
Largest Medal of Honor community site shuts down after 'rushed' Warfighter release

PSU writes: "Today the directors of the Medal of Honor Headquarters (MOHHQ), the official community site for Electronic Art's Medal of Honor series, released the news that they will be shutting the doors at MOHHQ."

shackdaddy4316d ago

I really wish EA would get their act together with MoH. I remember having such a wonderful time playing Allied Assault years ago...

Kyosuke_Sanada4315d ago

Frontline and PS One Classics for me. It's like watching a one legged dog dig it's own grave now......

jjb19814315d ago

Or like watching a cat cover his poo on the sidewalk...

d0nT wOrrY4315d ago (Edited 4315d ago )

Oohh Allied Assault is one of the BEST FPS I've ever
played. Me and my friends arranged a LAN game last week and we had a blast..
Long life MOHAA.

GearSkiN4315d ago

This better be a lesson to bf4 also if they release it next year...

banjadude4315d ago

To me Allied Assault was/is the best... EVER (of the entire MOH series).

BattleAxe4315d ago

Medal of Honor was great in the PSOne days, and Medal of Honor: Frontline is a classic, but I also loved Medal of Honor: Airborne. Seeing as how nobody is really making WW2 shooters anymore, I really think EA should capitalize on that niche part of the market. They need to put a seriously large budget behind the next game, otherwise they shoulnd't even bother.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4315d ago
Majin-vegeta4316d ago

Stupid EA when will you learn stop going after the 12 year olds at COD and go back to making MOH awesome.

DeadlyFire4315d ago (Edited 4315d ago )

Its better to remember the good days and let MoH die I believe. EA can't do anything with it. Scrap MoH and build sequels off the title BLACK! That would work out much better.

Mocat4315d ago

So you would rather have them ruin another good game, just let Black be a good memory

bubblebeam4315d ago

Black has not aged well at all. Trust me. It was a great game graphically, but let down in the game-play and story department.

I'd rather they just made a new IP, as Black didn't really have a memorable plot and characters. It was a good game last gen, and that's all.

Hufandpuf4316d ago

If I worked at EA and read that statement, I'd be really depressed.

TimNunes4315d ago

From the way that things have gone, I highly doubt that the guys at EA are really looking at consumer opinions on the matter...

emartini4315d ago

I honestly thought the MOH 2010 outings multiplayer was a whole lot of fun. But then again Dice made the MP for MOH that year. I thought Warfighter had a pretty good campaign but awful Multiplayer.

mcstorm4315d ago

Ive not played this game but I had the last MoH and I really enjoyed it. The game was not the best game I have ever played but it was a fun game and MP was fun to.

I tried the beta of this game and could not get into it and did not bother picking this game up.

I think EA should drop MoH again until later on next gen and look at building on the BF name and release this game every 2 years with DLC over the 2 years to keep the game going.

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knifefight2974d ago

Doom 2 was the one that opened me up to the genre. Still love it.

lastking952974d ago (Edited 2974d ago )

Halo ce
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 4
Before i liked halo
007 goldeneye
Doom 2
Crysis 3

NukaCola2974d ago (Edited 2974d ago )

Killzone 2
Turok 2
Medal of Honor
Time Splitters
007 Agent Under Fire

robtion2974d ago (Edited 2974d ago )

Old school would be Wolfenstein, Doom, Hexen, Duke Nukem, and Rise of the Triad.

More recently Half-Life 2, BioShock (original), Wolfenstein the new order, Timesplitters 2, Medal of Honour.

Some personal favourites Singularity, Resistance series, Killzone Series, Bulletstorm, Dishonored.

Kallisti2974d ago (Edited 2973d ago )

Duke Nukem was a side scroller on Dos

@robition Duke Nukem wasn't a FPS 'til the 3rd one, Duke Nukem 3D

robtion2973d ago

Sure. Talking about FPS's here though.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash2974d ago


robtion2973d ago

Great concept(Nectar) and fun but a bit of an iffy execution and didn't live up to its promise. I finished it at launch. Shame they didn't quite get it right.


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Stupid3029d ago

Assassin's Creed series was ruined after Black Flag, Ubisoft made it annually game. I played Dead Space 1 and 2; were awesome but Dead Space 3 failed to make gosip. As MOH Warfighter was good game

NukaCola3029d ago

Black Flag was the redeemer after 3. ACIV is my favorite of the series. Unity was bad, Syndicate is actually pretty good. So they are up and down. As for Dead Space, I thought the original was like Uncharted series. The first one was a great story and a little rough, but #2 was incredible through and through. Uncharted 3 is awesome, unfortunately DS3 was indeed a terrible terrible game. Warfighter was a good game, but aren't we all burned out on shooters???

Stupid3029d ago

That's right Assassin's Creed series had awesome games till AC Black Flag, AC III was terrible

monkeyDzoro3029d ago

I disagree on AC Black Flag. Black Flag was a good PIRATE game but a very mediocre AC.

3029d ago
CoNn3r_B3029d ago

I preferred Revelations over Brotherhood. AC Brotherhood had such a boring story while AC Revelations tied everything up very well for Ezio and Altair, if I was going to pick a game where it all started going downhill for me it would be AC 3 but despite that AC 1,2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 4, Rogue and Syndicate are all good games.

RondoMachete3029d ago

Lost Planet as far as I remember went like dead space with the third game (round based type play) it just felt like it was just a map clearing game with multiple horde survival. Call Of duty went and died long ago. Ghosts didn't help its cause but now we have three development houses it's going from bad to worse. GTA to me anyway was saved with five to me the driving up until then was awful. Mario and sonics died along time ago to in my eyes.

Bobafret3029d ago

These titles get worse and worse.