
Tokitowa screenshots

Namco Bandai released new screenshots of Tokitowa.

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The best RPGs on PS3 & Vita in 2013 – games to really get lost in

OPM: Here are the best PS3 & Vita RPGs of 2013. Everything from Western to Japanese RPGs make up our best of the year role-playing list. With hundreds of hours of play between them, we’ve this is a gargantuan list that’ll set you up till the next-next generation at the very least.

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HarryMasonHerpderp4221d ago (Edited 4221d ago )

I stopped at FFXIII-3

3-4-54221d ago

You couldn't just skip it?

* Did you quit reading as a child because you didn't know a certain word ?

Can't you mentally mute something ?

HarryMasonHerpderp4221d ago

Have I offended you for not liking FFXIII-3?
Sounds like you're mad bro.

Gamesgbkiller4221d ago (Edited 4221d ago )

I am waiting for Soul Sacrifice.
But really I want a demo this month :)

nugnugs4221d ago

I want the demo, but sometimes it spoils the wonder of delving into the full game for the first time.
In this case I'm gonna skip as Im as certain as I could possibly be that this game will be mental good.

Gamesgbkiller4221d ago

Yeah , I know.
But for me , I can't wait that long.

Chrono4221d ago (Edited 4221d ago )

No mention of Ys Celceta? It's my most anticipated Vita game.


Import Review: Tokitowa | Japanator

Japanator: " What it actually is, is a proof of concept that's a long way from being anything resembling a fun, full featured game.

Don't be fooled by the pretty Vofan art, Tokitowa isn't worth your time or money."

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Snookies124259d ago

It's unfortunate, the game looks AMAZING in screens, but in motion... Not so much... It's a fantastic idea however, and should be improved upon either by the same company, or another.

Cryptcuzz4259d ago

What the hell? Is this really true? I have been looking forward to this game and has been amazed at how the game looks.

I'll wait for the general consensus on the review before forming my opinion on this. Kinda bummed out about the 2/10.

Better yet, hopefully there would be a demo in NA to try this out myself.

Shikoro4259d ago

A 2 is a barely playable game, but what I have seen from a few streams, the game is very much playable. It has an interesting upgrade system, the graphics are pretty, the battle system seems pretty tactical, music also seemed good... The animations are... well... exactly that, animations. They are pasted in the 3D scene and that's why it looks weird.

All in all, I don't think it deserves such a low score. But that's, of course, my opinion and this review is that person's opinion. Oh well...

Cryptcuzz4259d ago

So true, if a game is rate 2/10, it better be damn near impossible to play. From what I have seen of the game, it looks just like you said, pretty.

What I am afraid of most from the review, if true, is the recycled environments, spells, and creatures.

All in all, I am going to be optimistic about this game and hope it would be a commercial success. I would like to see more JRPG using this art style in the future.

wishingW3L4259d ago (Edited 4259d ago )

I don't think you guys know how the scoring system works let alone the fact that every game goes through a testing phase so it's virtually impossible that you'll ever encounter an unplayable game.

A 2/10 just mean a terrible game not a broken one (if it were broken then it should be a 0/10 and not a 2/10 since you can't even play it). And 10/10 doesn't mean perfect either.

jc485734259d ago

i was never a big fan of the developer. Their RPGs tend to be more of a hit and miss at least for me.

Servbot414259d ago

At least they aren't as bad as Gust.

jc485734259d ago

Gust is ok, but not a fan either. Image Epoch is worse than Gust IMO and if they continue to make games like that I don't think they will survive long even in Japan. I just don't see the ambition and they seem to target a very small audience.

izumo_lee4259d ago

The score doesn't matter to me whether a game is considered good or not. I love these lesser known JRPGs from these smaller developers from Japan cause they often try something different.

Tokitowa is just that. A JRPG trying something new & not really done in other games before. The use of fully animated characters in a 3D area is difficult to pull off but from what i have seen, although far from perfect is a nice start for new ideas.

Yes there is recycled assets, stiff animation at times but what Imageepoch has pulled off with 7 year old tech of the PS3 with limited RAM is impressive.

This game reminds me of a lesser known classic called 'Thousand Arms' on the PSone. That game was a decent game but tried to be different from other JRPGs. I look at this game in the same light, which is why i will enjoy this more than anyone else.

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The Best Japan-Only Games of 2012

Japan: The birthplace of Mario, Sonic, Final Fantasy, and Street Fighter—just to name a few. Each year scores of games are made and released here. The best of these come to the West—or rather most of the best do. Each year, a few great titles manage to slip through the cracks for whatever reason and 2012 is no exception.

The following is a collection of the best Japan-only games of 2012 (in no particular order). Some of these will likely never see an international release while others are already rumored to have one on the way. But regardless, as things stand now, these games remain Japan-only.

HarryMasonHerpderp4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

Bravery Default looks really good.
On a side note does anyone know if Tokitowa is getting a western release?

chadboban4291d ago (Edited 4291d ago )

I believe it was confirmed to be coming to the west but we weren't given a release date as yet.

4291d ago
TheLastGuardian4291d ago

Too bad you can't play japan only 3DS games unless you have a japanese 3DS. It's great being able to import any PS Vita game I want no matter what region it's from.

tarbis4290d ago

Aye, still playing and enjoying Hatsune Miku Project Diva f. ^o^
The list should also include Super Robot Wars OGs2 and Gundam Extreme VS.