
Developer revealed for Zone of the Enders HD Collection

The developer behind the upcoming remastered compilation, the Zone of the Enders HD Collection for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, has been revealed.

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jghvhv4302d ago

It's High Voltage Software.Why not just put it in the little bit up there and save everyone the bother of clicking?

sunnygrg4302d ago

Examiner contributors tend to do this a lot, and I agree. It's annoying.

firelogic4302d ago

Because they aren't in the business of giving away news for free. They want you to click through to their site.

miyamoto4302d ago

I hope they are as good as Bulletpoint

a_bro4302d ago

well so far the previews are positive.

TheColbertinator4302d ago

Good.I like High Voltage,best of luck to them.

Omar914302d ago

question: what exactly do developers that pick up HD remakes have to do besides clean up the graphics a bit? Im just curious

smashman984302d ago

well apparently some fail at actually doing an hd remaster

silent hill
devil may cry

are 2 recent examples i can think of

darren_poolies4302d ago

I personally didn't have any problems with either Silent Hill. Haven't got round to getting the DMC collection yet though.

smashman984302d ago

I havent touched the silent hill one but i heard it's "unplayable" on 360. Dmc on the other hand leaves much to be desired the cutscenes aren't updated at all as well as the menu screens

Dark_Overlord4302d ago

It wasn't the fault of the devs for Silent Hill, Konami made one big f*** up and gave them Beta code



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Zone of the Enders: HD Collection - Still the Best Way to Enjoy the Classic Series

More than a decade since release, Zone of the Enders: HD Collection remains your best opportunity to enjoy the games on modern consoles.

ZeekQuattro370d ago

I loved 2nd Runner back in the day on the PS2.I tiried playing it again years later on the PS4 and I just couldn't get into it. I don't know what happened. The game just felt janky to me.

VersusDMC370d ago

I have the ps4 edition of 2nd runner(Mars) and it runs great. But i guess if you want to play the original you need the collection.

The war and taking down the fleet sections are highlights that i still remember to this day. Maybe Armoured Core VI will have some dope sections like that.

Knightofelemia370d ago

A series that needs a new entry

gamerz370d ago

Runs surprisingly well on the Steam Deck. Doesn't feel too old or constricted on the small screen.

sertz369d ago

Absolutely loved these games. Bought the first ZoE because of the MGS2 demo, and ended up loving the game that came with the demo! Haha but ZoE 2 has a special place in my heart. The mix of 3D and anime style cell shading at the time on Ps2 was NEXT LEVEL. I beat it in one sitting on a Sunday afternoon and will always remember that game. Hard as sh** but improved on the first in every way and had some very cool easter eggs.

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New Games with Gold for September 2021

The September Games with Gold lineup is here! On Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, battle the Chaos Gods and their horde of bestiaries in Warhammer: Chaosbane, and embark on an epic quest in Mulaka.

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darthv721025d ago

Mulaka looks interesting. Never played a ZoE game and SS2 is prob my favorite of the SS games.

Lightning771025d ago

Chaos Bane and Zone Of The Enders for me. Personally, not a bad month.

Christopher1024d ago

Chaosbane is a great get, IMHO. Definitely one of those "not a must-buy but definitely want to try" games. It's got the usual Warhammer game baseline of rerunning missions and whatnot, but a different style of diablo-esque than normal that was enjoyable.

franwex1025d ago

I have owned Zone of the Enders collection. I encourage you to try it. It’s corny in a good way and not very long games.

Germaximus1025d ago

Chaosbane is pretty cool if you're into games like Diablo

JayRyu1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

I own ZOE physical nice to have the digital to downloaded to launch when I want to play it. The same with Samurai Showdown.

Looking forward to trying out ChaosBane

Good month for GWG

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