
Left 4 Dead 3 Aiming For An Xbox 720 Release?

Mobile & Apps: "Given how much time has passed since the release of the last installment of Left 4 Dead, gamers may be wondering when Valve might release information regarding the new title."

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ceedubya94372d ago

Would be a day 1 purchase for me.

Lucretia4372d ago

hey, its the zombie game that isn't scary what so ever and is super easy that everyone loves. (except for me ofcourse haha)

well good news for fans eitherway

Kurylo3d4372d ago

Not easy if you play the way it was meant to be played... online and in multiplayer where the other team knows how to kill you.

adorie4372d ago

lol. Try expert realism on L4D2. Go on... try it!

pandaboy4372d ago

dude you are playing it wrong if you think it is easy.

SPAM-FRITTER-1234371d ago (Edited 4371d ago )

LOL. go on expert realism mode and see if you make it past the first chapter.

oh and while you're there why don't you actually play the game before judging it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4371d ago
Megaton4372d ago

Highly doubt Left 4 Dead will be Valve's first 3. There would be riots in the streets.

Summons754372d ago

Haven't we already come to terms with the fact Valve can't count to 3?

Ben_Grimm4372d ago

If that happened, super day one at midnight camped out and drunk purchase!

ChunkyLover534372d ago

They aren't even working on it, the Xbox 720 is probably coming out next November. I'd hope they would take more than a year to create the game.

That engine needs an update and there would have to be a ton of changes to the game, especially since L4D and L4D2 were released to close to each other and didn't really change much.

TENTONGUN4372d ago

but dont forget the game will only be like 5 hours or so to finish. so yeah they can finish another l4d in time.

i would love to see better physics and please dont make the infected corpses disapear after you shoot them. seriously.....also maybe throw in some iron sights as well.

Lucretia4372d ago

the engine has needed an update since before it first came out, it looks like a dated original xbox title.

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