
Mass Effect 3 Leviathan DLC | TGC Review

TGC writes: One area where an effort certainly has been made however is the crew interaction. All your team members have unique dialogue in the missions and it may well take into account your relationship status with them. After each act you get to do the post-mission wander about the Normandy to get everyone’s thoughts on what’s gone on. As well as this there are new weapons to try out, so there is something else you can take from the DLC that can be integrated into the main game. It does also means new systems to explore in the Normandy, meaning you can pick up new war asset points and renegade/paragon points. So all in all it’s a worthwhile package if you’ve still not had enough of the Mass Effect universe.

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Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Publisher sale details: 23rd-29th Sept 2014

Neil writes "The new Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Publisher sale for 23rd-29th September is now active. Bargains are available for both Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners this week, but which will you pick up?"

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GuruStarr783653d ago

Orange box for $5 is a must-buy, if you don't have it already.

XBLSkull3653d ago (Edited 3653d ago )

Yeah if you are stuck on a 360 that is the best value for $5 you can get. Just keep in mind Half-Life 2 is 10 years old, and Halo 2, is also 10 years old, and a better game. If at all possible throw that $5 towards an X1 and The Master Chief Collection.

DeathOfTheFanBoy3653d ago (Edited 3653d ago )

LOL, where can you get a XB1 and the Halo MCC for $10? I'll buy 10 more!
Am I being really dumb and missing something?
Anywho I bought the Orange Box, Last time I played it was on Steam years back, Portal is always a joy!

LAWSON723653d ago

Yeah because $5 is going to be extremely helpful for $460 purchase

neil3633653d ago

Anyone checked out 1001 Spikes? Any good?


Press Start To Begin reviews Mass Effect 3: Leviathan

BioWare released the Leviathan DLC approximately a year ago. Press Start to Begin takes a look back at the DLC now that the Mass Effect series is complete to see if and how it fits into the overarching story.

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Naga3893d ago (Edited 3893d ago )

"Don’t get it for the story. The story in this DLC just doesn’t flow with the story in the actual game."

I wholeheartedly disagree. I have been recommending Leviathan to my friends for the story alone. When combined with the Extended Cut DLC, this served to fill certain gaps left in the plot. The finer points of the author's critique regarding the story amount to little more than nitpicking, in my opinion.

WitWolfy3892d ago

Keep beating that dead horse.. This DLC never added anything to the actual game in the end. Just a tease, not really disproving the Indoctrination theory but not really proving it exists either.


Mass Effect: The Fate of the Galaxy

From the article - So, N7 Day was last Thursday and it came along with a special gift for all of Mass Effect fans: we could get to see the very first image of what will become –soon enough, we hope- the fourth console installment of the franchise.

The game is all about cycles, the ripple effect and the everlasting battle against extinction, but not only human extinction; it is extinction in a whole new scale, and the redefinition of the concept of life.

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linkenski3965d ago

The author apparently doesn't see where the ending falls apart.

user95970823965d ago

Im still a firm believer in the "reaper indoctrination" theory.

LonChaneyTV3965d ago

I've tried them all, synthesis for me.

AKS3965d ago

"Reapers: another fully synthetic race."


pandehz3965d ago

My reaction to that line: O.O

Author that's just incorrect.