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Star Wars Ep 7 and the Future of LucasArts

With the recent announcement that Disney has bought out LucasFilm, and is now starting the process to make another installment into Star Wars universe with Episode 7, the Daily Reaction crew of Dan and Seb discuss the future of LucasArts, and the Star Wars brand.

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Community4346d ago
Foolsjoker4346d ago

I still can't believe I slept outside the theater to watch Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.

doctorstrange4346d ago

I still can't believe I slept with you for the other ticket.

Foolsjoker4346d ago

I really can't believe I've been forging tickets for this long and no one caught on.

doctorstrange4346d ago

I really can't believe I've been using split condoms for this long and no one caught on.

Pillage054346d ago

I can't believe it's not real butter...

SilentNegotiator4346d ago

I can't believe I was beaten to that butter substitute joke.

thorstein4345d ago

I can't believe there are people cracking jokes in the comments section of N4G.

pixelsword4345d ago (Edited 4345d ago )

I can't believe that you can't believe that people are doing jokes in the comments section, Thorstein.

...And that is why you fail.

Que Star Wars music.


Kran4345d ago

And guess what?

I can't believe I just broke the I cant believe chain. >:)

thorstein4344d ago

I really can't believe I got disagrees for cracking a joke.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4344d ago

I can't believe what dorks u guys are! lol :)

sertz4345d ago

Awesome. You guys just made my morning.

FamilyGuy4345d ago

This short back-an-forth was more entertaining than some of the articles here lol

Marquis_de_Sade4345d ago

Based on the quality of the average article as of late, that's not saying much

Jinkies4346d ago ShowReplies(1)
GTRrocker6664346d ago

I hope they make it about bounty hunters and not make it a damn kids movie.

Bimkoblerutso4346d ago

Are you trying to tell me that you DON'T want to see a SW movie starring the Binks?

Double_O_Revan4346d ago

The Binks starring Eddie Murphy, playing Every role.

shadow27974345d ago

Hate to break it to you, but they're all kids movies and always have been. The possible exception being Revenge of the Sith, but I can't imagine you want that to be the model for 7-9 over 4-6.

darren_poolies4345d ago

You do know that the rights were bought by Disney right? Plus they're kids movies anyway.

BlueEye4345d ago

Yeah the Avengers sure were child friendly! Only a few mass murders, giant scary monster or two, blood, drinking and a whole lot of awesome.

Nah there's not gonna be a war, it's about friendship and rainbows and sunshine and unicorn farts.

OhMyGandhi4345d ago

unicorn farts.
I would pay to see that movie.

Reverent4345d ago

Honestly. While I'm not a huge fan of Disney, They've handled Marvel perfectly fine, and odds are, Lucasarts will be no different. I think this is just another instance where people just wanna hate on things for unfair reasons. I can't tell you how many people like to say, "Oh, the Avengers sucked so bad!" Just because they think it will make them look cool to hate on it.

Flavor4345d ago

News flash, Star Wars is a fantasy about spaceships and magic. Go read American Psycho if you want entertainment for adults.

Reverent4345d ago (Edited 4345d ago )

Well... The magic was gone when George thought explaining the Force as a microscopic bacteria called midichlorians was a good idea. Yeah, it wasn't. :/

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Smokey4346d ago

I am soooo happy right now. Disney did a good job with Marvel i think they will do Star Wars good!!!! BTW the newer movies are not the worst thing except for jar jar but there has to be something there for fan to hate on(remember c3po anybody?). Fans are way too picky but then go see the movies on opening day and complain about it for the rest of their lives.

HowarthsNJ4346d ago

Disney didn't have much to do with Marvel's current success. It was planned long ago before the sale.

Smokey4346d ago

yeah good point but they are not planing to dismantle or plan on telling Marvel how to run their comic/movie department, is the point i meant to get across. Like or hate them Disney is a well run company for the most part.

Baka-akaB4346d ago (Edited 4346d ago )

They still could have interfered wich they havent yet . And so far they've mostly helped the comics division's revamp of their lines or keeping things more cohesive with their movies .

