
The Best of Times The Worst of Times: Retro Games and Classic Gaming

We sometimes look to the past with rose coloured glasses dipped and dusted with nostalgia. But not everything about retro games was rosy.

RantGaming's Nan Rymer admits her age (somewhat) and recalls the best of times and the worst of times from her old school gaming days.

What are yours?

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shammgod4395d ago

Nailed it with this article. Long ass passwords were the bane of my existence. Every game was mysterious in my old days without the Internet. It was all trial and error. I loved that shit!

lahnaloo4395d ago

Very nice article! Thanks for sharing it.

SilentNegotiator4395d ago

"NA NA NA, Games used to so much harderrr"

Yeah, so you'd feed the machine more quarters and buy the magazines.

ShaunCameron4395d ago (Edited 4395d ago )

Or mod the game with cheats. GameGenie, anyone?

The one thing I probably don't miss about the good ol' days are bad design choices due to the technological limits of the day (every other game being a 2d side-scroller or a top-down) making the game hard just for difficulty's sake.

SilentNegotiator4395d ago

Yeah, the cheat packs and booklets, too.

And I also agree that it's nice to have less limitations in genre these days. There was a charm in some places where the more mechanical and simple stuff worked out, but JUST having that stuff was boring.

Now you can have that AND 3D games. Which is great.

tweet754395d ago

if gaming wants to be great they should make what made gaming great back than mixed with todays technology. I miss the sense of challenge and less hand holding. Passwords will never be back not since the ability to save ever game existed.

voodoopickle4395d ago

i agree, if we took games like the original FF, DQ, Mega Man games, etc. and what made them great and just update them i would be in heaven. stop trying to change everything to the point where you cant even remember what the game was to begin with. please.


Top 10 Best Dragon Quest Games of All Time, Ranked

Dragon Quest is one of the cornerstone JRPG series that helped make the genre what it is today, and these are the best games.

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andy85311d ago

Dragon Quest VIII 4th? Yikes. That's easily number 1 for me. I'd love to be able to play it again on newer consoles.

Zeldafan64310d ago

III, XI and VIII are my top 3 in that order. While I think XI is the better game overall my nostalgia for III will never be beat.


Final Fantasy XI Online November Update Goes Live

The latest update for Final Fantasy XI Online, the 'November Update', is now live across all platforms where the game is playable.

Kurisu313d ago

Can't believe this game is still getting updates 21 years after it launched. That's crazy! XI remains the only main numbered FF that I haven't played.

MrNinosan313d ago

At the time, it was an amazing game if you had a good Linkshell and/or friend to play with.
A MMOROG that actually required teamplay to be played.

Spenok313d ago

Easily one of the best games ever. As you said, it had the caveat of NEEDING a good group to play with, but I've never had memories/experiences like that in ANY game since.

I've been chasing that experience since I stopped playing it, and the closest I've come to is FFXIV. And even that is still vastly different.

Seraphim313d ago

Played the shit of this 20 years ago. Getting the Serket ring was epic. Idk how many mornings we spent camping before we finally got the pull and I won the roll upon defeat. It was great solo, but you really need a good link/squad for some of the notorious monsters....

MrNinosan313d ago

I loved those camping hours for every NM of interest.
Leaping Lizzy or what was it's name. Damn, so many days and nights 😅

And first time you got attacked by the Kraken on the boat, omg...

MrNinosan313d ago (Edited 313d ago )

Why tag all those platforms where it ain't playable then?

Spenok313d ago

To get more engagement with his article, and drive clicks. DUH!

(Thanks, I'll go ahead and report that).

YoungKingDoran313d ago

Wish they'd release it for PS4, 5, Xboxes and Switch - it ran on ps2 and still works on potato PCs so should run well everywhere


EG7 Hints at Plans for New EverQuest MMORPG, Targeting a 2028 Release - MMORPG.GG

During EG7’s Capital Markets Day stream earlier today, EG7’s CEO Ji Ham discussed several in-development projects including a potential EverQuest 3 that is in an early “ideation phase”.