
Legend of Spyro: Darkest Hour coming to the PS3

PSU Writes:

" Who is your favorite dragon that knows how to burn those sheep into nothing but crispy delight? Spyro without a doubt is the only one capable of being the answer to that very question.

EB Games and GameStop have officially started taking pre-orders for the lovable dragon for its upcoming title, Legend of Spyro: Darkest Hour. They currently have the listed price at $49.99 which happens to be $10 cheaper than usual retail launches. The game is expected to release in October, so you may be able to catch a glimpse of this title at the upcoming Game Developer Conference next week. "

LightningPS35972d ago (Edited 5972d ago )

I still remember Spro from the original Playstation days.

sak5005972d ago

Hopefully it will be better than lair.

Dmack795971d ago

if it's Universal that is developing it then don't expect it to be anything huge. If only Insomniac made just one more game to put to rest Spyro's legendary story.

Jdash245972d ago

spyro.......now that brings back memories :)

i_like_ff75972d ago

spyro sucks ass unless insomniac makes it.

TheHater5972d ago

I agree. Spyro died for me after Universal got the right to it.

Dark_Vendetta5971d ago

It's the same with Crash and Naughty Dog :(. Why did they sell the franchise?!?!

BrotherNick5971d ago

Money. Maybe they wanted better IP...I personally think games should stop at 3...or at least don't name them as numbers like MGS4 and DMC4...just put the new title.

rogimusprime5972d ago

I wont lie...when spyro first came out in 1998 (I was 16) i thought it was cool.

He needs to grow up. They should really go dark and have him on some "lair" type dragon feasts.

without the crappy motion controls...

TheHater5972d ago

I agree. This characters has been in the gaming world for over 10 years now, and still look the same.

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TeamXbox: The Legend of Spyro: Darkest Hour Preview

TeamXbox writes: "I know, just the sight of the word "Spyro" has your finger twitching over the mouse button, ready to click on something (anything!) other than that link. "Spyro is a kid's game!" you cry through gnashed teeth. But wait, what if we told you Spyro has undergone a major makeover, and looks and plays differently from before? What if we told you he could flippin' fly now? And I don't mean that short glide junk, I'm talking flap your wings and fly, fly.

If you're still reading, that means you actually care about the little purple fire breather. Or maybe you just like classic 3D platformers. And the new Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon is definitely in the same platformer vein as the previous games in the series. But this time, Spyro's entire look is different. Not only is he more complex looking and bigger, his entire world is more lush and detailed, creating a magical fantasy land that's reminiscent of Kameo in the best ways possible. Spyro's updated look is also meant to reflect a maturing of the series and the dragon himself. The boy dragon is now a teen dragon. I can only imagine that his zits spew lava and he hates his parents."

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