously. He obviously has an agenda.

***"Everything so far points to a PS4 release and an abrupt cut off for PS3."***

How? You seriously think that Sony is going just cut production of the PS3 as soon as the PS4 releases? LOL!

You need to stop letting your hate for Sony and your insecurity for whenever someone says anything slightly negative against Microsoft, from seeing reality.

You even said it yourself; "all manufacturers pull support when it isn't profitable to support it."

So that goes against your "everything points to PS4 release" (LOL not too long ago you was going on about how Sony is too poor to release a system along side MS) and "abrupt PS3 cut off" notion. The PS3 is doing great for Sony right now. It would not make sense for them to abruptly stop selling PS3's next fall if the PS4 does indeed come out next year. Using your "PSP GO" argument holds no water when it comes to the PS3 and you know it, but you keep on bringing it up for some reason, which I guess is to just troll.

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princejb1344306d ago

i really hope its released on ps3 and not on ps4
to keep it realistic, i dont buy any next gen consoles to about 2 years down the line

stage884306d ago

I don't normally buy a console until it's second year but this won't be happening with the PS4. I'm buying it day 1 for certain.

Dno4305d ago (Edited 4305d ago )

then if you dont buy consoles for 2 years then you have to wait for 2 years to play the game.

I dont want to suffer a bad lineup of ports. there will be a lot of people getting ps4 day one and we want games for it.

bobshi4305d ago

So because you are too poor to buy a new console on day 1, everyone else has to suffer?

Well that seems fair.

princejb1344305d ago


how exactly are you suffering dude?
is a game not your life line

i could buy a console day 1 but just like any technology, usually there are bugs so i wait it out until the bugs are fixed

and when a console is released the game line ups aren't at its best until a year or 2 down the line

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shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4306d ago (Edited 4306d ago )

Beyond will probably be good. But I don't see it as a top xmas seller.

I want ps4 and planetside 2.

BitbyDeath4306d ago (Edited 4306d ago )

Beyond : Two Souls was said to be scheduled for the first quarter of 2013 at E3 this year. Many predict February.

Tei7774305d ago

Recent progress reports from the David Cage pretty much dismiss a Q1/Q2 release date.

wastedcells4306d ago

The last guardian Xmas 2013???? Maybe.

Ryo-Hazuki4306d ago

Sony released God of War 2 on PS2 3 to 4 months after PS3 launched. This release date points to PS4 next fall

yeahokchief4306d ago

Yeah I think they'll announce it in 2013, but won't release it until 2014. Still too much good stuff with the PS3 to be had.

8bitHero4306d ago

i cant wait for the last of us and the puppet game! those 2 look freaking awesome.

HorrorGod4306d ago

Who knows, they may have said Beyond: Two Souls was PS3, but it doesn't mean it couldn't suddenly be a PS4 title

Cam9774306d ago

Next year looks unspeakably amazing for games.
In 2013 we have:
• Grand theft auto: V
• The Last Of Us
• Beyond: Two Souls
• DARK SOULS 2!!!!!!!!!!!
• Tomb Raider
• And many more, feel free to enlighten me on more brilliant games due next year.

brew4305d ago

God of War Ascension
Watch Dogs
Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

DeadlyFire4306d ago

Either way first batch of new console shipments should include BC from the start for at least 1st/2nd year of next game consoles shipped.

nevercloser074305d ago

This will probably get ignored but Sony's fiscal year ends July 31st, so this would fill the coffers a bit before the end of their fiscal year.

Just another possibility.

Tetsujin4305d ago

At this point, which will happen first; vs13 or PS4?

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wishingW3L4306d ago

and God of War Ascension's coming in March... It seems all the games are coming before the summer. Weird.... ;)

TristanV14306d ago

God of War always launches on march

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Drops To Best Price Yet Alongside More Great PS5 Game Deals

PlayStation's Back to School sale includes big discounts on a bunch of PS5 exclusives, including Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

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just_looken54d ago

spiderman 2 $40 from $70 so it's priced right now as a expansion pack like MM.,

andy8554d ago

Pretty decent expansion pack then saying i got 30-40 hours out if it.

just_looken54d ago

I can get 30hours out of a job outside does not mean it was good.

But i know no matter what i post or prove people love there nerfed spiderman or playing as a blind person for 5 hours then mary jane shehulk for another 12hours.

I am so glad today's "gamer" was not around for the ps3/360 era these new gamers are way to easy to please and have killed gaming.

andy8554d ago

It was good though. Are you actually saying it wasn't a good game? And blind? The person you play as was deaf and it was 10 mins not 5 hours. Doesn't seem like you've even played it by that comment. And MJ was...30 mins at most? Not sure how you get 40 mins into 17 hours exactly

CobraKai54d ago


I’ve been playing since the Sega Master System. I love Spiderman 2. There’s too much going for it to be a simple expansion pack. I felt Miles Morales could fall into the expansion pack range.

