
Will you buy a Wii U?

The Wii U seems like an interesting console and the price is certainly right.

But will anyone actually but one with Microsoft and Sony's new consoles looming over gamer's heads?

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4395d ago Replies(2)
pat_11_54395d ago

I'll get one. But only because I know the new Zelda is going to be beyond epic.

vishant1014394d ago

Ill buy one with zelda hopefully there will be a limited edition one. until then not a chance

ThePsychoGamer4395d ago

Yes eventually. Though it depends on Nintendo's decisions will the system to determine how I buy it.

If they make the right decision and finally give us gamers what we want, and go region free, I'll happily pay full price for a new system as soon as I have the money.

But if Nintendo continues their misguided and stupid trend of region locking their systems, I will wait until the price is low, there are hacks for the system that give it this capability, and to insure Nintendo gets none of my hard earned money, I will buy it used.

Break the locks.

NYC_Gamer4395d ago

I'll buy one down the line if Nintendo puts out more software that catches my attention

pat_11_54395d ago

I agree. But I've been a Nintendo fan for years. It's just too hard to abandon them now.

I guess brand loyalty really works.

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How Bayonetta's Character Has Changed Since 2009

Bayonetta's character design and abilities have changed a lot since the series debuted in 2009, with new costumes and dark arts in every title.

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Why Bayonetta 3 Is a Step Down From Its Predecessor

Many fans have been expressing their disappointment with Bayonetta 3. Here's why the recently released game is a clear step down from Bayonetta 2.

MadLad654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

Yet the Switch is much more powerful than the Wii U - the platform the second game released on. So you're just being negative to be negative with that comment.

anast654d ago

The voice acting wasn't as good...

jBlakeeper654d ago

Bayonetta herself doesn’t even look as good design wise.

-Foxtrot653d ago

I thought they focused on big kaiju like fights which felt gimmicky and thy brought this new character in to try and get away from the leading star


I mean they pretty much killed 3 big characters. They killed Jeanne, Luka and Bayonetta herself and it's not the fact they died it's how they died, we've seen Jeanne and Bayonetta survive countless things yet they go out by the lamest ways possible.


Bayonetta 2 Update 1.2.0 Patch Notes Released by Nintendo

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