
Brain Testing With Advance Wars

Of all gaming's most celebrated series', one that sometimes gets overlooked is Nintendo's turn-based strategy franchise, Advance Wars.

Advance warsWhile the likes of Mario, Zelda and Grand Theft Auto get most of the plaudits, Advance Wars quietly goes about its business, carving out a cheery 'war isn't all that bad - honest' niche with never so much as a wrong step along the way.

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Is This Advance Wars on iOS?

Given everything happening with Nintendo at the moment the release of this Advance Wars clone on the App Store is very timely. Grab It Magazine reports...

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wonderfulmonkeyman3895d ago (Edited 3895d ago )

There've been clones of good Nintendo games for ages, so I'm not surprised someone did one of Advance Wars.
Ya know, for all the hate Nintendo's games seem to get, we sure do see a lot of people copying them...

SlappingOysters3895d ago

I just finished playing Super Mario 3D World with my 2-year-old son and it was awesome. I had fun, he had fun. Every level offered a wow factor.

I think I am going to start playing more Nintendo as my son grows up.... if they're still around. Otherwise you can get a Wii and a stack of awesome games for about $10


iPad: Most Wanted Nintendo Games (Modojo)

Unlike Sega, Nintendo will probably remain in the console business, competing with Sony and Microsoft for market domination. That notwithstanding, the publisher has a variety of games that we'd love to see on the iPad.

Chris Buffa (Modojo)

hammersuit4933d ago

Mario. Mario Mario Mario. Need more Mario.

Buff10444933d ago

I think Paper Mario would work best on the iPad, as opposed to something like SMB3.

Stealth20k4933d ago

why wouldnt nintendo be in systems? They are always 1/2 in portables and handhelds

Buff10444933d ago

I am not sure what you mean by that.

soren4933d ago

hA ya aint gona get shit on the ipad but junk

Buff10444933d ago

Then I am clearly addicted to junk.

soren4933d ago

yeah ur addicted to junk those things u play arent much diffrent from those free web games you get only free web game that was good was cave story and u cant play that on the ipad

Buff10444933d ago

Really? Infinity Blade is mighty good.

metsgaming4933d ago

thats what angry birds is just a type of game you would get on a free games site.

Aarix4932d ago

Dont talk S*** about world of goo.

_LarZen_4933d ago

There aint any Nintendo games I would like on the iPad...but there are alot of other games on the DS I would love on it.

Professor Layton would be perfect!

With so many good games on the iDevices Nintendo realy should be scared. I wil not be picking up a 3DS the 25th....its all about the iPad 2 for me.

_LarZen_4933d ago (Edited 4933d ago )

Funny how the fanboys click Disagree. Boys wil be boys...heres hoping they grow up one day.

soren4933d ago (Edited 4933d ago )

ipad cand do gameing lol i dont care what no one says Infinity Blade does look cool but its only touch controls kills the whole exp it looks like punch out kind of game i dont no why it said it was an rpg on the trailer o.0


Top Ten Current-Generation Exclusive Titles

This week’s Sunday Special focuses on the top ten exclusive titles on current-generation systems; Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable (PSP) and PC. System exclusives are becoming more-and-more of a rarity these days, largely due to the rising costs of videogame development, and becoming more typical for a game to be made available on one format for a short time before being ported or remade for other systems a short while after release.

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ApocalypseShadow5104d ago (Edited 5104d ago )

no uncharted 2=list fail.and there are more ps3 games that deserve it over ffxiii.but at least demon souls was mentioned...

what else is there to say.......

darkcharizard5104d ago (Edited 5104d ago )

#1 is debatable,

But no Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 in the top 3 is unacceptable!!

Also no Super Mario Galaxy, Uncharted 2 and Zelda: Twilight Princess is blasphemy!

MrMccormo5104d ago

Although this list certainly did leave out some great games, and I completely disagree with their #1 choice (hype train), I am pleased that they decided to included PC, Wii, and DS games as well. Most "Best exclusives" lists don't do that.

A Cupcake for Gabe5104d ago (Edited 5104d ago )

Halo Reach is far from the best exclusive this gen. This is also hype and it will always be that. HALO oh HALO can't do any wrong. IT can bethere but not at number one. It bings nothing to the table but a few changes. If you want to pick something for the top spot, pick something orignal.

#1 should be LittleBigPlanet, the most unique and original game ever made.

kneon5104d ago

It looks like a list put together with the deliberate goal of including everyone rather than really choosing the top 10.

Mini Mario5103d ago

Yeh the most top rated game this year at 6 lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5103d ago
MrAwesome5104d ago

Yeah no uncharted2 = fail, Mgs4 shold have
been higher, no lbp or Gears of war? The list was awful...

A Cupcake for Gabe5104d ago

Think Gears was dropped cause it was on PC too, but I agree.

sdtarm5104d ago

indeed its amazing that a ds game is there along with metroid prime which im not saying they r bad but there r better games and exclusives

Zackstorm5104d ago

Metroid Prime Trilogy is absolutely one of the best exclusive packages this gen.

Mini Mario5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

"Metroid Prime Trilogy is absolutely one of the best exclusive packages this gen"

Yeh i agree. Kinda reminds me of the orange box too.

NewsForMe5104d ago (Edited 5104d ago )

Oh no! A random list disagrees with your precious little opinion. This list is an opinion, so is your bitching.

XactGamer5104d ago

Comment of the week :) bubbles 4 you

Imperator5104d ago

Where's LBP and UC2? You know, those two games that won a boatload of GOOTY awards. Well, I guess they had to leave something out. Otherwise this would have been a PS3 only list.

And while I enjoy Reach, it's not number 1 in any way,shape or form. It's not even in the top 3.

pustulio5104d ago

Yeah right... you love 360 i bet you play Halo a lot too.


visualb5104d ago

however, what a sh!t f*cking site

who uses a flash based logo on their site?! WHO?! It made the viewing of the site horrible!

website design rule 1: KEEP IT SIMPLE.

what a mess, still, fair list

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5103d ago
pustulio5104d ago

The image made me remember...



Rrobba5104d ago (Edited 5104d ago )

What? No Uncharted 2, no KillZone 2, no Halo 3, no Super Mario Galaxy 1, no Gears of War 2, no Super Smash Bros. Brawl, no Zelda: Twilight Princess, no Little Big Planet? This list fails.

NewsForMe5104d ago

Halo 3? They already put the superior Halo title in the list. I'd say Gears of War over Gears of War 2 if one showed up. This list is an opinion, not your opinion obviously. How many games do you expect to fit in one top 10?

albel_nox5104d ago

Moving Heavy Rain to #1 and replacing Pokemon with Uncharted 2 would improve this list a lot.

timmyrulz5104d ago

Heavy rain shouldnt even be in the top ten, its a niche title which i would suggest every gamer play through it once, then trade it in

visualb5104d ago

you see, this is one persons list, and its well justified.

by replacing pokemon with uncharted 2 you'd have a vastly unbalanced list towards the PS3, which I'm quite sure the author is avoiding.

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