
BioWare Mythic Changes its Name...Again

Bioware Mythic has gone through a lot of changes. When purchased by Bioware in 2009, their name shifted to "BioWare Mythic". Now, three years later, the studio is simply known as "Mythic."

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2013 Best & Worst Game Companies to Work For By Employee Reviews

Examining 46 game companies based on their employee feedback - people who have an insiders' view of exactly what goes on behind closed doors and can offer some brutally honest assessments of what it's like to work for the giants of video gaming.

Surprises include EA's overall and work/life balance ratings, and Riot's unprecedented CEO rating.

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4009d ago

Current platform proliferation is great for developers, says BioWare Mythic VP

The current proliferation of video gaming hardware, from consoles and mobile platforms to social network gaming, is the first to happen for the industry that is actually a great thing for developers, rather than a period that we need to survive.

This was one of the running themes of a Develop conference keynote from Eugene Evans, VP of EA's BioWare Mythic studio, during which he chronicled his 30 years in the industry from his Liverpool-based, computer magazine beginnings to his work at BioWare now.

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Bioware Mythic announcing new F2P game tomorrow

Bioware’s Mythic division (sounds like a cult, eh?) have just revealed that they will announce a game tomorrow. And it’s free to play.

The game will reportedly be based off an existing EA franchise and will have online capabilities. Nothing beyond that is known at the moment.

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