If you didn’t like it, it’s fine. That’s what’s great about opinions, there are no wrong ones, just different ones.

StormSnooper53d ago

You guys have to understand, they don’t have anything even close to it on his preferred system. There is a whole psychology behind his comment.

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pwnmaster300054d ago (Edited 54d ago )

lol I was in the ps3/360 era and spider man 2 would of been a massive hit still.

Please don’t try to represent us gamers from that time. You are not a good example, always complaining and being negative lol.

CobraKai54d ago

I mean, it’s New York. You can’t exactly change the map.

It sounds like you’re hard to please vs gamers being easy to please. You mentioned great games. Games whose sequels had very similar gameplay with each other with very minimal changes or upgrades.

Im with pwnmaster. Don’t speak for us. It sounds like probably only started gaming from PS360 era.

Rebel_Scum54d ago

Peter Parker lives in New York, where else do you expect the map to be?

Using the same map/location is not a problem.

On topic: In my region the base game is $80. Still not low enough for me to dive in. Not that Im in a rush. Havent even finished the 1st one’s dlc yet.

just_looken54d ago

The map still has asset's buildings the the first game its like madden yeah same stadium but can you change that madden 14 logo?

Not to mention they never added shield basses basically unique interiors you can explore off missions or add in jersey.

pwnmaster300054d ago

Sony pony??
Are you a child? Lmao

Just stop man. It’s embarrassing.
We can like games and not be a fanboy.
Gaming shouldn’t be taken this serious. Relax lol

just_looken54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

"lol I was in the ps3/360 era and spider man 2 would of been a massive hit still.

Please don’t try to represent us gamers from that time. You are not a good example, always complaining and being negative lol. "

You come at me calling me a bad example talking like this game is gods gift to us and on any sony article you defend them no matter what.

But now i am a child? what because i used logic again this site you throw facts at people they cry to the admins to get me off here again or play the victim card.

pwnmaster300054d ago (Edited 54d ago )

Lmao gods gift to us what. I said it would have been a massive hit not a perfect game. It’s a good game get over it.

And this is why I said what I said.
“ But i know no matter what i post or prove people love there nerfed spiderman or playing as a blind person for 5 hours then mary jane shehulk for another 12hours.”

And you’re still proving me right. God forbid people like a certain game.
And BS about me on every sony article defending them. I like games and praised every games I

“ But now i am a child? what because i used logic again this site you throw facts at people they cry to the admins to get me off here again or play the victim card.”

Your opinions are not facts and the fact you think they are is sad. Step off video games for awhile.

just_looken54d ago

Na its fine you go ahead belive 200 million dollars makes sense for 1 game when 80 created a trilogy on 360.

I live without blinders unlike others.

pwnmaster300054d ago (Edited 54d ago )

“I live without blinders unlike others.“
🤣😂🤣 thanks for the laugh. Have a good night brother. Fight that good fight your fighting.

repsahj54d ago

Saddest Xbox loyalist on N4G. XD

StormSnooper53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

He is a duplicate account. He changes names to get a new lease on life and people would respond to him. Sad indeed.

MetroidFREAK2153d ago

Definitely more than an expansion pack... the Miles Morales game from 2020 is that... ya silly goose

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Neil Druckmann: Philosopher gamer behind 'The Last of Us'

who is now the sole leader of Naughty Dog, “I promise you, we will not be ‘The Last of Us’ studio forever.” Numerous games, he said, are in the works, including “multiple single-player projects.

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Lightning77111d ago

I know he has a celebrity like status but unless he's announcing his game soon idc what he has to say from this point on.

We need announcement something from him.

Crows90110d ago

The dude is a nobody. He's also wrong. Naughty dog is the uncharted and Jak daxter studio.

They only made one universally praised last of us game. They're not know as "the last of us studio" but they are currently known as the "remake" studio.

Lightning77110d ago

I like his games tbh I'm just more upset at the fact that he's been talking and talking and not showing anything. I'm an actual fan of his work, don't cars if that's that's a popular take or not.

