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Should Next Gen Focus On Graphics, Or Physics And Gameplay?

Imagine for one second that you're playing a FPS multiplayer game with similar visuals to Killzone 3, or sightly better, but this time around the environment is not so dead and scripted. Where if you find yourself in a room and C4 detonates, there's a big chance that this room might come crumbling down. Imagine being able to interact with nearly everything you see on that map , from vehicles to trees and animals. A game where you every building is accessible, and if a door is lock then you break the lock, and electric poles can be brought down and entire entire map can experience a black out leaving whoever didn't bother to equip night vision goggles, to sorely regret their choices. A game where each map follows a 24 hour day/night cycle and changing weather cycles, making them even more unpredictable, and actually causing your character to react to those conditions in either a positive or negative way. I know that games like Battlefield have done some of the things on a much smaller scales,such as destructible environment, but I really think that should be the focus of next gen games.

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Cupid_Viper_34327d ago (Edited 4327d ago )

I agree but I think physics and game play should be the front runner. I don't want to see worse looking games then what we have this gen, but if it's on par with better game play, that's a win in my book.

@ NYC_Gamer, yes in theory it should, but are you willing to shell $500.00 and up for that capable hardware? I mean people are complaining about the PS Vita and that's $250.00.

Captain Qwark 94327d ago

agree with you 100%. if i had to pick and couldnt have all three it would be 1. gameplay 2. phy 3. graphics.

im actually good with how most games look now, id much rather see better gameplay and mind blowing realistic physics when required

Razmossis4327d ago

Atmosphere > graphics

Batman and Bioshock did atmosphere perfectly, and happened to have the best single player gameplay this generation imo

Lvl_up_gamer4327d ago

@ Razmossis

Don't forget Dead Space. Perfect atmosphere for that game. Sound, lighting etc...just perfect.

Gazondaily4327d ago

Admittedly, this is the hardest area to develop for, but I feel that there is too much focus on visuals and other areas to the detriment of A.I.

Part of a next-gen experience is a truly believable world, and part and parcel of that world (or worlds) are the inhabitants that occupy them. In today's games, A.I operates at a remedial level. It can shatter the illusion and thus, immersion in games. Yesterday for example, I was playing Mass Effect and had two of my companions facing a wall whilst they got peppered by bullets.

Advancing A.I is no mean feat but developers seem to have neglected this area. To put things in perspective, the A.I in Halo:CE was (and quite rightly so) critically acclaimed for reacting to the battlefield situation, flanking etc. To this day, this hasn't advanced at all (and in many games like COD is even worse).

There should be a concerted effort amongst developers (or a few of them) to focus on Artificial Intelligence. Otherwise, we'll end up with amazingly rendered worlds and characters with the intelligence of Natalia from Goldeneye *shudders*

ProjectVulcan4327d ago

Gameplay of course, BUT, if choose one technical aspect that needs work on that is very easy-

Artificial Intelligence.

I want to see proper leaps in coding for AI enemies and allies. In reality the AI we have now seems barely improved on what it was a decade ago in many games.

How many times do you see enemies or allies do incredibly dumb things...

darthv724327d ago

akin to substance in a movie or book. If you have a really good story line that plays out on screen (movie) or your imagination (book) then the rest isnt as critical.

Case in point. we have seen plenty of really good looking games that are dull and boring. Same can be said about movies. Lots of explosions and language and nudity (all pretty much filler) but no real substance/story.

A game has to be able to not only entertain the player but make them feel like they are part of it. That is where the good games are that make you want to sit and play all the way through.

Im not saying there isnt room for improvement graphically but physics can go hand in hand with the graphics. Its all the eye candy and perception of how things flow but the real meat and potatoes is the story/gameplay itself.

Cupid_Viper_34327d ago

I think TLoU is actually trying to find that balance between graphics and AI, which is what I think will really set it apart from other games this gen.

@ Darthv92
I agree with you, the game play carries such weight yet it often given the least bit of attention.

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teedogg804327d ago

You took the words right out of my mouth.

BrutallyBlunt4327d ago

I'd like to see more advancements in different types of gameplay and better A.I. There should also be more focus on polishing the games and getting them to run smoothly.

