
Borderlands 2 - How To Level Up Fast

SegmentNext - "The leveling and experience system of Borderlands 2 is similar to any other game out there. Experience is gained by killing enemies and completing quests."

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DoomeDx4378d ago

I dont get why so many people want to 'level up as fast as possible'.

I actually like it if it takes weeks of even months to reach the highest level cap.

Getting to the top level as quickly as possible is a waste of money IMO.

Blues Cowboy4378d ago


That said, perhaps some people will want to quickly level up characters they use in multiplayer to reach the same levels as their friends.

scotchmouth4377d ago (Edited 4377d ago )

Yeah it seems rather silly. Though it's rather reflective of our societys general impatience and need for instant gratification.


I do agree with you guys but I will give my example as well.

I work but some of my friends don't so they have lots of time to play this and level up. by the time I get back home to play they have gone from lvel 15 to 25 while I am still like 14.

The way the game is designed as well, it is more fun playing with friends, but it's frustrating playing with friends who are leveled that high when you are not.

You also seem to get better loot when you are a highier level and it's not like they can give you their loot to join in because you can't use it anyway, so I either level up fast or get left behind.

with BL1 I got left behind because I really didn't want to farm and all that but I ended up getting bord of the game and selling it before I finished.

if you are just playing it for the story then it's prob not as much of an issue, but if you want to have fun with friends it can be a pain.

iamgoatman4377d ago

Never understood this either. If anything I thought you level up a bit too quickly in Borderlands 2 without even trying. Because once you're above an enemies level, they're a piece of cake to take down which makes the game less fun overall. For that reason I always avoided skills or class mods that increased your XP gain, and the game doesn't require any grinding as is.

I am liking that challenges in BL2 don't give you XP this time around. In the first BL if you were playing with a friend who wasn't really the best player out there, and you'd gone through the game a few times and knew it inside and out, you'd find yourself leveling up quite a bit quicker by naturally finishing certain challenges.

AngelicIceDiamond4377d ago (Edited 4377d ago )

Hows that a waste of money? They get what they pay for, and if they wanna level up fast and have fun doing it then that's money well spent.

wallis4377d ago

The value comes in how you replay borderlands over and over and over. If you look at the culture of diablo or loot based game there is an emphasis on high level loot - guess how you get the highest level loot? By being the highest level.

The other thing is I'd agree in any other game (fallout 3 for example) but borderlands facilitates such constant replay there's a lot of room to have capped after capped character. There certainly is for me. Capping the game doesn't mean it's finished it just means time to boot up a new character. Also Dark Witnes has a good point - some people just wanna play with friends and it's difficult to always keep your level up with friends who just have a head start. Like I said for fallout 3 where the attraction is the story and playthrough I'd agree - capping the character ASAP is a waste. But BL2 is more like diablo, yeah story's great but loot is the engine of the game, so capping a character does not harm the playthrough experience if you're intending to have 7-8 capped characters like I plan to. You don't HAVE to do this, it's just for those of us who may or may not use it. It's not like mindlessly grinding just to level up isn't pure exploitation of the audience for replay. I don't think it's so wrong I may want to skip a bit of that exploitation and take a level 47 I cba to finish and polish it up to 50 when I've got four others already capped legitimately.

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FCOLitsjustagame4377d ago

I agree. I was thinking the title should be "how to ruin the gaming experience".

Yes, Yes I know everyone has fun in different ways. Well maybe the devs should have a mode that you can start the game and the highest level with all the good stuff. To me that makes the game pointless but I guess someone can have fun totally dominating everything and everybody for a few hours.

MrAnderson4377d ago

everybody hates your article and you should feel bad.

dumahim4377d ago


"Note that enemies level with you. Hence if you go back to an earlier area, the enemies there will be of a higher level now."
Sometimes they do, not always.

"While the bosses will not revive after leaving"
Yes they do.

Tip 1 and 5 are pretty much the same thing.


enemies that are in areas that are mission based don't level so you can go back and dominate.

