
Nihilistic leaves physical game development

Nihilistic: There’s no bigger cliché in the videogame industry right now than to say that a studio is re-organizing itself away from retail game development and toward the new challenges of downloadable and mobile games. Everyone knows retail sales are down, publishers are hurting, independent developers are suffering, blah blah blah. With this in mind, Nihilistic is announcing today that (OMG!) we are re-organizing our company after 14 years of working with retail boxed game development, and re-forming as nStigate Games, a new company focused on downloadable, on-line, and mobile games.

So is this newsworthy? Well, honestly it probably isn’t, except that we are making this transition without any planned layoffs or leaving any debts behind. Nihilistic will fade into the sunset the way it started; a collaboration of talented folks dedicated to transparency and respect for employees.

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DivineAssault 4300d ago

They should leave development all together

ChronoJoe4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

Yup you're right. They honestly haven't made any good games. Look at their track record. We don't need studios like this around, churning out mediocre or worse quality titles for a quick buck.

jujubee884300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

Big disagree!

Nihilistic should stick around and learn. If no one gave Sony BEND a chance, they would be forever known as making one of the worst games of all time (from the Ps1 era onward).

Instead, BEND went on to be one of the most solid studios SCEWWS had in their stable.

This is a studio that has the talent to make something better in the future. SCE giving Nihilistic the assigment to try and translate current gen FPS experiences to a handheld might not have been good thinking on both sides. SCEWWS needed to be smarter. Nihilistic needed to do more of their homework and playtest each aspect of Resistance (prolly even COD) more. But it has all around just been bad for VITA that these big FPS games are not meeting expectations due to the people behind them.

... Nihilistic should really pump out Playstation Mobile games and do stuff like port Boarderlands 2 in order to bring some $$$ back into their studio and one day show SCEWWS that they have grown and learned from their dark past.

PirateThom4300d ago

Difference is, Sony Bend immediately went on to make Syphon Filter.

Nihilistic have never made a good game.

jujubee884300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

I know that. That's why I said from PS1 on. :)

To clarify to you, Nihilistic deserve another shot at handling multi-million dollar project but now is not that time.

Nihilistic needs to learn and grow and be humbled by this process and deffer to other studios in order for it to reach a level comparable to that of what Sony BEND is now (i.e. a team you know can own on VITA as well as make some great console titles).

Yes, Nihilistic deserve to be out of sight and out of the mind people bc people such as yourself that expected Resistance (and maybe other Nihilstic developed games) to be a superb experience. But they by no means are as incompetent as other game developers whose games can not even run.

BigStef714300d ago

Hopefully they go out with a bang with BLOPS:declassified

longcat4300d ago

given this move....i wont bet on it

HebrewHammer4300d ago

Declassified is more like their ultimate crescendo of crap, I'm assuming.

Ethereal4300d ago

Good, I was not impressed with their work. Amazing that COD of was given to them...

MattyG4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

Good. The only time I hear their name is in hushed tones accompanied by the words "garbage" "s**t" and "who?".

belac094300d ago

they know black ops is gonna be just like resistance burning skies so they are bowing out early.

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Nihilistic Was Working On A God Of War PS Home Space, Underwater Shooter

Nihilistic the developer behind the canceled Starcraft: Ghost and a bunch of PlayStation Vita shooters were also working on a God of War space for PlayStation Home.

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AnotherProGamer4165d ago

well its Nihilistic, it would have be terrible

SamPao4164d ago

also they changed their name haha, bad reputation
and they are only Mobile now. no loss :)

Mounce4164d ago

Worst developers of the decade, Nihilistic and the 'people' behind WarZ...

The only sad thing being that Nihilistic were actually given the 'honors' and potential to make great games and failed fucking hard.

A chance with COD and a chance with Resistance, even a chance at GOW just seems pathetic why they're given such abilities.

SamPao4164d ago

true haha... sheesh how can you fail that hard.....

riverstars864165d ago (Edited 4165d ago )

Nihilistic..... May as well have let the late night crew at McDonalds develop the God of War space for PlayStation Home.

Kietz4165d ago (Edited 4165d ago )

Yeah, well, I work late night shift at McDonald's.
Thanks for that.

MadLad4165d ago

You have to do what you have to do, man.

Times are rough at the moment.
At least, from what I've heard, the place is fair with its pay raises.
Don't worry about what other people say though. Really.

yeahokchief4165d ago

save your money, invest it, use it towards college. don't go blowing it on garbage. you'll regret it.

pretty much use it to get yourself out of your current situation. the biggest thing you're wasting is your time which could otherwise be spent learning something that will advance your life.

riverstars864165d ago


Sorry bro, I worked 5 years at Starbucks to get through college. I know how rough the service industry can be.

Kietz4164d ago (Edited 4164d ago )

Yeah. It sucks.

