
Nintendo Wants To Take Over Your Living Room

Nintendo's take on this whole entertainment center thing is Nintendo TVii, a service that's far easier to watch than it is to spell. Nintendo TVii will let you use the GamePad as a hybrid remote-controller-tablet to consume all the television, movies, and sports you can feast your hungry eyes on. And it'll ship free with every Wii U.

Muffins12234389d ago

Seems interesting.I might buy a wiiu on a black Friday next year cause i dont see who would pay around 350 dollars for a console that keeps on saying that its update with these OLD consoles when they should be saying its next gen ready,im tired of Nintendo going with this stupid wii remote shit and pad crap....they should of used the wiiu pro controller for the default controller,cheaper and better for gaming :)
But i like how there doing the connectivity and interface.Seems much more easir to use than xbox or ps3 for watching videos...lets hope it will have 3rd party support for games though for next gen(not this gen Ex: Assassins Creed ,fifa 13,etc.)I really dont think it will be able to run next gen multi platform titles,only if they where graphically dumbed down.I really want to buy a console from Nintendo but there going to have to show me that they wont fall behind everyone like they did this gen on multi platform games...im worried :c


Hands-On with Nintendo TVii: Is It The Revolution That Was Promised?

Nintendo of America’s president Reggie Fils-Aime promised Wii U users everywhere that Nintendo TVii would change the way we watched TV for ever. Why? Because TVii can make the gamepad interact with programs.

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1upgamer994275d ago

I like the app, and it is free. So yeah I will take it. It is true, you wont lose your remote. Watching a game on TV with the gamepad is very cool. There is more to come as well. I want support for my DVR! :) I don't have TIVO, so I hope they support more DVR'S than just that one.

wiiulee4275d ago

tvii is fantastic and will only get better...of course it will be copied then haters will say wow tvii is great but for some other companies...nintendo cant win with haters and they shouldnt lose sleep over that.


Wii U TVii impressions: a static start | ShackNews

ShackNews writes:

"The Wii U's long-teased TVii feature launched, but even now it feels like a work-in-progress. While the functionality certainly shows potential, most of it is underbaked and unlikely to change TV watching habits as Nintendo might hope."

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Akuma-4286d ago Show
1upgamer994286d ago

@Akuma, Wii U is not garbage, troll. I have one and like it better than my PS3. The online, is far better on Wii U than my PS3, and it seamless. TVii needs some work, but its already happening. Clearly you do not own a Wii U, so how can you call something you don't have any REAL experience garbage. I really like it. It certainly does more than any other console on the market can right now. Nintendo has done more for entertainment With the Wii U than even I thought they would do...So if you do not care for the Wii U, why don't you stay off the Wii U topics.

-Mika-4286d ago

Relax. Akuma might have been a bit harsh but he is right. Also I don't think most of the problems with the Tvii can be fix. I understand that you're a huge Nintendo fan but Nintendo messed up on this system. When the ps4/720 come out and show us gamers how a true next gen console should be. You won't be able to brag about seamless experiences and you might regret your purchase.

Now about Tvii. It a good concept but the concept is in the wrong hands. This idea would of worked better if it was worked on by MS.

PopRocks3594286d ago

Not really, you're just a troll. Also Microsoft already tried this with their TV apps and those are typically garbage.

4286d ago
meganick4286d ago

Mika, you clearly hate Nintendo, so why do you comment in so many Nintendo-related articles? What is to be gained? I'm personally not a fan of Microsoft or the 360, but I don't post negative comments in 360-related articles, or even click the links for that matter. I just avoid what I don't like. Why don't you and others like you just do the same?

1upgamer994286d ago

Those systems are not due out for a year, and from what I have heard recently ( a week a ago and I am sorry I don't have the link) 720 is only going to "Soft launch" pre-2014 meaning that it will be a very limited release at the end of 2013, and PS4 is set to roll out in 2014, so For now Nintendo's Wii U is the best choice for me, and the first party titles are going to be amazing. Tvii upgrades are already on the way, also if you are a sports fan try watching a game with the Wii U gamepad on, that is amazing. I am a huge Nintendo fan, but I also like PS3 and PC, its all about choices and what mood I am in. Since I have had my Wii u and explored what it can do I am really impressed. I feel Nintendo is doing a POOR job of marketing it though. If I could make a Wii U commercial I know people would turn their heads. Sony Is the best at marketing, if you ask me. Accept not so much with Vita.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4286d ago
4286d ago Replies(2)
Phil324286d ago (Edited 4286d ago )

I love how the non-troll comment got more disagrees than agrees. What a laughable community this is, or maybe it's just gamers in general who are juvenile. With the behavior I've witnessed-- and sorry to be holier than thou-- I'm leaning towards somewhere in between.

EDIT: And it's the same people too. Do you guys not have hobbies other than trolling comment sections? Did Nintendo defile your ancestors or something? The hatred for a console is bizarre to me.

PopRocks3594286d ago (Edited 4286d ago )

Bubble up for speaking the truth. I was going to say the same thing, but you took the words right out of my mouth.

guitarded774286d ago (Edited 4286d ago )

JJC... when did this Wii U vs PS3 thing start? It's really getting on my F'n nerves. I thought we'd almost moved past the XBOX 360 vs PS3 thing, but now this is the new fanboy rage. I couldn't imagine being as simple minded as some of you. It must be a pathetic existence.

On Topic: The best part of Nintendo TVii so far is the guide. It's much better than my cable guide for finding when a show will be on, or browsing upcoming shows/games. I don't watch a lot of TV (I prefer to game), but I was thinking about getting a Wii U for the living room to put along side the other PS3 and XBOX for my wife to use. I can't really justify buying a second Wii U right now though, but I got some money and a BB gift card for Christmas, so it would essentially be free. Then again, a new video card for my PC sounds tempting too.

