
Save Your PS3 Hard Drive Space For Time And Eternity

Imageepoch released a sales sheet for Time and Eternity: Toki Towa, which says the PlayStation 3 game has a mandatory install. You will need to allocate 4,500 MB of space to play Time and Eternity: Toki Towa.

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Snookies124374d ago (Edited 4374d ago )

Eh, not horrible... Still pretty bad though... Game better be worth it! I am really looking forward to this, though I'm a little worried after seeing a bit of gameplay and the whole issue I have with cliche "fanservice" when it comes to anime-style things. (Which I hope they steer clear of for the most part).


Real Life Otaku Problems

Rice Digital takes a look at the trials and tribulations of growing up a fan of Japanese games

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bOObies3306d ago

I like how he added SK:Bon Appetit, lol. Great article, very funny.


Closing the Loop – A Look Back at Time and Eternity (Twinfinite)

So it’s been quite some time since Time and Eternity hit the market here in the States; long enough that more than all the reviews have already been read, the critical dust has settled, and the overall response been simplified to:

“Meh,” and, “It had a good battle system.”

It’s interesting, because the former isn’t too far off the mark while the latter is possibly up for debate. Overall, it’s not a bad experience, but Time and Eternity, to me, was a game that tried to be too many things at once. It was also a very easy game and one whose battle system I grew bored with very quickly.

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Time and Eternity Review (PSU)

Another Japanese RPG hits the market in the summer with Time and Eternity. Is it a triple A fun fest or an incoherent mess that requires going back in time to solve? Find out in our review.