Freak of Nature4327d ago

WE are at a time that we should be getting it all....No real excuses. Immersion in a atmospheric setting, style and creativity should go hand in hand with gameplay. A.I. levels and physics should take a leap forward now, and these games should be polished, run smooth and have as little hiccups as can be...

With the lower ceilings removed for the most part, gameplay should have greater depth, more choice and some new advancements added to it...

BrutallyBlunt4327d ago

Totally agree. We are at a point in time where the graphics should no longer be the main focus. Games should start feeling more organic. How many times have you played a game where you die and the same actions keep repeating themselves? That's when you notice just how scripted games still are.

One big concern i have though is games requiring less skill from the player. Look at a game like Mario. It used to be hard, you only had a few lives which made you pay attention. Much like what Dark Souls and Demon Souls tried to do, make staying alive more rewarding and keep players on their toes. Now Mario games have almost endless amount of lives. ZombieU looks awesome but is it going to be an easy game to play? Are you going to go into a room and still have the game be scripted? Is that element of surprise only a one time deal? Can the enemies adapt to your playing and skill level so that there is always a challenge? How interactive are the surroundings?

Games like DOOM used to be corridor games from point A to B. Now games can have many corridors and gamers should be able to interact with everything within those rooms. It should feel like a real room. You should be able to rip the door off and use it for cover. You should be able to throw your gun at the enemy if you run out of ammo, not just mele attack. There's so many things they can do in the existing world instead of this need to just make it prettier.

neogeo4327d ago

I just want all doors to be open in open world games and not all look the same inside. Oblivion, skyrim, fallout. yeah you can go inside everywhere but after soon it's just the same recycled crap over and over, cut and paste chairs and walls, beds, ext. I want a TRUE open world game like GTA and every door is open and free to explore on a super diverse engine.

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NYC_Gamer4327d ago

Why not all?the hardware should be able to handle.

Godmars2904327d ago

It should strive for a necessity and balance between the...three?

Would like to say not seeing a point in mention physics, but then I see games which don't really need them them. A SHMUP which shouldn't have to rely on physical assets have too many because they're built into the engine its based on.

4327d ago
WiiUalpha4327d ago

I would love for all 3 to be the focus. This gen was kind of a let down in game play. I am not saying we didnt get advances but not like we did last gen. Compare open world PS2 games to open world games this gen. Many game play elements are missing. Compare last gen JRPGs to this gen. Few open world JRPGs exist.
GTA took a step back between San Andreas and GTA4 because they spent so much time focused on the graphics of the game they had to make cuts somewhere.

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Neil Druckmann: Philosopher gamer behind 'The Last of Us'

who is now the sole leader of Naughty Dog, “I promise you, we will not be ‘The Last of Us’ studio forever.” Numerous games, he said, are in the works, including “multiple single-player projects.

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Lightning7753d ago

I know he has a celebrity like status but unless he's announcing his game soon idc what he has to say from this point on.

We need announcement something from him.

Crows9052d ago

The dude is a nobody. He's also wrong. Naughty dog is the uncharted and Jak daxter studio.

They only made one universally praised last of us game. They're not know as "the last of us studio" but they are currently known as the "remake" studio.

Lightning7751d ago

I like his games tbh I'm just more upset at the fact that he's been talking and talking and not showing anything. I'm an actual fan of his work, don't cars if that's that's a popular take or not.

If he has nothing to show or talk about. I don't care about his interviews, his red carpet appearances or what's next for last Of Us 2 TV, leave that to Hollywood. You don't see SP, Bend, or any other studio doing what he's doing. They're remaining quiet and focused as most PS studios do. He should do the same. The next thing I wanna hear him say is "now heres our game" we know that probably won't be for another year or so, so he needs to remain silent and stay out of the limelight for awhile.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash51d ago

You are wrong. LOU2 won a lot of GOTY and was highly rated. It's okay to dislike the game but saying that ND just made one critical acclaimed LOU game is just hating at this point.

rippermcrip52d ago

Kind of a weird interview. No substance, hardly any questions. It's almost like they forgot to post the whole thing or something.

