
Fuzion Frenzy 2 Preview

Fuzion Frenzy 2 is the sequel to Fuzion Frenzy, a party game that was first developed by Blitz Games. Fuzion Frenzy 2, however, is being developed by Hudson, who some might know as the folks who work on the Mario Party franchise. A demo was recently released on Xbox Live Marketplace, and it appears from that demo that Hudson has made a very solid party title for the Xbox 360.

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Iconic Xbox franchises that lay dormant – Pt. 1

Provided that everything we learned at E3 2018 about Microsoft's intentions to invest huge on new ideas and bringing the Xbox brand back to a creative standpoint, there are some very well loved franchises that they have in their stable which have been under-utilized. These games not only tested out new gameplay concepts and provided fun gameplay for many players, they helped give an identity to Xbox which made it stand apart from other systems at the time - something they struggle with today.

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PhoenixUp2189d ago

“Back when open-world wasn’t a dirty word”

When did it become dirty

PhoenixUp2188d ago

That’d apply to that series than the game design itself

Spurg2189d ago

Kind of a pathetic list tbh....no Alan wake, Lost Odyssey, Banjo, prefect dark and many more games.

Hitman07692188d ago

It is only one part of a series of articles. Thank you for the feedback.

Tobse2188d ago

Seems to me the article is more about og Xbox and not everything Xbox

KillBill2187d ago

Some games mentioned have been brought back via backwards compatible and I don't consider them really dormant. They for sure could use a remake or be brought back with a new title. Brute Force is I think one of my hope for list that would stand the best by a good engine and a new team behind it.

sammarshall1022189d ago (Edited 2189d ago )

A new Brute Force would look amazing with next gen graphics

Lost Odyssey
Fable 4 (rumored)
Fund a next gen Alan Wake
Perfect Dark (3rd person)
Cuphead 2 (released this gen I know)
Banjo Kazooie remake.
Advent Rising remake. That's my wish list

Einhander19712188d ago

Been playing Panzer Dragoon Orta on my Xbox X. This game still looks and plays amazing, would love to see Sega bring this franchise back.

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Eight long forgotten Microsoft IPs

GamesAsylum: "Many long forgotten IPs were launched on the original Xbox, back in the early days when Microsoft was trying to broaden the console’s appeal as wide as possible. They didn’t seem particularly bothered if they had a hit on their hands or not – in an attempt to steal some limelight from Sony and Nintendo, they were simply focused on getting new games on the shelves, and plenty of press coverage to accompany them."

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maniacmayhem3684d ago

Blinx should be the Xbox One's mascot. It definitely had a good premise and the gameplay was pretty ahead of itself at the time.

If I was MS I would consider Blinx more of a mascot than Conker, since Conker still has old ties to Nintendo.

Why o why3684d ago (Edited 3684d ago )

How about me being the 100th person from n4g to ask for a crimson skies. That snoopoy dog fighting xbl game was the closest thing to it. I swear there was some kind of connection.

Next up that ninja demon game Otagi

HaveAll33684d ago

I love to Crimson skies I wish they would do that again or even a MechAssault 1. Loved the online on both of those games.

maniacmayhem3684d ago

A Crimson Skies or any type of air combat whether it's in the skies or in space is welcomed.

christocolus3684d ago

Phil plans to bring back some old ips so I'm guessing we will see some of these on the xbox one at some point. My list goes like this though

Crimson skies
Mech assault
Midtown madness
Lost odysee
Fuzion frenzy
Kung fu chaos

darthv723684d ago

Crimson skies would definitely be a hit if it was remade. Perhaps sega can resurrect propeller arena as well.

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AnotherProGamer3684d ago

Blinx was actually planned to be the Xbox mascot but Halo stole the thunder

denawayne3684d ago

No Mech Assault or Crimson Skies?

GamingAngelGabriel3684d ago

Don't you remember what happened with the original Xbox? Blinx WAS the mascot, and no one cared. That being said, I'd love a sequel.

maniacmayhem3684d ago

I think Xbox tried to push Blinx but it just didn't go anywhere due partly to Halo.

But I think with the FPS genre being a dime a dozen nowadays a return to the mascot days can happen and Blinx could lead the way for the Xbox.

BullyMangler3684d ago

only a noob would consider Conker to be micro's

VforVideogames3684d ago

fusion frenzy was and still is a family fun multi-player, I wish for a third one just imagine fusion with Kinect. or just to mention Kinect Party for 360 its hella fun and its free, wish we have that on Xbox One.

RiPPn3684d ago

When Phil Spencer was on Giant Bombcast at E3 he was crapping all over old Xbox ip's especially Blinx, he all but said he hated that ip.

maniacmayhem3684d ago

MS has the technology. Blinx will be that game. Better than it was before.


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NonShinyGoose3684d ago

With Rare now at a loose end, MS could always give them Blinx to mess around with. It probably won't ever happen, but it's fun to fantasise about such things.

OC_MurphysLaw3684d ago

Brute Force seems like a game that was meant to be developed now when 4 player coop is all the rage now. I would love to see a reboot / re-imagining of that game.

Mechassault (not listed) would also top my list of bring it back games.

AngelicIceDiamond3684d ago

Blinks, Quantum RedShift and Fuzion Frenzy realistically seeing a return also Bloodwake.

MS has a quite a few old gems Phil needs to consider bring them back.

LightDiego3684d ago

Kameo deserves another game too.

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5 Most Annoying Xbox & Xbox 360 Characters

XBF once again worked with it's own community and the community of GameFaqs to compile a list of the top 5 most annoying characters to grace the Xbox and Xbox 360. While it's got to be hard to limit it to just 5, their list seems pretty spot on.

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Max Power5952d ago

you know that character with all the crazy crap tattooed on his arms, whats his face....Peter Moore! annoying as all hell, its a shame xbox couldn't secure that character anymore, goin' multi.

Yi-Long5952d ago

...You'd think the guard from Fable would be on such a list. I just wanted to punch and kick children till they bled, but everytime after 1 punch some guard comes in and stops and lectures me, without me being able to stab him to death... :(

Also, the goody-goody guy from Star Wars, KOTOR... who was always distrusting, and there was always something on his mind but he didnt feel like talking, blahblah. Just for that guy, I wanted to switch to the Dark Side, and lob his head off...

GRRiMREEAPeR5952d ago

Carth from KOTOR was horrible!!! i hated him!!!!!!!

Fade_Walker5952d ago

Lol great minds think alike, when I saw this first thing though my mind was Carth.

And that guy from Enchanted Arms.

Bathyj5952d ago

1. POG
2. Mart
3. Inyourmom
4. Turdstationpee
5. or any jerk with a generic hateful username like that.

vgn245952d ago

Funniest thing I've read today. Bubbles for you

RAM MAGNUMS5952d ago

Major Mike & Trixie! Get off the screen & stay out of Live attention Hoars!

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