
Xbox 360's Four Secret Games: Gears of War 2, DOA5, Forza 3 and Halo: Chronicles

UK's best selling independent 360 magazine XboxWorld 360 has a scoop on what could be four big unannounced exclusive 360 games in their March issue.

Please take note that XboxWorld 360 is part of online gaming news website CVG.

The article is called "The secret is out"

The games in question are:

Gears of War 2
Dead or Alive 5
Forza 3
Halo: Chronicles

Of course these are only rumors but could these be the games Microsoft is going to announce at GDC 2008, XboxWorld 360 Certainly do.

Attached are the shots i have taken with my digital camera from the UK magazine.

predator6018d ago

Hey guys, i just picked this mag up and saw this scoop so i thought it would be N4G worthy, shots have been taken from my own digi camera, its not fake as i have taken a shot of the actual mag too.

What do you guys think. would be great if it came to be true.

6018d ago
MrWonderful6018d ago

you can get your hopes up all you want, but you and i and everyone else knows that there will never be a metal gear game exclusive to a xbox console unless sony quits making games systems. so thanx for givivg me a laugh this morning

6018d ago
SCThor6018d ago

If those titles are MS "big guns" for 2008, they are in serious troubles.

cr33ping_death6018d ago

metal gear exclusive to the 360 after MGS 4 LOL. wow. when the MGS series ends with MGS4 there will be no more MGS, without SNAKE there is only splinter cell.

sonarus6018d ago

x gamer. take your comments to the open zone. and doa has never sold a million copies at least not on the xbox anyway. regardless lets see forza take another shot at the ps3 think its too early to be releasing a new 1 but msoft needs games. halo chronicles would definetly suprise especially if it hit this yr. and gears of war 2 is already confirmed at this point.

mikeslemonade6018d ago

It seems like Gears of War 2 is the only one that has a chance of coming out this year. Forza 2 is possible but why come out when the new one is came out last year. Team Ninja is working on NG2 and Halo Chronicles coming so soon after Halo Wars and Halo 3 doesn't make sense.

SoulReaper6018d ago

The only game i see on the list that can reach 1 million really quick is Gears of War 2..I never liked DOA4 it was a big disappointment to me..And I have Halo 3 why would i bother with any other game with that title.

sigh, i was hoping Microsoft give me a reason to still stick to the 360 this year..

mariusmal6018d ago (Edited 6018d ago )

hey how come xgamer can go fanboy vs fanboy on this zone. shouldn't he be on the open zone ? i mean, if guyz dont enforce this then creating two distinct zones is useless

TheXgamerLive6018d ago (Edited 6018d ago )

This isn't any VS type of forum, so please re-read the comments.

What I said is postive for the Xbox 360 and "NOTHING" negative about any other platform. Oh, and saying Bye Bye isn't negative, it's just saying bye:)

Sure there's a better change that any new MG series will stay on the sony platforms, however this is about rumors isn't it.

Some of you started speaking in a VS mode, but not I.

Thank You.

IntelligentAj6018d ago

Didn't everyone already expect these games to come out? If so then how are they top secret? That being said i'm definitely picking up Gears of War 2.

antoinetm6018d ago

Behold the future of gaming :

bresy46017d ago (Edited 6017d ago )

My comment is up top^^^^^

bresy46017d ago

Here guys for whoever believes tht gow2 is goin to be out this year is an idiot, it may not even be out next year. the developer himself in a recent interview stated that they have bearly begun talkin about a seqeul let alone creating one. as for the other games halo, well i bought Halo 3 with a lot of expectations and to be fair i was disappointed, i no most peeps love it but personally it was a let down as the graphics were cartoony and the game ended just like that.
As 4 MGS series comin to xbox whoever wrote that a pure idiot y wud sony let go the only game that can make the ps3 have a hope of surviving. as for the other two i cudn care less, not that big of games, and no developer is goin to release a game that was only released months ago AKA Forza and Halo.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 6017d ago
Iamback6018d ago

Only game i care about is Halo Chronicles, it REALLY interests me a lot to see what is it exactly.
Is there a rumor what genre it might be?

