
Braid's Jonathan Blow: "Most game stories are terrible"

Jonathan Blow, creator of Braid, says he doesn’t tend to like games whose primary purpose is to tell a story – and wants his upcoming game The Witness to be more about the experience, because “most game stories are terrible.”

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Whitefeather4406d ago

Almost all media be it movies, games or books the majority is terrible.

360ICE4406d ago

I think you'll find good stories are a lot more common in good books, than they are in good games. If the book is a narrative at all, I mean.

Whitefeather4406d ago

So you're saying there are good stories in good books? Isn't that redundant? I think I understand what you are getting at but most thinks are commercialized and that leads to lower quality in most media nowadays.

Tommykrem4406d ago

Agree 100%
There's not the same need for games to supply good stories, because they can rely on gameplay.
Books however are nearly all about story, so the good books have good stories. Period.

3-4-54406d ago

Books actually are where the best stories are found. You need to be able to use your imagination a bit though, but it lets you create your own world along with the book.

Hasanhastam4406d ago

I really enjoy spec ops the line story hope other games story be like that

Xperia_ion4406d ago

Someone who can't think of a good story would say that.

360ICE4406d ago (Edited 4406d ago )

No, someone who is upset with the current standard of the industry and would like to improve upon it would say that. He's not saying that to excuse his own games, dummy.

Xperia_ion4406d ago (Edited 4406d ago )

Its his excuse for not putting a narrative in his game, lazy . How many hours does it take to complete Braid ? It doesn't matter cause its artsy am I right?

Tommykrem4406d ago

I think it's reasonable to argue whether or not Braid has a good story at all, but I think he genuinely thinks he makes good stories. If you games with bad stories you don't criticize the industry for doing the same,you just try to sweep the need of stories under the rug.

Cyb3r4406d ago

Final Fantasy 13 is a good example

Capt-FuzzyPants4406d ago

FF13 would be an example of one of the better stories. I'll admit the execution wasn't great, but if you took the time to truly understand what was happening it was one of the better stories in games. It connected to current events well. On paper it h had a lot of literary value that the fancy shmancy english majors would have appreciated. It had good symbolism, themes, and all that other crap movie critics and book critics love.

omarzy4406d ago

FF13 was not the best FF, but the story was fantastic in my opinion.

CanadianTurtle4406d ago

FF13 had a terribly presented story. The story itself was okay, but it was really flawed in execution. The characters were much worse.

Eyeco4406d ago

the characters were the worst part of FF13 great backstory but horrible characters, it just goes to show that you can have the best set up for a story, but poor characters will ruin the experience, GeOW is another example of this.
However if you look at Uncharted the story really isn't that great but the likeable characters , great writing , brilliant, believable voice acting make up for that. I mean seriously the writing of U3 is hollywood quality.

wishingW3L4406d ago (Edited 4406d ago )

a good example of a badly written story, right?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4406d ago
-Gespenst-4406d ago

So true. So many games have no subtlety and no elegance when it comes to narrative.

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Braid Creator is Developing a Purely Roomscale VR Game

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The Most Famous Video Games Made By Only One Person

BLG writes: "Do you know any famous games made by one person? Well, we’re here to educate you on some of the best one-man projects out there."

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franwex850d ago (Edited 850d ago )

Nice list.

I’ll add 9th Dawn III to that list. Great game made by one person.

Always Sometimes Monster is made by two people technically, but let’s do an honorable mention.

NecrumOddBoy850d ago

I’d add HABROXIA 1 & 2 on here as well. Berry does pixel wonders with the Game Maker engine.

850d ago Replies(1)
ABizzel1850d ago

Technically speaking Minecraft should have been on the list. But it's nice to see these single devs thrive.

Rebel_Scum850d ago

Some of these arent exactly “made by one man”

Looking at you Braid and Fez.

AmUnRa849d ago

Theyr is no game made by one man. Theyr is always a team of developers behind them.
However there is always someone who comes up with the idea of a game.
When i would give an example of one man with that idea for me its Hideo Kojima....

LabRat849d ago (Edited 849d ago )

No there are certainly games made by 1 person, start to finish. Maybe after it launches and becomes a big enough success the 1 person will reach out for help maintaining it or updating, but games have been made by 1 person.

Unless of course you are being insanely nit-picky and trying to claim "the engine they used was made by Unity" or "the assets they put in were made by someone else"

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