
Dishonored Dev: “Technology is not really the bottleneck”, PS3/Xbox 360 not maxed out

"It's a bit intriguing that some developers still manage to extract juice out of these ancient HD consoles. Games like Halo 4 and The Last of Us look spectacular, so there has to be a reason how these first-party developers keep surprising people when it comes to visual fidelity."

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Chuk54282d ago

I believe a great art design can take a game a long way over raw power. Look at how great the mario galaxy games were, both in visuals and gameplay. They were ruining on a system that had far less horse power than the 360 or ps3.

I mean, yes a new gen inevitably needs to arrive, but I find people like crytek are just "graphics over gameplay" minded and constantly bemoan the inadequacies of current consoles.

dedicatedtogamers4282d ago

Current gen consoles are focusing too heavily on graphics. I'd happily take a game with 2009-2010-quality graphics in exchange for bigger multiplayer maps, more players per match (64p Battlefield 3, anyone?), more advanced enemy AI, etc.

Nowadays it seems like all that stuff is actually getting WORSE in favor of squeezing out a bit more graphical improvement.

At least, on console games.

Perjoss4281d ago

One of the best games I've played this year, FTL has a 2D graphics style. Graphics certainly do not make the game.

attilayavuzer4281d ago

But they make a large part of it.

And I'll take better graphics over unnecessary multiplayer upgrades any day.

dedicatedtogamers4281d ago


FTL is sick! I kickstarted that.

Pintheshadows4282d ago

Borderlands 2 is a good example of how a distinct visual style can make a game look top notch even this deep into a generation.

turgore4282d ago

Not really. The game looks last gen, similar to this the game called XIII

JasonKCK4281d ago

The style of games like Borderlands and Darksiders look better than ultra realistic on a big screen plasma. Realistic games tend to look bland. Cell shaded games also seem to have better AA and framerate. In my experience anyway.

TheTwelve4281d ago

Borderlands doesn't look top notch to me. I also don't think they're trying to look that way --- it has it's own style. ---12

LocutusEstBorg4281d ago (Edited 4281d ago )

Wrong. Console games DO look like crap. Muddy god-awful textures, crappy *x640 resolutions upscaled to 1920x1080, no anti-aliasing and low framerate and are non-existent problems on PC.

If a console wasn't maxed out, all these problems wouldn't exist. They don't have the computational power and RAM to run quality graphics.

I challenge this guy to make a single console game that runs at true 1980x1080 at 60FPS with 4xAA. A console cannot even run Counter-Strike 1.6 at that resolution.

The biggest problem for me is no AA automataically makes a game look like shit.

ziggurcat4282d ago

"It's a bit intriguing that some developers still manage to extract juice out of these ancient HD consoles. Games like Halo 4 and The Last of Us look spectacular, so there has to be a reason how these first-party developers keep surprising people when it comes to visual fidelity."

well, bethesda are really bad devs, so...

Karooo4282d ago

Bethesda is publisher here.

Locksus4282d ago

Why the disagrees? Is Bethesda not the publisher after all? Have I missed something?

Dovahkiin4282d ago


People don't always like facts, here at n4g.

wastedcells4282d ago

Bethesda is publisher but they own the developer.

LocutusEstBorg4281d ago (Edited 4281d ago )

There is nothing intruiging about any of those games. They all have shitty low quality textures, run at some joke of a resolution upscaled to 1920x1080 and have no AA.

If you want to see how bad they really are, connect the PS3 to a Dell U3011 monitor not a low quality TV (yes all TVs are low quality regardless of cost).

Saturne34282d ago

Its bethesda makes open world games not linear ones.

And still their games look great despise of that.

DivineAssault 4282d ago

i hope this game ends up good.. I like the sword play..

AngelicIceDiamond4282d ago

Yeah, I agree. Lately it seems like devs are trying to make games that are on par or somewhat to the PC counterpart. which, in allot of cases is impossible. If devs focus on unique engines that shine on consoles, only then we can see power being displayed on platforms this late in the gen.

Its all up to the devs at this point, imagination is a powerful thing.

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Avowed's director says they "don't believe in living in fear" after Microsoft closed studios

"As a developer - and as a player - it's always sad and it always sucks to see studios close and devs lose their jobs. I really hope all those people land on their feet, because I know our indusutry is better with them in it," Patel tells the outlet. "As for me and how I look at things, I guess first and foremost: I don't believe in living in fear," the Avowed director.

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Lightning7712d ago

Then gets shut down the next day. They should know better than to talk crazy like that.

XiNatsuDragnel11d ago

They'll get shut down that's how Microsoft work

gold_drake11d ago

watch it get shut down tomorrow haha

Skuletor11d ago

It was probably already decided yesterday


"And then Phil Spencer took it as challenge..."

Elda11d ago

They better worry because Avowed doesn't look all that.


The Magic of 'Dishonored’s' Blink

It’s a shame, really, that so few games have “borrowed” Dishonored’s Blink – in the right hands, such a power could be game-changing.

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MIDGETonSTILTS17491d ago

It felt kinda cheap to me… both in terms as a tactic, and game design

Abnor_Mal490d ago (Edited 490d ago )

There was a small game called Aragami that “borrowed” the blink, that was a good game.

Unfortunately I heard the sequel wasn’t good so I stayed away from trying it out.

sairenfox2099489d ago

The sequel changed some of the mechanics from the first game but it was still a very polished and enjoyable experience. You should definitely give it a shot sometime. The game's currently on sale on Steam

Abnor_Mal489d ago

Okay thanks for the heads up, will look out for it being on sale one day.

I really did like the first and played it back to back as soon as I finished the first play through.


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