
GDC 2008: Postal 3 Impressions by FiringSquad

FiringSquad saw a very early version of Postal III running on a PC laptop at E3 last July. This new demo was running on a Xbox 360 dev kit and looks much better than the E3 build. Postal II had a lot of visual in-jokes and this new build of Postal III continues that trend with a ton of....let's just say adult sight gags. FiringSquad got to see an early training mission (Postal III will have a number of linear missions before letting the player enter the large open world portion of the game). The Postal Dude enters a employment agency and sees a listing for an environmental disposal expert. That basically means cleaning up a certain type of mess at a porn shop. Needless to say, Postal III is aiming for an "M" rating and its also likely to offend the easily offended.

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MK_Red6061d ago

Awesome find and preview. Postal 3 is gonna be uber awesome. GOTY 2009 confirmed.


Postal 3: When Does Delisting Games Matter?

Justin from NoobFeed writes - Games like Postal 3 sometimes get delisted and disappear forever, but is this something that actually matters when the game is bad?

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Inverno671d ago (Edited 671d ago )

It's about preservation. Doesn't matter how bad the game, the movie, the book, the history was. It has to be archived, so that 10 years from now we can be like "oh yeah, this shite exists" and then again in 50 then 100 and then we can be like "this was what they were doing 100 years ago, how interesting"


Review: Postal 3 (New Gamer Nation)

The Postal games have always been somewhat of a mixed bag in terms of how they are received. The first two were not masterpieces by a long shot, but they have somewhat of a cult following. In case you haven't heard of the series before let’s bring you up to date, that's if you haven't already clicked off after realizing this wasn't a review for Portal 3. The first Postal game was released back in 1997 by American developer Running With Scissors (previously Riedel Software Productions of Spy vs Spy fame). A 3D isometric violent shooter that put you in the shoes of The Postal Dude, a guy pretty down on his luck that wants to slaughter everyone in town with a wide-array of weapons, it was pretty extreme at the time. The sequel released 6 years later, now a first-person affair in an open-world. Again as The Postal Dude, it's more of same except there were objectives added in the form of chores, such as buying milk from the grocery store or picking up your paycheck from work, and you could choose to go about it as a decent, upstanding citizen or you could just cause mass chaos. Anyway, while both games weren’t reviewed by critics too well, they were particularly fun for what they were.

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Postal III Review - Gaming Nexus

From the review: "The Postal series of games have been primarily known for the controversy caused by their extreme levels of violence, disregard for graphic content, and exploitation of stereotypes. With the change from the Unreal to the Source engine, Running with Scissors had a chance to take the franchise beyond the simple foundations of bad humor and shocking imagery of past games. Unfortunately, Postal III continues in the tradition of its predecessors by containing generic gameplay, off-color humor, and an assortment of bugs that hinder the overall experience."

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