NRG6018d ago

I foresee a bundle of all three Halos. Or even worse, a book. I hope it is neither.

IntelligentAj6018d ago

Well there was already a Halo book(Fall of reach) and it was pretty good. It basically tells you how the Master Chief became the Master Chief.

Multigamer6018d ago

any of these games would be amazing but gears is the daddy.

Jack Bauer6018d ago

They pretty much have to announce those soon... they released most of their big games a few month ago, and exclusivewise they dont have much coming that are official.

ZeroXMD6017d ago

I just don't see Gears 2, Forza 3, or a non-compilation/dlc halo coming this year. It has only been a little over a year since gears came out and they just came out with the pc version so I doubt we'll see gears 2 this year. if so, it would just be more like an expansion of the game then a true sequel. Same with Forza. I know it's just a driving game, but they won't release a sequel so soon after 2. It wouldn't be smart. With halo chronicles, I see, at most, a halo 1-3 compilation with maybe extra missions, or a line of DLC for Halo 3. The fact that it's saying Chronicles could mean a line of DLC about Cheif's and Cortana's way back home. I could see a new DOA but DOA sux anyways. Fighting game wise, it's not that great and it's a button masher. Plus, I lost interest once a DOA head said that Tekken won't ever be as good as it. If he has to directly dogg his better competitor with BS slander then I don't respect him or his game. But it came out with the 360 so I could see it coming with a new one near the end of 08. But it would be to soon for the others. I just don't want to see half-@$$ed sequels that got rushed for money.

Honeal2g6017d ago

i hope u feel the same way about Ressistance as u do towards Gears cause they practically came out the same time (guy above me)also 2 years is perfect time to come out with a sequel imo and i agree about forza i highly doubt they are gonna release another one for a while but as for DOA5 that seems probably and i do believe the game will sell fairly well

ASSASSYN 36o6018d ago

I became a fan of forza series after playing forza 2. It is the primary reason I didn't buy project gotham racing. Forza 3 is going to be a beast. Im sold on the painting and customizing vehicles for sell. It brought back memories of my Steel Battalion: line of contact piloting days.

Bill Gates6018d ago

Sorry BABOON, but Foolza 3 will NOT be a beast. It seems like you BABOONS just don't ever learn. M$ is selling you the same exact game as before only this time with a different package....AHHAHAHAHAHAA

ben hates you6018d ago

fanboys don't have brains do they

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Didn’t Expect To See You Here: 5 Influential Fighting Game Guest Characters

Trevor Walker said: Fighting games have always been able to simultaneously experiment and innovate while staying true to their roots in the best of ways. Mechanics change, crossovers take place, and evolution occurs. One of the best examples of all three can be seen in the coveted guest character.

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Forza Motorsport players slam devs for using 14 year old car model

Throughout its marketing campaign Forza Motorsport has been described as being “built from the ground up,” but some players are skeptical after discovering a reused car model that first appeared in Forza Motorsport 3.

Flawlessmic294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

yep been playing it all day and the newer car models look ok at best and the older models looks downright ugly and out place. im playing on pc at 4k with everything on ultra with dlls performance mode and the cars just look completey off, even the paints looks off, gt7 on ps5 shits on the car models here and its not even close, espcially paint and materials wise!!

its by no means a bad game but it is again another hype job from MS doesnt get close to living up to what it should be.

i genuinly thought this was gonna improve on GT7 in every way, when in fact at this in point after 10 hours the only thing i think is better is the standing start races as opposed to gt7s god awful chase the rabbit races starting 25 seconds behind.

the fuel and pit stop additions to forza are just surface level additions so they could say hey we did it, i am yet to see a meaningful incorporation of either one and the systems that would facilitate it being genuine are not there.