It is because of school though, going back to what yeahokchief brought up. Where I go to school, I can relatively easily walk, so I don't waste added expenses on driving. With that, I also need to work somewhere where I can easily walk to. McDonald's is that place.


They really are, surprisingly. Not going to lie and pretend like I am making real money there, but, having been working there for about two months now, they have raised my pay almost a buck, so I can't complain. Anyway, no hard feelings.

MasterCornholio4165d ago (Edited 4165d ago )

Dont let Nihilistic software taint the God of War franchise in any way.

Nihilistic are such bad developers that Sony should prohibit them from developing games on their system.

Do i need to remind anyone of this game again?


Seraphim4165d ago

Poor Starcraft Ghost.... come on Blizz, Platinum would knock that out of the park. time to revisit Ghost.....

SolidDuck4165d ago

If that doesn't scream epic masterpiece, I don't know what does.

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Lack of ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified’ reviews explained

“Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified” is just one day away from launch. So where are the reviews for the Playstation Vita exclusive title? Greg Miller of IGN today revealed why his website has not yet review the first-person shooter in addition to urging gamers to “proceed with caution.”

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psp2roundup4274d ago

I think we've already established that the publishers don't want the sub-games (or whatever you want to call them) interfering with the main course, that's despite Need for Speed getting great reviews and AC3 Liberation getting decent reviews and better sales.

smashcrashbash4274d ago

What, did you just make that up or something? Who has established that?

--Onilink--4274d ago

they only thing i believe has been established is that when a publisher does not even send the review copies until the game comes out, its because its a pretty crappy game. And well based on what we have seen so far of this game, i seriously doubt this will be the exception

KonaBro4274d ago

considering the people who have played it saying while it's $10 more then what it should be but still a decent game says you're wrong.

Beetey4274d ago

@KonaBro Everything I've read says it looks terrible so far. The maps are said to be WAY to small, even for the 4v4 (or whatever ridiculous number it is).

Tapewurm4273d ago

@Onilink happy to say that from the 4 plus hours I have put in with Black Ops Declassified that this game is an exception. The online was full last night...map voting, perks, kill streaks....a true mini console version of COD...the campaign operations are set up to be quick missions that are perfect for a handheld as well as the time trial wave mode....wish it was zombies, but it is more a kin to modern warfare's surviving the waves of enemies deal. I am sure it will get dinged hard by the "real" reviewers out there for some reason or another, but I was pleasantly surprised with this....CoD in your pocket and on the go....nice.

Tapewurm4273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )

Meant to call that wave mode "Hostiles" mode (not time trial...that's another mode altogether)....tired lol

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SilentNegotiator4274d ago

Greg Miller? Proceed with Caution if he reviews it.

He crapped all over LBP Karting....go read the review and pretend that it's a review of Mario Kart 7. You could almost forget it wasn't a review for MK7. He complains about the EXACT things present in MK7 and somehow comes to a 5/10.

If IGN never reviews it, nothing will be lost but a heavily bias review.

WalterWJR4273d ago

Gregg is nothing more than a puppet on strings, woven into the shape of an Xbox.

NonApplicable4273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )


I didn't know Walter Jr. was also mentally handicapped.

GribbleGrunger4273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )

'Gregg is nothing more than a puppet on strings, woven into the shape of an Xbox.'

That's such a messed up train wreck of mixed metaphors, it's almost genius!

Soldierone4273d ago

Ubisoft was really kind with Liberation. They felt it was a good game and so did the reviewers. They had them sent out almost as soon as requested.

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Akuma-4274d ago

im glad about this actually and would love it if all games were like this where a game would mostly need word of mouth and a few previews. major reviewers have a stranglehold on the gaming industry and sales most times and a lot of them need to go. id love sequels to a lot of games but sales were hurt by reviews. i cant tell the last time ive played or seen a game that warrants less than a 6 out of 10. most games cant be a 10 and most dont deserve it but a game should be pass a 5 if its playable with tight controls, good enough graphics and some semblance of a story or point to gameplay

Cocozero4274d ago

Well if other Vita games are anything to go by the reviews will range from 4-7/10.

TheFirstClassic4274d ago

Eh... If they still haven't sent out review copies yet, that probably isn't a good sign.

swansong4274d ago

IGN will give it a 1-4out of 10. IGN is worthless for vita reviews,so look to other sites for that. Sony has not been catering to ign.

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Exclusive Black Ops Declassified User Impressions

Declassified Q and A right here.

YouTube user stricktmachine1 has been able to get his hands on the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified early, and has uploaded a number of videos containing gameplay with his phone. We asked him a few questions.

