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New Little King's Story Coming To PlayStation Vita On October 2nd

Konami announced the confirmed release date for Little King's Story on the PlayStation Vita.

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Community4394d ago
TrendyGamers4394d ago (Edited 4394d ago )

Hopefully the game is released for under $40 now that it's download only.

sashimi4394d ago

well $5 cheaper most likely like some of the other downloadable games that have released so far. Wish i had a 32GB memory card for more DD but too bad i have more important things to spend money on atm. I mean if people look at it this way those memory cards pretty much pay for themselves over time via discounted downloadable titles.

hardandsloppy4394d ago

I'm hoping its only like a $10-$15 downloadable game. One can only hope right :)

TrendyGamers4394d ago

It looks to be more of a full-fledged game, meaning $30 - $35 is more likely.

Spenok4393d ago

Yeah you would hope so especially since it's now download only. But as others are ssying it's more than likely going to be $20-30.

BXbomber4394d ago

big is the game tho?? damn i hope not too big

Tidybrutes4394d ago

Wounded, only have a 8gb card and its full :(

Hope this stil gets a physical release in Europe even though after reading this I doubt it.


『New Little King’s Story』Service termination announcement | Konami

Thank you for the support to Konami Digital Entertainment.
We would like to announce the service termination of selling and online service of PlayStation®Vita software 『New Little King’s Story』via PlayStation®Store platform would be start by below schedule.

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Community2343d ago
nodim2343d ago (Edited 2343d ago )

They are announcing that they will remove the game four days ago? Wat?


PlayStation Vita: The Essential Exclusives

Nathan Misa of MMGN: "The PS Vita has gotten a lot of flak lately for not having consistent and compelling software releases, especially exclusives, but with Gamescom 2013 revealing a slew of new games, and blockbusters Killzone: Mercenary and Tearaway on the horizon, it’s nothing but a great time to be a Vita owner.

However, that’s not to say there aren’t already several must-have exclusive games to play right now! MMGN takes a look at the best, most essential exclusive Vita games you shameful pessimists should already have played."

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Community4052d ago
porkChop4052d ago

That's actually a really good list. Can't say I disagree with any of them as they all deserve to be there for different reasons.

GamingAngelGabriel4052d ago don't need to play Unit 13.

legionsoup4052d ago

That's your opinion. I found it to be awesome. I was addicted to it for a solid month or so.

GamingAngelGabriel4052d ago

It's ok in small doses, but I don't think it's as good as these other choices.

TheFirstClassic4052d ago

Very underrated game. Good shooting mechanics and good level design. Just no competitive mp or story.

prodg524052d ago

Other Vita games announced, but not mentioned:

The Walking Dead (with Vita controls)
Malicious Rebirth
Ragnarock Ace

admiralvic4052d ago

But none of those games are exclusives. Well Malicious sort of is, but is still largely the same game.

bangoskank4052d ago

Soul Sacrifice bored me to tears. Ended up trading it in.

dcj05244052d ago

We all make mistakes. Its ok.

ninjahunter4052d ago

Not gonna lie, if you own a vita and dont own P4G, go get it, Ive never smiled, fist pumped and yelled F** Yea so much in my life. Idk, theres something about that masterpiece that just makes you feel good.

But the entire list is pretty good, I didnt like uncharted though. I havent played any uncharted games before so i dont have a gauge, but im not a fan of this whole follow the straight line while listening to people talk thing.

legionsoup4052d ago

That last sentence just described Personal 4. ;)

Not that I didn't love it as just, but just sayen!

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Ten brilliant Vita games no one told you about

Digitally Downloaded writes: "This week we're going to have a look at that console that everyone claims lacks games. That's right, the PlayStation Vita. The sad reality for those naysayers is that it doesn't lack games at all. In fact, the Vita has some truly entertaining games that were release to little or no fanfare thanks to the console's utter lack of visibility in the market.

So, if you haven't got a Vita yet, consider the ten games we've listed below. You might not even realise these are available on the console, but if you pick one up and grab these games to go with it, you'll quickly realise just how good the Vita can really be."

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Community4141d ago
smashman984141d ago

Oh hell no I know ragnarok odyssey is not in this list lol
To each their own but I seriously hated that game

Nerdmaster4141d ago

Yeah, I was really disappointed with Ragnarok Odyssey.

sherimae24134141d ago

i need to get that atelier totori plus, ASAP! because starting next month to october ill be buying a lot of new release vita games, that i might forget this
i wish there is a retail for this game :(

Ult iMate4140d ago

I really liked Totori. It's so cute and funny. And has great replayability.

Cam9774141d ago

Get this:

It's a new indie game that is available on PS Mobile. Sorry, this is all I could find of the game on Youtube.

Furthermore, I'd advise you check out "LONE SURVIVOR" when it's out which is yet another survival horror Indie game.
I can't wait to see what's in store for the Vita at E3 2013!

Smokingunz4141d ago

I don't agree with this list! This author has bad taste. The only good game on this list is Silent Hill Book Of Memories! Now that is an awesome game.a game worth buying indeed.

4141d ago
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