Only thing Marvel fans complain about right now , when it comes to disney , is their decision to axe their recent spider-man for a good but lackluster Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon , and to axe Avengers : Earth Mightiest Heroes , for a yet unreleased Avengers Assemble cartoon , supposed to be closer to the movie .

Yet even that would most likely have happened with Marvel left on their own . HArdly the first time they cancel critically praised cartoon series to try new things and gain more viewers

SilentNegotiator4346d ago (Edited 4346d ago )


The folks at Marvel are such morons when it comes to how they handle their cartoons.

shadow27974345d ago

Hold on, they axed Earth's Mightiest Heroes? Really? That's a horrible decision. Next you're going to tell me that DC canceled Young Justice.

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darthawesome904346d ago (Edited 4346d ago )

Here's to hoping that the new films are more like the original Star Wars Trilogy films.

I think the perfect way to begin the new films is with Timothy Zahn's Star Wars novels "The Thrawn Trilogy". The Thrawn trilogy constantly ranks in the top 100 science fiction novels of all time lists.

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20 Awesome Canceled Games You'll Never Get To Play

You can understand some games getting canceled, but these awesome looking games still baffle us to this very day.

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Community198d ago
-Foxtrot200d ago

"Tommy saving the planet from an army of aliens after they abducted him and his entire bar, with the game ending on the promise that Tommy would be back, but that promise was never fulfilled"

The thing is with the original Prey 2 that Tommy wasn't even the main character, they replaced him with some generic looking space bounty hunter. It was a refreshing change to see an awesome Native American character with ancestral like powers fight aliens yet they ditched him. It was only after an outcry they showed much later in a new preview that Tommy was in the game as an NPC.

I'd have prefered a real sequel with Tommy as the main character, literally picking right up from the originals ending.

As for Eight Days...Sony really needs to pick this up

If Amy Hennig was still at ND, I'd have loved to see her tackle it after what she did with Uncharted.

isarai200d ago (Edited 200d ago )

I thought that was awesome too, and honestly i wish people werent so damn critical about cultural variety in games. I feel like people try to ruin devs lives if even one detail is off about their culture in a game and so everyone is too scared to try anymore

isarai200d ago (Edited 200d ago )

One of the lead engine programmers for Prey 2 at Human Head was my programming instructor when i was taking game design. This game was in limbo at the time and we asked once and only once about this game, the misery in his eyes when he told us "this is the 1st and only time ill ask you to never ask me about that game" was something ill never forget😅 he used a couple assets through the curriculum for teaching purposes but nothing very tangible. Just a function here, a 3d prop there. Such a shame. Years later i saw him at a magic tournament, we caught up and he still thinks about that game and how it's "practically done" probably sitting on a drive somewhere

shinoff2183200d ago (Edited 200d ago )

Practically done? Jeez that fking blows because that looked much more interesting then what bethsada made. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the one bethsada made.

Lmno looked interesting.
I'd knock titanfall and fez off the list. Add something else. Scarface 2 man only if would've been awesome. Prey 2 should be higher to. Either way not a bad list. Out of 20 there's only 2 I'd hate on.

isarai200d ago

That gen got a lot of games canned right before the finish line. Cipher Complex, Battlefront 3, legacy of kain dead sun just to name a few

XiNatsuDragnel200d ago

Games that need to come out: Battlefront 3, 8 days, and timesplitter 4.

Skuletor198d ago

One that's not on the list is Killing Day, I remember seeing the trailer in 2005 and being impressed at the time. Being Ubisoft you know it would have been a AAAA game too, lol
2 Days to Vegas and The Getaway 3 are two other games that seemed promising but never came out.

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Exploring 'Star Wars: Imperial Ace' – A Hidden Gem in Mobile Gaming History

Revisit 'Star Wars: Imperial Ace,' the 2006 mobile game that brought immersive Star Wars space battles to the palm of your hand.

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Galactic Horror Reimagined: The Thrilling New 'Star Wars: Death Troopers' Game Demo

Dive into 'Star Wars: Death Troopers' game demo, a blend of sci-fi and horror, promising a unique, thrilling experience in a familiar galaxy.

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