
Exactly How Does the PlayStation Vita Have "No Games?"

SuperPhillip Central writes, "A common statement among some gamers is that Sony's struggling handheld, the PlayStation Vita, lacks software, even going as far as saying it has zero in the way of competent games. Of course, a lot of these people are simply trolling, but the idea that the Vita is starving for content is simply a falsehood. I would like to back the falsehood statement with some games that prove that the Vita does, in fact, carry a rather robust library of software."

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RaikRhythm4252d ago

Don't forget about Ragnarok Odyssey. Soul Sacrifice will be coming soon as well.

ritsuka6664252d ago

I enjoyed Gravity Rush as much as anyone, but if Sony wanted this thing to sell they needed bigger guns. They needed a Monster Hunter, a Metal Gear, and they needed a new Final Fantasy akin to Crisis Core.Here we are coming up on a year since Vita launched and I can only think of two games coming for it in the next 6 months, Sly 4 and Ratchet. That's not good news for Vita.

AcidKill4251d ago

I can help you think of more Vita games coming in next 6 months.. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus, DOA 5 Plus.

You're Welcome.

GillHarrison4251d ago

All ports, I think he meant new games. The best game I own on the Vita is Persona 4... which is also a port.

Soldierone4251d ago

So tired of "its just ports" comments. Why did that suddenly become a bad thing? With PSP it was "I wish it could play the actual games, not these spin offs!" Now you get it and it becomes "well its just a port" Really? Do you see these "ports" on your phone? no. its a technological advancement and you can't appreciate it.

and the OP says "needed" instead of "needs" so what Vita is dead now? ....

Godchild10204251d ago

You are clearly forgetting all those Japanese only releases. The Vita has games coming out and where the system needs the most help at, is in Japan.

The year is not even over, wait until next year to say there is nothing coming in the next 6 months.

gamerpiggy4251d ago

Japanese system sellers are usually simply niche titles in the states. Saying that the Vita lacks a big system seller is not putting forth any kind of agenda: it's simply the truth. No one is saying that good Vita games don't exist, but ritsuka is correct in saying that a killer app doesn't.

Godchild10204251d ago

@Gamerpiggy, I never said he was wrong about the Vita needing a system selling game or two.

I was just pointing out that there are more than the two games he points out, that are coming out in through next 6 months.

Agheil4251d ago

Did people forget about Killzone:Mercenary & Tearaway?

Ryo-Hazuki4251d ago

Persona 4 and PS Plus are system sellers to me. Looking forward to Soul Sacrifice and Teraway next year

JoGam4251d ago (Edited 4251d ago )

Dude stop fishing.

SamPao4251d ago

They need the big guns of those 3rd parties, thats all. The games are great, ABSOLUTELY great! but there is still no GTA und stuff. I DONT CARE ABOUT THOSE GAMES, because for me the VITA is perfect and sony is doing a great job.
but to sell more, they need them..

Wolfbiker4250d ago

There is Metal Gear and FF Type-0 'should' make its way over here.

Maybe consumer ignorance is the Vita's biggest issue.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4250d ago
sdozzo4251d ago

It's not the number but the type and quality of the games.

gamerpiggy4251d ago

Maybe in terms of the quality of the console, but not necessarily in sales. The DS has, what, 7 games that Metascored over 90? I'm not saying a Metascore is an objective standard, but it's not a bad comparison to make.

strigoi8144251d ago

First: they complain about the dual analog sticks (sony introduce vita)
Second: they complain about price and memory card not included (sony give a bundle with 4gb memory)
Third: they complain about vita has no games(sony gave you shooter,racing rpg,platform,fighting and even Augmented reality gaming..and now im loaded with psvita games and psp that i cant finish
????? Whats next people whats next?? you people seems unsatisfied..my goodness

oONinjavitiSOo4251d ago

Pretty sure that the people that complain about the ps vita don't even own one. Sure there are some owners with valid complaints. But as a whole the people that don't have one complain and say there are no games. Gamers this gen.....what a joke!

tubers4251d ago

Lastly: They lost again to Nintendo (PSP vs DS)

Wolfbiker4250d ago

If selling 70+ million consoles is "losing" I'll take a loss every time.

Dark114251d ago

The Vita need good exclusives like
castlevania mirror of fate , resident evil revelations etc

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199d ago Replies(4)
Barlos199d ago

Forget Gravity Rush movie, give us another GR game!

porkChop199d ago

I didn't even know a movie was coming. If they can get the visuals and everything right I'll watch it.

Barlos199d ago

I didn't either, until this article. I'm also surprised, since GR was a commercial flop. Seems weird that they'd want to invest money into making it into a film.

I think the games are great though, especially on Vita. I think the move to PS4 killed the experience a little, but I'd still like to see a new one.

1Victor199d ago

I didn’t know it was in development ether but it makes sense after they saw the first doctor strange movie and the far from home fight, if it’s like that’s it’s going to be one of those Oscar nominees

Cacabunga199d ago

GR movie and shutting Japan Studio.. so stupid

porkChop199d ago


Oh yeah... Well there goes any hope for a new game. Shuttering Japan Studio was a really bad decision.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 199d ago
purple101199d ago

Surely you’d think if the movie is coming so is another game

And I couldn’t be happier.

Only played the demo of gr2 but let me say it’s one of the most artistic and inventive new games. Ps5 will power gr3 to new heights
Fingers crossed

Made my day hearing this.

Finally, something innovative

Redemption-64199d ago

GR2 flopped, which would they make a new game? A movie has more appeal and a successful hit at the bix office, could lead to a new game for the franchise

ChasterMies199d ago

Ok, I’ll stop sitting on Gravity Rush 2. It’s been in my library for only 8 years.

Chocoburger199d ago

Play Gravity Rush Remastered first if you haven't already, the stories are linked together. GR 2 is a fantastic game, it has a lot of stuff to see and do. In fact I have purposefully not completed the game 100% because I simply didn't want the game to end. I still have some trophies to collect, and a whole free story DLC chapter to play through.

Gravity Rush 3 would be amazing! But the team that made parts 1 and 2 were shut down, so I don't expect it to happen. This was Jim Ryan's biggest sin of all, shutting down PlayStation Japan Studios. What a shame.

FinalFantasyFanatic199d ago

Why not both? I really like the games and was disappointed we didn't get a third game to finish off the story, but I wouldn't mind a movie either if it's well done. Maybe it'll drum up enough interest to get us that third game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 199d ago
gold_drake199d ago

damn that is aaalot of ppl

id rather have another Gravity Rush game than a movie tbh

DarXyde199d ago

Same. This series really resonates with my gaming spirit. I love these games so much that I got four platinums out of two games. I was always dreading that we would never get another game after Japan Studio's closure, but I'm feeling hopeful in them not giving up on the franchise with this move. My guess is that they're going to use this as a funding point

MrNinosan199d ago

That is the same amount as daily loading screens... never mind

199d ago Replies(2)
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