
Developer Says Wii U Is The Strongest Console With Tons Of Potential

Shin’en developer Manfred Linzner has told N-Tower that he believes that the Wii U will be the strongest console in history due to its future potential. Linzner then went on to explain that the console offers developers, such as himself, a brand new way at looking at video game design. He then concluded that with development teams such as Retro Studios, and Nintendo EAD, the console could well become unstoppable.

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LX-General-Kaos4310d ago (Edited 4310d ago )

Everything seems pretty spot on and accurate.

decrypt4309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )

"Developer Says Wii U Is The Strongest Console With Tons Of Potential"

Decrypting msg....

Heres what he really ment:

"The Wii U is quite powerful in comparison to other current consoles, that's because PS3 & Xbox 360 are dinosaur tech by todays standards.

However in comparison to any decent 200usd PC GPU Wii you will get pummeled, since Wii U tech is quite ancient by todays standards".

Fishy Fingers4309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )

Probably why he said "console" not "individual PC component which is useless on its own, but only 200usd".

yabhero4309d ago

I doubt think a custom 6000 series GPU is ancient. Comparable in many ways to the 6670. Its better than what's in the PS3/360 and has GPGPU and even the CPU though clocked lower is better than Xenos. I don't know of any 200 dollar chip that would pummel WiiU. The only GPUs that would some a noticeable difference after optimization are 300plus. Personally I'd rather get a new console with exclusives and good looking games rather than buying an expensive GPU

T9004309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )


You do realize 6670 costs about 70usd at newegg.com:


No reason why a 200usd GPU wont outperform the 6670 you can easily get something like 7850 this for 200usd:


Don't think any decent gaming PC as of today would need an upgrade to beat the Wii U. I think Nintendo is trying too hard to fool people into believing Wii U is featuring some top end hardware, when clearly they are not.

When PS3 or Xbox 360 launched they were atleast on par with Mid range PCs of their times. Thats not the case with the Wii U, hence anyone buying that system as a powerful system is delusional at best.


Whatever the case man, be it Nintendo or the Devs people are being misguided on Wii U being very powerful. I would think a new console to at least be considered powerful should at least match up to mid range PC of todays time, just like the Xbox 360 and PS3 were in their time.

ElectricKaibutsu4309d ago

I don't think Nintendo ever said the Wii had top end hardware. All they said was that it had 2 gigs of ram and that, as usual, they don't believe great graphics are the be all end all.

neogeo4309d ago

No he Said WiiU has more power than any PC on Earth and will run 4k res@240 fps with triple monitors in 3d. He said the WiiU has a GPU that is more powerful than 10 GTX 690"s combined. Expect to see games so powerful it will blind and kill most people. Anyone That survives looking at the graphics will be left insane due to not knowing the difference between WiiU and real life. It will confuse us and make us think we are in the matrix.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4309d ago
zgoldenlionz4309d ago

Too early to tell. That doesn't mean I won't be getting a wiiu for all the exclusives and first party titles. I hope the wiiu has huge success and that also goes for every other console too. More success=more games potentially for me to play simple as that.

ElectricKaibutsu4309d ago

Well it's certainly the newest console so I'm not terribly surprised.

ziggurcat4309d ago

"Developer Says Wii U Is The Strongest Console With Tons Of Potential"

... until the next playstation/xbox is announced

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Fast RMX Dev Shin'en Multimedia Teases Switch Announcement To Be Shared Tomorrow

Shin'en Multimedia, the developer behind Nintendo Switch launch title Fast RMX, has teased an upcoming announcement for the console.

thesoftware7302130d ago

Wow cant wait! hope its something different than a racer.

darthv722130d ago

Love for them to make a new shmup in the vein of iridion or nanostray

Copat2130d ago

I just hope it's regarding a physical copy!

EddieNX 2130d ago

I love the amount of effort these guys put into their games.

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Another video – FAST Racing Neo multiplayer footage

Multiplayer footage of Fast Racing Neo.

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Locknuts3251d ago

Holy crap how do they keep that at 60fps in split screen.

Nevers0ft3251d ago

Shin'en have always produced technically impressive games and it looks like they're keep up with that tradition here. Hopefully it plays as good as it looks... I think many of us need to scratch that F-Zero or Wipeout itch.

wonderfulmonkeyman3251d ago

Third parties could learn a lot about developing great Wii U games from Shin-En.

Nevers0ft3250d ago (Edited 3250d ago )

It comes from a desire to hammer the hardware until it bleeds. Shin'en are ex demo-sceners from the Amiga and PC who went under the name Abyss: http://www.the-leaders-of-t... - similar to how some of the founders at DICE were members of The Silents, another Amiga demo group from the 80/90s: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

It's in their DNA to push the hardware as hard as they can :)

Munnkyman3251d ago

Nintendo should really let them develop a game for them


Interview with Shin'en about How FAST Racing Neo Came Together

NWR:"In this interview, Daan has a chat with Martin Sauter from Shin'en. The team has brought various games to Nintendo systems and they are currently polishing FAST Racing Neo to perfect shine. The interview talks about the decision to make the sequel, the variety of content and the options that are available to the players.''

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