Rockefellow4286d ago

If account transfers were easy and multiple systems per account were available, that would be ineffably nice for your wife while being practical for you... but YOU got that money for Christmas, so the video card is more appealing (from my perspective!).

DivineAssault 4286d ago

troll troll troll lol... just stop already.. If wii u is awesome to u, its awesome ok.. I think its a improvement over the wii but i really dont see it standing a chance against ps4/720 in any way.. Good luck to em & ill always be there to support my zelda n metroid titles but it will never be my main console of choice.. Does that mean im a troll? or does it mean i have different taste?

1upgamer994286d ago

I forgot to add something to one of my comments. 7 years ago I spent $160.00 on a smart remote control. I think this App kinda blows that away...Also how much does Tvii cost? Hmm thought so. So its a added BONUS to your game console.

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Wii U: The Unanswered Questions

Vex of Play Legit Writes "Nintendo seems to want to take over the living room just like Microsoft, but at what expense?"

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ninjabake4385d ago

Very fair. I can understand where he's coming from. I wouldn't fully jump on if I needed more details either. However, I personally have seen enough to warrant a purchase but that's just me. I was gonna buy it anyway so my opinion isn't the best one to hear regarding whether or not to get it.

darthv724385d ago (Edited 4385d ago )

has their own personal threshold for buying into something. There will be the early adopters which many consider the beta tester consumers but they do have an advantage. they get to play with the new toys before the rest.

If you are unsure it will be something that interests you then the obvious choice is to wait. Read about it, do your homework and see if there is something about it that's appealing. But please, for gods sake, dont try and use personal opinion to sway the buying habits of others.

We all have been in that position of wanting to help someone unsure about something into making the right decision. Truth be told the right (or wrong) decision should be made by the individual. If you put yourself out there then you can become liable if it doesnt work out or you can be praised if it does.

I have seen far to many instances of blame rather than praise. (generally speaking)

ninjabake4385d ago

I see where your coming from, however you pretty much just gave a long winded alternative to what I had already stated. I wasn't disagreeing with the article I'm all for waiting and seeing, shoot its your money. So I'm not sure why you felt like you needed to respond to my comment rather just posting a general comment. I don't disagree with you or the author. The education lesson you provided is better suited for someone who doesn't see where your coming from.

darthv724385d ago

sorry man. Got caught up in the moment. No harm, no foul.

stuntman_mike4385d ago

I really want to know if you can have digital optical out on the console, and not the crappy RCA out.

darthv724385d ago

it be possible to feed a digital signal via the HDMI to the tv and then from the tv to the receiver?

I do that now with multiple HDMI devices going to the tv and then the optical out from the tv to a single optical port on my little surround sound.

It may not be perfect but it works.

stuntman_mike4385d ago

Yeah I suppose but it would have been nice if they added that support on the console as I just got a new sound bar, also I prefer to have the sound straight from the device it sounds a bit more purer. But no matter.

HybridCloud30004385d ago

I'm actually pretty excited for the Wii U. After SNES, I pretty much stuck with Playstation & Xbox. I really think that the Wii U will be more competitive this gen.

3-4-54385d ago

Yea 3-5 years from now they won't be able to compete with the HD graphics of the other two, but they will at least be able to put out a comparable respectable version of it, whereas Wii was just too far behind to even compete with xbox & PS3 in Hd.

Things are looking good.

Bobertt4385d ago

Nintendo said you can add a external hard drive to the wii u through the usb port so you won't need to buy one from nintendo like microsoft does. Microsoft sells a 320gb xbox hard drive for $130. You can buy a 1 tb external hard drive for $90-100! Wii U is definitely worth it! It has double the ram of current gen consoles so it should be able to more things smoothly. Im not certain but i think i read somewhere that said you can use the browser in the wii u while playing the game. Wii had some great games but most of them were casual and got boring after a while. The hardcore games they had usually had motion control problems like conduit. But others like no more heroes was awesome. The Wii U get Bayonetta 2 as an exclusive was good because now there is a reason to get a wii u. Even if the casual games get boring there will be more hardcore games like the other systems but with the wii u controls. The graphics will be at least as good as ps3 and 360. Im not sure if it will be better, if it is $350 is an awesome price. Xbox was $400 for 20gb when it came out. And wii u is even better but $50 less. Wii U has everything going for it in my opinion, only way they mess it up is if they don't take advantage of the gamepad. It seems awesome but developers usually use touchscreen or motion controls as a short gimmick instead of actually integrating it into the game. Like 3d movies. Wii has the best motion games in my opinion so if anyone can make it work its nintendo.

iamnsuperman4385d ago

One unanswered question about storage is can we play games of the external hard drives. It would be a massive mistake if Nintendo decided we couldn't.

Another unanswered feature for me is its online service and how are Nintendo going to make it competative

Bobertt4385d ago

Im not certain but i believe you will be able to play from the external storage. On the 3DS you can download games to the sd card and play from it. On the wii you can do the same thing i think, i haven't played on my wii for a long time. So i should think its the same thing for the wii u. They haven't said much about the online other than the video services they added. But from what i saw of it, it searches all the services you have like hulu or netflix and it gives you a summary of the episode or movie and a cast list form imdb on the screen. If they use the gamepad like that for the rest of it, it could be awesome. But i hope they make it free like psn and have a paid version after.

DivineAssault 4385d ago

i have unanswered questions too.. Why would someone want to buy this (non biased) if they own 360/ps3 already? Unless they like 1st party i dont see why