
When Vikings Attack Review | TheSixthAxis

"Most games portray a mass invasion in one of two ways. They either put you in the shoes of the one unlikely – but eventually all powerful – saviour of humanity or they put you in charge of the whole resistance. When Vikings Attack is a little different: it puts you in charge of a riot."

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August 2013 PlayStation Plus Free Games in Europe Reveal Likely This Week, Titles Teased

We made an (educated) guess on Friday when we said that the PlayStation Plus free games for August 2013 in Europe would be revealed this week, which Fred Dutton, SCEE Blog Manager, heavily hinted at by saying, “should be a little later this week.” He then went on to say that there’s a “great mix of genres this month, I think” and it’s a “nice varied line up.” - PSLS

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Community4086d ago
SythMoi4086d ago

Now what is your views on Free tp Play PS 4 or even XBOX one games ?

TrendyGamers4086d ago

It's more games....that are free.

s8anicslayer4086d ago

I hope the U.S store gets DMC!

minimur124086d ago


usually would be, but they've said so far we've got the one, the only Jet Set Radio for free

usually the games are the same though, minus Catherine on EU PS PLus the games are the same (Battlefeild 3, SR 3, Uncharted 3, LBP K, XCOM)

s8anicslayer4086d ago

@minimur12 I'd prefer DMC over JSR any day!

Roper3164086d ago

There is no such thing as f2p on the xbox because they are all behind the XBL paywall. Whereas f2p on PS3/PS4 will be just that and will excluded from the PS+ to be able to play.

Just another example of MS effing over their customers by charging for what it supposed to be free.

Yi-Long4086d ago

Well, vote with your wallets, which I'm sure many gamers will be doing...

.... which means they'll be getting a PS4 where you can enjoy those F2P games, among many other great benefits, instead of buying an Xbox One.

minimur124086d ago

what i love is how the World Of Tanks dev was at E3, showing off how awesome and happy he is with the X360 system

and in an interview post-E3 conference, he was pissed at how there was a paywall.

hkgamer4086d ago

not a big fan of free to play games, but i guess its better than not playing a game at all.

vigilante_man4085d ago

They are not normally my cup of tea but if they are free then they are worth a try.

Come on Microsoft - how can you charge people to play online in a free to play game? Do the decent thing and move them in front of the Paywall.

hkgamer4085d ago

I dont see the problem of needing live to play f2p.
I do see problem if you have to play subscription + live to play an mmo though. Same as Netflix or any other streaming service needing Live... Kinda annoying

Blastoise4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

Great update, PS+ keeps getting better

This is probably all true. Here's the leak I saw a while back, spot on so far


sashimi4086d ago

Little King's Story...IF that comes to NA PSN+ i'd buy the dlc!

minimur124086d ago

funny thing is i was plannin on getting DMC next month anyway, but I guess I'll wait till it's on PS Plus :D (if it's coming to US Plus that is)

MajorLazer4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

Only Spec Ops: The Line intrigues me, slightly and even then, I don't really like shooters. The others seem totally 'Meh!' and a bland month overall

superterabyte4086d ago ShowReplies(2)
Skate-AK4086d ago

Spec Ops is very underrated. Great story.

Williamson4086d ago

I hate what PS plus did to my HDD.... It used up the majority of my space. Just gotta figure out what to delete....

Minato-Namikaze4086d ago

Thing is like pacman to your HDD Space.

Lord_Sloth4086d ago

I usually do the Instal Shuffle. My uncle updated to a 1TB HDD which I intend to do within the next few weeks.

devwan4086d ago

Did the same thing, took a good few hours to backup and restore but well worth it!

minimur124086d ago

videos, game installs that you don't play (sometimes they amount to like 2-5GB, GT5 had 7)

also, bear in mind that if you delete a PS Plus game you don't play it is still in your DL list

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Best of Playstation Network vol. 1: PS3 Game Review- A Darker Image

Experience some of the PlayStation Network’s stand out hits in this amazing collection of titles for your PS3 system. Best of PlayStation Network, Vol.1 includes four hits from the PSN library.

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Community4101d ago
nosferatuzodd4101d ago (Edited 4101d ago )

Nice list but my list would be pixel junk monster, shooter ,echo chrome ,and
Super star dust.
oh and flower, I like weird games that's why I like Sony..

4101d ago
adarker4101d ago

True that! All of those are great titles (esp. Flower) but this is a good start to get folks feet wet.


Best of PlayStation Network, Vol. 1 Arrives This June

Soon, because on the 25th of June in the U.S. stores will land first compilation of the best games from PSN. The Best of PlayStation Network, Vol 1, because that is the name of the game will include When Vikings Attack!, Sound Shapes, Tokyo Jungle, and Fat Princess.

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Jinryo4140d ago
eferreira4140d ago

Pretty cool deal. I only own 2 of the 4 but will definitely pick this up on the cheap.