
PSP Horror Titles Feature- Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles

Modern Zorker writes, "Side-scrolling adventure games usually aren’t scary per se, but they can deal with themes and locations which are. For our money, there’s no better mixture of gothic horror and 2D platforming on the PSP than this little gem, which features two different versions of Rondo of Blood as well as its better-known sequel..."

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DivineAssault 4280d ago

great game.. First psp download i ever had & since it has Symphony of the Night & Rondo of Blood as unlockable extras, it will remain on of my favs..


Top 10 PlayStation Portable (PSP) Games

Carl Williams writes, "The PlayStation Portable was Sony’s first stand alone portable and boy was it a special platform. The power of this bad boy was about on par with the PlayStation 2 console, could play PSOne titles, had a large library (over 1,300 games worldwide), and it was one of the first portables to offer Internet surfing out of the box. Whew. That is a lot of games for fans to sift through, a lot are region specific releases (but the PSP is not region locked). Here are my Top 10 PlayStation Portable games – got a beef with one? Let me know in the comments!10) Mega Man Powered Up"

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Madeline__2361d ago

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jlove4life2361d ago

Let me smash then I can be your boss


E3 2017: Koji Igarashi on Bloodstained’s Fresh Take on Classic Formula

Koji Igarashi discusses the highly anticipated Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night on how it incorporates the beloved gameplay of his 2D Castlevania titles into a brand new IP.

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PSP Classics #1: Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles by Konami

Triverse writes, "We have seen ports, updates and re-releases throughout gaming since the early days. The early days were big on this method of cheap new games to sell to owners of newer hardware. For the most part these re-releases are straight ports, maybe with a frame rate improvement of some sort (usually by virtue of being on more powerful hardware) and maybe a new title screen to denote this is an “improved” version. Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles receives none of that cheap trickery."

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DivineAssault 4217d ago

first digital psp game i bought for my vita.. I love it & the other 2 unlockable games are awesome