However, when you start a Newgame + I think all the enemies start at a higher level.

so if you play again on new game+ then you have a real challenge.

kma2k4377d ago

I hit level 30 last night in my first playthrough. I figured i was just about done with all the sidequests until went to a new area & then holy crap just got handed another 10+ seems alsmot like they are never ending. That is by far the easiest way to level up in borderlands 2 just do all the sidequests, besides they are fun whats the point of grinding or cheating just keep playing!

Show all comments (18)

I Sure Hope The Next Borderlands Is A Lot Like Borderlands 2

Ahmad from eXputer: "Borderlands 2's unrivaled storytelling is something that has to lean into the core elements of the next iteration in the Borderlands series."

TheNamelessOne42d ago

What? You didn't love the cringe writing that 3 had?

pwnmaster300042d ago

Playing it now and it’s not so bad, but I’ve just started so maybe it will get worse

DustMan41d ago

It's not bad. It's just hard to top Handsome Jack as an antagonist. I really enjoyed 3. It has the best gameplay of the entire series, and it holds the same vibe. Tiny Tina's Wonderland was a huge disappointment to me.

Demetrius41d ago

I recently finished 3, definitely had fun fr

-Foxtrot42d ago

I'm curious how they are going to do the Siren since they've kind of wrote themselves into a corner regarding the lore.

gold_drake42d ago

well, im sure the last eridium slab is the answer to that. either mystery or villain

-Foxtrot42d ago

I meant more in terms of how they established only 6 Sirens can exist in the entire Universe...which was kind of silly to me as they seem to all end up on Pandora, and the Universe is a pretty big place.

Then there's now the fact, since Borderlands 3 retconed it, when a Siren dies she can transfer her power to the next Siren, they don't have to be born with it. This also means there's only 6 Siren powers which will end up being recycled as the franchise goes on.

Phasewalk (Lilith)
Phaselock (Maya / Ava)
Phasetrance (Amara)
Phaseshift (Angel / Tannis)
Phaseleech (Tyreen)

So there's only one power unaccounted for and I'm guessing it belonged to Commandant Steele. There was Queen Dido but she died and someone else like Amara, Maya or Angel could have gotten their powers so really it only gives them one more Siren before they need to start rethinking things going forward.

Either we get Phaseleech next or whatever power Commandant Steele had (kind of odd she never used it in her boss fight but you know).

Terry_B41d ago

inb4 the next siren is a trans character.

gold_drake42d ago

it will probably be alot like wonderlands, since that is the last borderlands game

but we'll see soon

Terry_B41d ago

Most people do. But the people that create the games don't seem to understand that.

I bet it will be even worse than BL3 when it comes to story and character designs.

RaidenBlack41d ago

Hey Gearbox, remember Brothers in Arms?

Abnor_Mal41d ago

I would love a new game in the series, or a remake/remaster of the first three games.

RaidenBlack41d ago

I'd want them to do the 4th part and just end the story of Baker Company.


5 Amazing Side Quests In Games That You Need To Experience

While gamers usually take notice of the mainline missions, these 5 side quests deserve more widespread attention for how entertaining they are.

jwillj2k4620d ago

Honorable mention to Drive Clubs Ferrari Fxx-K. Should be there over Horizon.

600d ago
TheColbertinator620d ago

The Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak from the Gran Turismo series

Nissan Skyline from Need for Speed Underground

Motorcycle Steamroller from Dead Rising 3

And finally a car you never drive but saves your ass over and over : Honey Badger from COD MW2

Gardenia619d ago

I was thinking of Mad Max. That V8 felt really good to drive around in, especially with upgrades.

dumahim619d ago

No one liked the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. Top 10?

toxic-inferno619d ago

I don't know... It was a strange addition to the game, and the parts of the game where you had to fight in it were tedious. But driving it around Gotham felt brilliant.

BrainSyphoned619d ago

FFXIII-Snow's Shiva motorcycle
Persona 5-Makoto's Persona motorcycle