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Top 5 Actors Who Should Play Solid Snake

Since there’s a Metal Gear Movie coming out it’s time for us to narrow down our wish list. Here's Rant Gaming's Top 5 Actors who should play Solid Snake in the upcoming Metal Gear movie.

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Community4407d ago
mafiahajeri4407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

Is this guy joking? Nathan fillion, Patrick Wilson and Robert jr!!! Jeremy Rennes!? Lol what happened to bale or Hugh Hackman? Lol this is the worst list ever!! If Robert Downey jr was casted people would just think its tropic thunder 2. Most of them are cool actors but no way could they be SNake. This must be a joke Patrick Wilson xD

mafiahajeri4407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

Loved him in undisputed as Boyka I'm not sure though I need to see him in mullet. I'm sure about one th ing though he's a better pick then anyone on that list. Also would prefer a Brit as the pick.

@below um no Bruce Willis would be the better pick for old snake. Jeremy Rennes is a cool actor but just doesn't have the intense look you need with snake. About Robert Downey I'm assuming snake is going to be running around in a jungle with camo and everything he would ALS have to put on a voice that's hy I said tropic thunder 2(looks like you didn't get what I meant) and yea obviously he's associated with iron man and Sherlock Holmes more.

@hellsvacancy almost as absurd as people who wanted The guy from blood diamond Djimon hounsou to play kratos xD didn't know his name was Djimon xD how can a Greek guy be played by a black guy? (yes I know the voice actor is black)

HammadTheBeast4407d ago

He's cool and all, but shouldn't be Snake. I prefer Shia Lebeouf. LOLOLOLOLLOLOL.

knowyourstuff4407d ago

lol and this is why stupid people on the internet with no talent are not put in charge of casting for big budget movies.

Lord_Sloth4407d ago

Umm...What? Jeremy Renner and Jeff Bridges would be great choices!

Tropic Thunder 2 and no. Robert Downy JR is more associated with Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes.

Capt-FuzzyPants4407d ago

Yeah especially since Downey Jr. didn't even look like himself in Tropic Thunder. He was dressed up as a black guy until like the last scene.

Campy da Camper4407d ago

Actually, Jeff Bridges could seriously pull it off. Good call.

Capt-FuzzyPants4407d ago

Yaeh the first person I thought of was Hugh Jackman. But I love Christian Bale and would watch anything he's in. I loved Batman. They should get Nolan as the director.

Lord_Sloth4407d ago

OH GOD NO! KEEP NOLAN AWAY FROM MY METAL GEAR! He removes everything unrealistic.

Capt-FuzzyPants4407d ago

Lol that is true. I just loved what Nolan did with Batman and I thought Inception was pretty good movie too. I don't really care who the director is as long as this movie doesn't become a joke like many other video game movies.

ChunkyLover534407d ago

If Bale would do the retarded Batman voice as Snake, I'd probably shoot myself.

finbars754407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

What about Michael Fassbender he would be awsome especially where he can actually act or even Sean Bean.I think there are alot of good options for this part but Im not a fan of the editors choices.Just because there big names doesntmean there good for the part.Sometimes even picking an up and comer is really the best way to go.

Tigerfist4407d ago

Not Sean Bean! I don't Solid Snake to die during the first half of the movie.

LackTrue4K4407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

Gilbert Gottfried can play as snake.
(he has that squinting that snake dose down)

LAZL0-Panaflex4407d ago

Seeing as snake is based out of escape from new about Kurt Russell??

InTheLab4407d ago

Maybe old Snake or Kurt Russell during the Big Trouble in Little China Escape from NY years...

Blacktric4407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

Robert Downey Jr.? Are you kidding me? The guy is a good actor because he usually plays narcisistic a-holes which fits his own real life personality. He will never EVER be able to pull of Solid Snake or any character from a Metal Gear game. EVER. And Nathan Fillion should stick to doing cheap Halo commercials or videos. Jeremy Renner is barely a half-decent drama actor and Patrick Wilson, although talented, wouldn't be a good fit overall (because of his looks and his previous work). The only "sane" choice in that list is Jeff Bridges.

"Downey would have so much fun with the role you’ll forget how bad video game movies were before this."

Jesus, like that is the point of a Metal Gear movie...

If they are going to choose from known actors, Christian Bale would be a good choice. Although his looks doesn't exactly match Snake's, his acting work and especially his dedication to the characters he plays (The Machinist is the best example of this) is unbelievable. Hugh Jackman has the resemblence but his previous work also doesn't really match to something like a Metal Gear movie.

Edit: Now that someone mentioned him at below, Karl Urban also looks the part.

