
NiGHTS Into Dreams Review | Worth Playing

Worth Playing: "The XBLA port of NiGHTS is basically a poor man's version of the original. While it's technically the same game, the lack of proper analog control makes the HD version a historical curiosity rather than a must-play experience. If you have the means, track down a Saturn copy along with the analog controller. You'll be glad you did."

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Backwards Compatible Game of the Week: NiGHTS into Dreams HD

It doesn't matter how diluted this version of NiGHTS into Dreams is. Technically, your Xbox One is emulating a last-gen, HD reworking of an import-only PS2 remake of a game that itself hasn't been cutting-edge since 1996… but it's still one of the best games ever made. Also my personal favourite game of all time.

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PancakeLova3074d ago

Not bad. Gamesradar is usually associated with dumpsters though.


NiGHTS Into Dreams: 1001 Games You Must Play Before You Die

If Sonic is the quintessential representation of speed in video games then Nights is the same, but for flying, a true classic and again from Sonic team. Nights has a very arcade feel, yet just enough story to make you interested on that side to, but its all about the flying, the fun and the tricks and you traverse dreams and fantasy.. oh and the boss battles

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Nights: Into The Abyss

Nights: Into Dreams sequel Nights: Journey of Dreams and the unholy abyss it sank into. Oh Sega, Sega, Sega! I share my thoughts about the current franchise and how its potential sank like the Titanic.

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MultiConsoleGamer3733d ago

I bought a Sega Saturn just to play the original Nights.

QThornton3733d ago

And I thought I was the only one to do that as well. Thanks for enjoying my piece on Nights. I really love the original so I'm just hoping we get a new entry into the franchise for next-gen. Do you think there will be another game?

MultiConsoleGamer3733d ago

God I hope so! But you never know with Sega. They'd probably make it a mobile title.


FriedGoat3733d ago

I bought the Nights controller first, and then the saturn!

TheEnigma3133733d ago

I just bought Nights on steam the other day for $2.50.

TheRacingX3733d ago

That seems to be the problem with SEGA, they never handle their IP's and characters properly, they could breathe life into so many great IP's....I would love to see a new or reboot of Biohazard Battle, Congo Bongo, Nights, Panzer Dragoon, Jet set radio, Shenmue, Grandia, Ecco, Mr.Bones, Shinobi, Ristar, virtual on was one of my favorites...to play with the twin sticks was frantic.

MrKingofVideoGames3733d ago

I bought the original Nights on release day and still have the pillow case that came as a bonus for doing so. It was the last game to even broach the possibility of being a true "Mario killer" (and to think the Mario it was up against was Mario 64...). The sequel is a bit of a downer but I did play through it, the game does have some decent qualities(I think the Guardian Heroes "sequel" on the GBA was actually a bigger travesty). @TheRacingX don't forget Bug and Clockwork Knight, and Eternal Champions, too... At least the new Virtua Fighter titles have been good.

QThornton3733d ago

I did not catch the promo with the pillow case unfortunately. Lol. Yes the Virtua Fighters games are pretty good still. I have Virtua Fighter 4 on xbox 360.

Nerdmaster3733d ago

I played the original NiGHTS and its sequel, and I still think that NiGHTS doesn't deserve the praise it gets. Even the original game, that gets so much praise, is not a bad game, but it's not as great as people say it is.

QThornton3733d ago

I can respect that. Around the time the original Nights game came out, there wasn't another game that I knew about that was like that. It was completely different and I was probably in middle school when I got that game. I figure if people have first played it less than 5 - 8 years ago, they probably would not like it much.