If he has nothing to show or talk about. I don't care about his interviews, his red carpet appearances or what's next for last Of Us 2 TV, leave that to Hollywood. You don't see SP, Bend, or any other studio doing what he's doing. They're remaining quiet and focused as most PS studios do. He should do the same. The next thing I wanna hear him say is "now heres our game" we know that probably won't be for another year or so, so he needs to remain silent and stay out of the limelight for awhile.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash109d ago

You are wrong. LOU2 won a lot of GOTY and was highly rated. It's okay to dislike the game but saying that ND just made one critical acclaimed LOU game is just hating at this point.

rippermcrip110d ago

Kind of a weird interview. No substance, hardly any questions. It's almost like they forgot to post the whole thing or something.

neomahi110d ago

Oh brother...... It's like a balloon filling with helium. He's got nothing new to say. Naughty Dog went from being a studio of numerous developers to being about him and what HE does. Bruce Straley was the co-creator of The Last of Us, and he left--I think for the same reason Christophe Balestra left and since then, Naughty Dog haven't been the same. PlayStation is incredibly woke, as all businesses seem to be these days, ignorant to what's really going on sacrificing the greater for peanuts, but I think they left because of the uprising political atmosphere. They knew there was nothing they could do about it and an attempt to try and combat it, in today's society would end them up in legal trouble so, they just left, what else can you do when the opposition behaves like a child, screams and yells louder than you want to in raged fits, and will throw lawsuits at you at whatever chance they can, but you don't play that way, so they left. And Naughty Dog hasn't been the same since.

Naughty Dog was huge at one time! They were the underdog that became the top dog but, the direction it's fine, just watch and wait. It's ego, and Druckmanns ego of thinking they're untouchable and can just coast along, will drop them rock bottom, in due time, they could see the same fate as Xbox's teams met. Fans will turn on Naughty Dog because A) Naughty Dog aren't producing, they're not what they once were.
B) Gamers ARE growing tired of the woke culture overtaking their lifetime hobby. They're just more silent about it, it's the quiet cool

anast110d ago

Non of this makes sense. I would like to think you didn't spend too much time writing it.

Crows90110d ago

I hope you didn't spend much time obviously you didnt understand it. But that's okay. There's many other comments to read...

MIDGETonSTILTS17110d ago

You project your own views on the world, and that is a mistake.

Crows90110d ago you project someone else view on the world? What are you talking about?! We all project our view on the world lol...smh

anast109d ago

It's called perspective. I understand that. But I don't understand the poster.

smashman98110d ago

you know it's not his fault that people are interested in what he says, right?

Also, Naughty Dog is bigger than ever.

Crows90110d ago

Smaller....where's their last big game? Yeah...I remember when they were actually releasing heavy hitters.

smashman98108d ago

@Crows90 It was in 2020 and despite what a vocal minority says it was critically acclaimed and the 2020 game of the year. Not only that but The Last of Us is also a critically acclaimed television series and PlayStation's most successful foray into Film and TV yet.

So yes, Naughty Dog is bigger than ever, and just because you don't vibe with them or whatever does not change that fact.

anast110d ago

He's a solid theatre arts person, but he's not a philosopher. Being good at one thing doesn't mean he's Descartes.

DarXyde110d ago

I believe that philosophers are more principled than Druckmann, to be honest. It's fascinating that The Last of Us Part II was literally inspired by the Israel-Palestine conflict and was a needed commentary on humanity and ending the cycle of violence, only to have some questionable commentary after 7 October.

I don't hate the guy as some others seem to. He's been a big part of some great games, but I'll never understand the obsession with hanging on all of his statements.

Chard110d ago (Edited 110d ago )

That's a good point in relation to 7 Oct - a far more important issue where valid criticisms could have been made of this guy, but most here seem thoroughly distracted by trivial issues

anast109d ago


Like all artists he has a signature. People that have an agenda will try to look for that signature and use it. This is why a lot of "journalist/game influencers" hang on every word. Most of us just enjoy his work and get hyped when he mentions something about a possible new game.

"a far more important issue where valid criticisms could have been made of this guy"

Which is?

MIDGETonSTILTS17110d ago

Sony should try and stay radio silence outside of hard reveals.

It’s painful to wait for any info at all, but it’s less painful than skimming an interview that avoids all details whatsoever.

Commit to radio silence, Sony. You can afford to leverage the trust in gaming output that you’ve cultivated.

anast109d ago

That wouldn't be a smart decision. There must be a constant stream of connection in today's world.

MIDGETonSTILTS17107d ago

When a constant stream of connection delays a game 1-2 years, and said games take 5 years to make anyways…. Sony fans are better off trusting Sony to deliver than expecting frequent confirmation.

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The Sounds of the Fireflies ("The Last of Us") concert kicks-off on April 28th, 2024

"The Game Music Foundation are today very proud and pleased to announce an additional concert, circling back to the roots of Game Muisic Festival in Poland. On April 28th, 2024, the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw will once again become a place to celebrate the art of video game music, featuring scores from The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II." - The Game Music Foundation.

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