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Would You Like to See a Proper Zelda Movie Made?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Nintendo green lighted a Zelda movie project? Is that something that even interest you? Should it happen? Should it be animated or not if it did? Zelda Informer's staff sounds off on the copious amount of topics that surround the giant question mark when conversing about Zelda as a movie.

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Community4381d ago
claud34381d ago

It would be a silent movie. Since no one speaks and tingle is weird

Lucretia4381d ago

exactly, not to mention the zelda stories never have any real depth and is normally a rehash of a previous zelda. ofcourse there are Sooome exceptions though.

but all in all a zelda movie would be pretty horrible lol

linkratos4381d ago

Recent Zelda stories that aren't a rehash:

Skyward Sword
Wind Waker
Majora's Mask

I think they have some nice depth as well. Nothing good-movie-worthy though. I would say movie-worthy but there are some really terrible movies made. It's getting to the point where if I close my eyes I can't tell if a commercial is for a videogame or movie.

wastedcells4381d ago

Think Nintendo learned its lesson with the Mario movie...

Spenok4381d ago

Thats not true, everyone speaks, except for Link.

So if it was a PROPER movie, Link wouldn't talk. And Myamoto would be behind it EVERY step of the way.

jambola4381d ago

well if made by the right people then ya it would be great

WeskerChildReborned4381d ago

Idk, live actions don't usually live up to my expectations. Unless they got a really good director and a cast that is perfect, then idk.

cero554381d ago

MASTER i estimate you have a 30% chance of success.
man i love zelda but idk about a film

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Zelda art director on how he came up with the Majora's Mask design

Zelda: Majora's Mask art director Takaya Imamura shares a few words about designing the mask in an interview.

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Community10d ago

Top 5 saddest Nintendo endings of all time

NE: "Today, we discuss 5 of the saddest Nintendo endings of all time."

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Community31d ago

Could Ganondorf Ever Be The Star Of A Zelda Game?

Gerudo or Gerudon't?

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Community69d ago
LG_Fox_Brazil70d ago

A game starring a young Ganondorf... That would be kinda interesting

OtterX69d ago

Yea, maybe a story arc about how he becomes evil, but make him start out good/morally ambiguous.

Michiel198969d ago

nintendo and morally ambiguous is a dumpsterfire I'd like to watch.

DefaultComment69d ago

He already was playable in original Hyrule Warriors ... just saying.

Inverno69d ago

WW's Ganon would probably be the most interesting of the bunch. It'd be a good way to not only return to WW but also Ocarina. We could see more of his upbringing, his motivations for trying to find the sacred realm, the fallen timeline, the flood, and how he survived. Tho I don't think he'd work well game wise unless they're willing to let us kill Link. Otherwise it'd be a really good concept for an animated film.

SubtilizZer69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Omg if they could literally make him follow Links path similarly like maybe he had to deliver the items Link had to recover in the legend of Zelda in hopes to save a loved one or maybe for some political gain or maybe his father is betrayed by Hyrule omg my brain so many ways to do this very thing and it would work so well.

Like his family is left in possession of powerful artifacts that can shape or deal with issues plaguing different parts of their world. Through politics they agree to part with these but then when they part with them they are betrayed or setup. I don’t know but this shit would slap.

It could star a relative and Ganon could be a child that he stops to visit on his journey who looks up to his like a Shanks and Luffy kind of deal. Seeing Ganon as a young kid with no hate wow. Nintendo sleeping on this for real

Kneetos69d ago

He was my MVP in the hyrule warriors game
Probably the most fun character to play as