ElitaStorm4407d ago

Top 1 Actor Who Should Play Solid Snake

1.christian bale

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SPARDA_4264407d ago

i would choose Christian Bale, or Liam Neeson to play Solid Snake instead of those ridiculous choices.

4407d ago
Pieface084407d ago

Tom cruise would be the best choice period ....

LackTrue4K4407d ago

i read your comment and was like....
"what the hell is this fool talking about, the role is to short???" hahaha.....but now i get it!!!!
i needed that laugh, thanks

Camb316914407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

I don't think he is the best choice. But when I played MGS2 for the first time, I thought Cruise would make an awesome snake. I'm sure there is some one better if Hayter doesnt do it. But I would not have a problem with Cruise.

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Does Metal Gear Solid need a new Kojima? Konami have “many people” in mind, but it's "difficult"

A chat with MGS Delta Snake Eater producer Noriaki Okamura about the past and future of Konami's stealth-action series.

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isarai26d ago

It's not going to be the same without him regardless so honestly it would probably be better just to try to do your own thing while staying in the same genre and general gameplay style.

just_looken26d ago

This but also the story is wrapped up only thing to expanded on is another mgs rising or spin offs.

-Foxtrot26d ago

I mean they could have done an alternate timeline directly after MGS2 which just tells a new story, that way they get to continue Snakes journey while respecting Kojimas final chapter, his Universe would still be untouched.

Maybe in this new game Snake didn't age

They will eventually try to continue the story, it's a given so I'd rather have them doing an alternative timeline than messing with what Kojima has done.

just_looken26d ago


You mean before shadow moses as that is when he was injected with fox die anyone knows that.

If they went this route then it would open up a flood gate of crap the topics they covered the deaths blood scenes would never work in today's modern games.

TheProfessional26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

The story in metal gear solid 4 was already a huge step down from the first three. Then the story in V was minimized and totally forgettable. One of Kojimas art directors could definitely make a solid metal gear sequel.

Also when you compare Stranding to Kojimas previous games he could easily be a Neil Druckman type where most of his best ideas were from people he worked with.

For example all of the MGS covers and the art style associated with Metal Gear wasn't even created by Kojima.

just_looken26d ago

comparing Neil Druckman ahole coffee fetcher to someone that worked in the industry from the days of msx should get you a ban.

Michiel198925d ago

just cause he made one game that you didn't completely like?

just_looken25d ago (Edited 25d ago )


Because he took a ip that he had no right to say he created but does then at every interview he act's he is the father of naughty dog and a god at game development even the tvshow i will not watch.

People that worked there sense the 90's crash days were thrown out over 85% from the last count 2 years ago of the original team is gone majority left when he took over.

Sony looked at all the people that made jax/crash/uncharted/tlou leaving naughty dog went meh then praised neil gave him the keys to the kingdom. Sense then the entire team has been a dam joke they only made 1 new game in 6 years just a port studio now.

Oh i also like the tlou2 mp mode they promised that was changed then cancelled but hey tlou2 ported 3rd time for pc pay pay pay again like skyrim.

Fuck ND fuck naughty dog 2.0

Michiel198925d ago

mate... you already compared him to a guy that was 16 years older than him and then ask why he hasnt worked in the industry as long as kojima. Time exists.

Do you really think all of ND will let Neill flaunt around if he didn't have a severe impact on how the game turned out? So you're saying the rest of ND is stupid that they're playing along with his masterplan to take over ND.

It's pretty obvious from your comment you're just salty about tlou2. You didn't like a direction he took the game in, stop acting like he's a terrible human being.

So they should keep making the games they make now and never make anything else...cause thats how uncharted and Horizon came about, oh wait. TLOU would never have existed if you had your way, they would be making jak n dexter 13. I rather have them try something new and fail at it than never try to do anything else ever.

25d ago
CrimsonWing6926d ago

I think someone could take the torch, but they’d really have to be a mega fan and understand the narrative and quirkiness and humor of MGS and just Kojima’s design principles. Make bosses that revolve around “themes” and “gimmicks” and bring freaking David Hayter back for the English dub.

Tankbusta4026d ago

I have been saying for years that Kojima is not needed to continue this franchise. Revolver Ocelot could have a trilogy on his own with the established lore and it would be fantastic

MehmetAlperTR26d ago

No Hideo ! No MGS !!! Just try to work with him.

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Random: Hideo Kojima Highlights The 21st Anniversary Of 'Boktai' On GBA

No sunlight that day, apparently.

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OtterX70d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.


Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Seems To Lack Something And It's Hideo Kojima

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is the remake of the original title, which covers the origins of the Metal Gear Series.

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