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Akuma-4275d ago

this game looks amazing like a ps3 game. i cant wait to buy it first day its out. i hope reviewers dont destroy it because its not exactly like the console version and can only see the negatives where it doesn't measure up

NewMonday4275d ago

Reviews are not everything, just looking at videos changed many minds including me

LOGICWINS4275d ago (Edited 4275d ago )

I don't consider myself a COD fan, but the vids of Declassified on Vita look VERY impressive. I might consider buying that $200 bundle on Black Friday.

@Akuma- I find interesting that people(before even playing it) are saying that if critics give BO2 anything 9 or above, then they're biased and unreliable. Yet with BO on the Vita, people are worried that it won't score high ENOUGH. Funny stuff.

Hicken4275d ago

Not really. They're two different situations.

The console version suffers from the potential of being the same as its predecessors; people HOPE the game is considerably different from the last few(an IMPROVEMENT, I should clarify), but IF it isn't and STILL receives those high scores, the bias will be evident(as if it isn't, already).

Vita games are getting slammed(and so is the system). People are wanting/demanding a "killer app" or saying that the library is weak. I'm not fond of Call of Duty right now, but I recognize the type of power the franchise has. A good CoD will do wonders for the system.

THAT'S what people are hoping for, and you know that.

shammgod4275d ago

Reviewers will destroy it because it is a vita game. Regardless, I am buying this day one

admiralvic4275d ago

Wow, get your facts straight... if there is a bias against this game, it's the fact that Nihilistic Software developed it.

XboxInnovation4275d ago (Edited 4275d ago )

Black ops was terrible and even worse on ps3 with its horrible framerate, graphics and lag so don't expect a handheld version to blow u away.

The reason cod is considered good is because of its 60 fps and responsive controls. 30 fps and crappy toggle controls on vita take away what makes the game what it is.

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r214275d ago

Sounds very positive. Could this game actually be Nihilistic's first good title?

Cam9774275d ago (Edited 4275d ago )

That'd be a damn shame for it's their LAST boxed game, unless Sony have a change of heart and want another COD on Vita next year...?
I hope so!

ginsunuva4275d ago

If there would more CoDs, then maybe Activision will start taking control of it when they realise there is money to be made.

r214275d ago

Oh i see what you did there ;D Goodbye Nihilistic and hello nStigate!

MGRogue20174275d ago (Edited 4275d ago )

I've seen enough gameplay of both the 'hostiles' & 'Operations' single-player mode as well as the multiplayer for me to confirm that this is a must-buy for any owner of a Vita that is in anyway interested in CoD, first person shooters, or who wants a decent MP shooter in general for the system. :)

'Operations' mode is best suited for quick-play sessions when on the train/bus from work or something. More or less what the SP in the console CoD titles are like, just linear & very short missions that you can continuously replay to gain a better score than your friends. Most certainly not the 'meat' of the game but still nice to have anyway.

'Hostiles' mode is suited for same quick-play sessions but can also be played in much longer in-depth sessions due to an never-ending continious wave system. See how long you can survive, ya know :)

'Multiplayer', It's Call of Duty MP on the Vita. Need I say more? tons & tons & tons of hours of gameplay time here. & even when you've unlocked everything, you can then prestige like on the console CoD titles & do it all over again.

I'm telling you. if you own a Vita, pre-order or purchase this title asap. You don't want to be missing out on this! very well made title, runs like a champ at locked 30fps, props to Nihilistic! :D

Yangus4275d ago (Edited 4275d ago )


Like a ps3 game WTF?....no,like a good ps2 game and 30fps not 60fps.

Look BO2 multi visuals:


No different?...fanboys,fanboys..

Insomnia_844275d ago

No, not like a PS2 game but VERY close to PS3.
COD on the go! bus, train, bathroom, MP at work, boring family reunion, it's COD where ever you go, the difference is not much really .... SO WHO GIVES A F@#$!!!! ;D

SAE4275d ago (Edited 4275d ago )

it looks ok , as a fun vita game but i don't think it looks like or play like a console version , i think vita can handle mw1 , so i want a port to it instead of this garbage if you compare it ...

i aint hyping this because i know sony didn't try to make a real cod in vita , i love my vita , i see a lots of potential to it that's why im disappointed on how sony handle the vita , they are limiting it like hell ...

AcidKill4275d ago

I hope you know that you're showing some damn f****** old pics of COD: BOD.. The graphics has been updated now, and we all have seen how it looks. Sure, not as good as PS3 but it's close.. And B**** please! It's nothing like PS2. Do some research before you post shit!

chukamachine4275d ago

Obviously the vita version isn't going to be the same, but those vita pics look like offscreen grabs tbh.

And also those BO2 pics are not the console versions.

They are PC.

1920x1080 lol on console. don't be silly.

The_Samurai_124275d ago

I dont know what PS2 games you played, but this definitely doesnt look like PS2 to me! http://youtu.be/s_xiszyHXdM

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Insomnia_844275d ago

Where can I get this games early in NYC??? I want them NOW!! hurry!!!! =D

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