
Borderlands 2 Review – Perhaps The Best Game of The Year (PushStartSelect.com)

PushStartSelect.com " You were supposed to be dead, done, over with, but instead a goofy little robot saved your life. Yep Claptrap, the robot from the first game, has found a “Vault Hunter” that surprisingly isn’t dead, and he seems rather excited about it. The good news? That Vault Hunter is you and you get to tear the place up by picking up any of the many guns lying around. The bad news? That Vault Hunter is you and you are supposed to be dead."

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TheCritic284278d ago

Great review. I personally don't know if its my favorite game of the year (Max Payne 3 was pretty incredible), but it's certainly up there.

camel_toad4278d ago

Yeh I also loved Max Payne and Mass Effect 3 as well but I think longterm I will end up getting more enjoyment out of Borderlands 2. I don't play through too many games more than once back to back at least but Borderlands 2 has me hooked.

I was also really surprised how funny it is. It's childish crude humor (but not aimed mainly at a younger audience like Saints Row) just old dumb gamers like myself. The only other game that I can say has equal or maybe better humor is Portal 2.

konnerbllb4278d ago

I wouldn't argue with the headline. Borderlands 2 was the only game that I feel wasn't rehashed. It's only contender seems to be Dishonored. I feel it will be a good game, but not on par with Borderlands 2 in terms of gameplay and polish.

Trenta274278d ago

Polish? Seriously? The gameplay looks stunning and very well done. It looks like a lot of work went into that game. Borderlands 2 is incredible, no doubt about that, but it's just more of the same. Dishonored allows you do use almost whatever play style you want. The combat looks like it would be crazy, just as the story line seems to be. The no kill thing through the entire game sounds awesome. I could go on and on, but I'm making supper.

Norrison4278d ago

Borderlands 2 isn't more of the same, this time it got a good story, good characters, improved graphics (well, for PC at least, haven't been able to see the console version in action) the game looks stunning! Improved gameplay, this time every gun feels different, new classes. I could go on but I have to finish my project

konnerbllb4278d ago

I'm not saying Dishonored doesn't look well done. I just think Borderlands 2 appears more polished. It's a wild prediction I know, but I guess we will have to wait until the game comes out to know for sure.

Dread4278d ago

Maybe...but I have high hopes for Halo4

pandehz4278d ago

Hmm goty for me is between ME3 and MP3 as of now and BF3 if its allowed for this year too lol

Pintheshadows4278d ago

I agree. I'd go as far to say it's the best game i've played in a decade. So there.

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jwillj2k4522d ago

Honorable mention to Drive Clubs Ferrari Fxx-K. Should be there over Horizon.

502d ago
TheColbertinator521d ago

The Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak from the Gran Turismo series

Nissan Skyline from Need for Speed Underground

Motorcycle Steamroller from Dead Rising 3

And finally a car you never drive but saves your ass over and over : Honey Badger from COD MW2

Gardenia521d ago

I was thinking of Mad Max. That V8 felt really good to drive around in, especially with upgrades.

dumahim521d ago

No one liked the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. Top 10?

toxic-inferno521d ago

I don't know... It was a strange addition to the game, and the parts of the game where you had to fight in it were tedious. But driving it around Gotham felt brilliant.

BrainSyphoned521d ago

FFXIII-Snow's Shiva motorcycle
Persona 5-Makoto's Persona motorcycle


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adaminoregon560d ago

South park stick of truth is the funniest game ever made.