
Kickstarter Picks: Double Fine Adventure

Whеn іt соmеѕ tо thе world оf classic point’n’click adventure games, thеrе аrе fеw names аѕ revered аѕ Tim Schafer. Thе man helped bring uѕ еvеrуthіng frоm Day оf thе Tentacle tо Grim Fandango. Sіnсе thаt time, he’s bееn оff dоіng hіѕ оwn thіng аt hіѕ оwn studio, Double Fine Productions.

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coolpintud4260d ago

Humble Day of the Devs Bundle has Psychonauts, Brutal Legend, Broken Age, and more

The Humble Day of the Devs Bundle 2022 just launched. It includes sixteen items including Psychonauts, Brutal Legend, Broken Age, and more.

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Community599d ago

More Developers Should Let Players Peek Behind The Curtain like Double Fine

Find out why ScreenCritics Joe is full of praise for 'Double Fine Adventure' - and why more developers should allow gamers look behind the curtain.

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Community2625d ago

Tim Schafer wants 3.3 Million dollars to develop “Psychonauts 2”, the pros and cons of the project

I (Robin Ek, The Gaming Ground) had a lot of mixed emotions when I found out that Tim Schafer and Double Fine had launched a crowdfunding campaign for "Psychonauts 2" yesterday. And this is the reason why (pros Vs cons, past scandals and expectations).

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Community3106d ago
Germany73106d ago

Don't worry, he will ask for more money soon, lol.

I'm a huge fan of the original Psychonauts, but i will not be able to donate for the crowfunding campaign because so many great games are coming next year.

But let's see how much the Feminist Frequency will donate for his campaign now...

TGG_overlord3106d ago

I understand where you´re coming from, since I bought the original game for myself and my two brothers on release. I´m very tempted to do that, but since Tim has said (and done) some really "not so smart" things in the past. I´ll just wait until the game launches instead. To be fair, she probably couldn't spare a dime. As she´s begging her "fans" for money on Twitter several times per day.

Sashamaz3106d ago

Just checked out the crowd funding page and looks like it will be a success, good on you to whom ever gave but he aint getting a dime from me. Hasn't he made enough profit from previous games to be self sustaining by now yet?

Sciurus_vulgaris3106d ago (Edited 3106d ago )

I sometimes think it might be better to try and sell your IP to another company rather than ask the community for funding. I am a big fan of the first Psychonauts (got a complete OG Xbox copy) and of course I want a sequel. But is 3.3 million enjoy to match the quality and production value of the first game?
Edit: 3.3 million is 1/3rd of the games budget.

TGG_overlord3106d ago

It´s a risky move for sure, and since the "Broken Age" crowdfunding campaign had quite a "few" problems along the way. One might wonder how smooth things will go for "Psychonauts 2"? True, Tim did state that they would pay for most of the costs themselves though (time will tell).

N4GDgAPc3106d ago

Did anyone listen to what Tim said? If true based on how much money you give you actually get a percentage of money back. So this seems different than Kickstarter where you are actually investing into the game. I swear that's what he said. Did I hear wrong?

TGG_overlord3106d ago

Yes, I did listen to what he said. That would be the idea yes, and no you didn´t hear it wrong. However, it remains to be seen how well that will turn out in the end.

Simon_the_sorcerer3106d ago

3.3 million dollars? Why do I have a feeling that Tim will be asking people for more money once the campaign is over?...

TGG_overlord3106d ago

I would not bet any money on it, since it´s bound to happen.

Muadiib3106d ago

They also has a major investor and are putting a lot of their own money into the project, altogether it adds up to $13m. With no publisher and them using their own crowdfunding website it might be enough.

I won't pledge though because although Psychonauts is one of my fave games ever I was a little burned on Broken Age, it took way too long and it wasn't the game I expected it to be.

TGG_overlord3106d ago

Even if Tim had 30 million dollars, that wouldn´t mean a whole lot if he can´t make the best out of the money (thus the out come of "Broken Age"). Yes, that´s where I lost my trust for him. I agree on that, I actually thought that "Broken Age" would give me the same awesome vibes as MI, Grim Fandango or Manic Mansion gave me. I was wrong.

Godmars2903106d ago

Biggest con: Shafer's recent past management history.

TGG_overlord3106d ago

Yep, but what do you think will happen to the "Psychonauts 2" project?

Immorals3106d ago

This was at 785m 7 hours ago. I can't wait!

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