neomahi52d ago

Oh brother...... It's like a balloon filling with helium. He's got nothing new to say. Naughty Dog went from being a studio of numerous developers to being about him and what HE does. Bruce Straley was the co-creator of The Last of Us, and he left--I think for the same reason Christophe Balestra left and since then, Naughty Dog haven't been the same. PlayStation is incredibly woke, as all businesses seem to be these days, ignorant to what's really going on sacrificing the greater for peanuts, but I think they left because of the uprising political atmosphere. They knew there was nothing they could do about it and an attempt to try and combat it, in today's society would end them up in legal trouble so, they just left, what else can you do when the opposition behaves like a child, screams and yells louder than you want to in raged fits, and will throw lawsuits at you at whatever chance they can, but you don't play that way, so they left. And Naughty Dog hasn't been the same since.

Naughty Dog was huge at one time! They were the underdog that became the top dog but, the direction it's fine, just watch and wait. It's ego, and Druckmanns ego of thinking they're untouchable and can just coast along, will drop them rock bottom, in due time, they could see the same fate as Xbox's teams met. Fans will turn on Naughty Dog because A) Naughty Dog aren't producing, they're not what they once were.
B) Gamers ARE growing tired of the woke culture overtaking their lifetime hobby. They're just more silent about it, it's the quiet cool

anast52d ago

Non of this makes sense. I would like to think you didn't spend too much time writing it.

Crows9052d ago

I hope you didn't spend much time obviously you didnt understand it. But that's okay. There's many other comments to read...


You project your own views on the world, and that is a mistake.

Crows9052d ago you project someone else view on the world? What are you talking about?! We all project our view on the world lol...smh

anast51d ago

It's called perspective. I understand that. But I don't understand the poster.

smashman9852d ago

you know it's not his fault that people are interested in what he says, right?

Also, Naughty Dog is bigger than ever.

Crows9052d ago

Smaller....where's their last big game? Yeah...I remember when they were actually releasing heavy hitters.

smashman9850d ago

@Crows90 It was in 2020 and despite what a vocal minority says it was critically acclaimed and the 2020 game of the year. Not only that but The Last of Us is also a critically acclaimed television series and PlayStation's most successful foray into Film and TV yet.

So yes, Naughty Dog is bigger than ever, and just because you don't vibe with them or whatever does not change that fact.

anast52d ago

He's a solid theatre arts person, but he's not a philosopher. Being good at one thing doesn't mean he's Descartes.

DarXyde52d ago

I believe that philosophers are more principled than Druckmann, to be honest. It's fascinating that The Last of Us Part II was literally inspired by the Israel-Palestine conflict and was a needed commentary on humanity and ending the cycle of violence, only to have some questionable commentary after 7 October.

I don't hate the guy as some others seem to. He's been a big part of some great games, but I'll never understand the obsession with hanging on all of his statements.

Chard52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

That's a good point in relation to 7 Oct - a far more important issue where valid criticisms could have been made of this guy, but most here seem thoroughly distracted by trivial issues

anast51d ago


Like all artists he has a signature. People that have an agenda will try to look for that signature and use it. This is why a lot of "journalist/game influencers" hang on every word. Most of us just enjoy his work and get hyped when he mentions something about a possible new game.

"a far more important issue where valid criticisms could have been made of this guy"

Which is?


Sony should try and stay radio silence outside of hard reveals.

It’s painful to wait for any info at all, but it’s less painful than skimming an interview that avoids all details whatsoever.

Commit to radio silence, Sony. You can afford to leverage the trust in gaming output that you’ve cultivated.

anast51d ago

That wouldn't be a smart decision. There must be a constant stream of connection in today's world.


When a constant stream of connection delays a game 1-2 years, and said games take 5 years to make anyways…. Sony fans are better off trusting Sony to deliver than expecting frequent confirmation.

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The Sounds of the Fireflies ("The Last of Us") concert kicks-off on April 28th, 2024

"The Game Music Foundation are today very proud and pleased to announce an additional concert, circling back to the roots of Game Muisic Festival in Poland. On April 28th, 2024, the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw will once again become a place to celebrate the art of video game music, featuring scores from The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II." - The Game Music Foundation.

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15 Top Notch Single-Player Games You Can Complete in 10 Hours

For those who don't have time for massive open worlds or role-playing games with epic tales, these 15 games are worth checking out.

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anast140d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.