I cant control my power to fuel ratio during the race like i can in gt7, there is no timing hud for the whole grid, so i dont know how far ahead or behind i am or when drivers are pitting so i could plan my strategy, not that pitting is necesarry at all.

rain doesnt cause a slippery surface or aqua plaining nor does it tell you just how wet the track is like gt7 which informs you if inters or full wets are needed, no weather map, nothing.

its really just shinear version of previous forza, if you want proper sim racing where actual strategy comes in to play with longer races, with real pitt stops and having to manage your actual fuel effectively during the race then this game isnt it, go get gt7.

if you want a really simple and basic sim racer then this is for you.

majorly dissapointed, i thought this was the one game from MS that would hit all the right notes, in reality built from the ground up for next gen was a bullshit line and and its not even better than a cross gen game released a year and half ago.

MTRNYC294d ago

One big thing I feel makes GT7 so much better is that they surface mapped all the tracks so they have actual imperfections which means that sometimes the fastest path is slightly off the expected path because you have to avoid the imperfections to maintain traction.

GT7 is by far the more realistic racing game. It's kind of funny because they claim they reworked the whole driving and physics system to compete with GT Sport and Forza's not even close to as realistic as even GT Sport was and GT7 is way better than GT Sport.

Stanjara294d ago

Excellent write up.
I follow SuperGT and in the preview of the game he was not impressed with improvements.
Said it felt the same as FM7.

The whole time I was searching for ray tracing in race and it was not present.

Built from ground up my ass.

(Yes yes I know there is a performance mode and a visual mode I know)

P.s. You can choose your starting grid position. WTF is that in a sim race?

Flawlessmic294d ago (Edited 294d ago )


its all the little details, you see the track evolve in gt7 with the rubbers marks, and the marbles from the tyres start building up off the racing line on the side, you can actually see the tyre deformation when racing an f1 car for instance.

honestly, im actually shocked at how much better and more advanced gt7 is than this game, this is literally just a surface level sim racer, it would make a fantastic entry point for someone new to sim racers but my lord does it pale in comparison to gt7 where it counts


yep picking your starting spot is dumb AF for this type of game

dumahim294d ago

"there is no timing hud for the whole grid, so i dont know how far ahead or behind i am or when drivers are pitting so i could plan my strategy"

Wait, really? They don't have the distance or timing splits options for the HUD anymore that's been there from the start, after they add pit stops, when you'd really need something like that?

Flawlessmic294d ago


i will correct myself slightly just opened the game to see if it was option and you can turn it on for single player races, it was set to multiplayer only but again if the races were really gonna need it they wouldve had it set as on but no the races are like i said simple surface level sim racing.

but to answer the question correctly yes it actually does have the option, you just need to turn it on

Mr Logic294d ago

So...you're rendering at 1080p. Much wow

eagle21294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

And what about the loading times in Forza? They sure are super fast in Gran Turismo 7 (PS5). :)

outsider1624294d ago

"i genuinly thought this was gonna improve on GT7 in every way, when in fact at this in point after 10 hours the only thing i think is better is the standing start races as opposed to gt7s god awful chase the rabbit races starting 25 seconds behind."

This! I really hated this for every race it's always a running start and always last. And we all know the reason for that which is the bad ai.

294d ago
yeahokwhatever294d ago

"its by no means a bad game but it is again another hype job from MS doesn't get close to living up to what it should be" <-- Spot on. I've been playing since the second it launched and I'm a little disappointed too. You're totally right about the paint..its whacky how bad it is visually. I have pretty damn good hardware and the frame pacing is totally jacked up. I wanted a close-to-GT7 game on my PC, unfortunately Forza is the furthest from GT that its been. :-(

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 294d ago
isarai295d ago

Reusing assets is ok, but 14yr old model, when it's a hero model? That's just lame.

MTRNYC294d ago

“built from the ground up,”

This isn't even the oldest models, they are recycling, there is stuff dating back to the 360 in the game.

Everything is all lies with these guys.

Enjoy the battle pass and the DLC to get cars and tracks in your live service b.s. game, meanwhile we'll be getting them for free in GT7.

outsider1624294d ago

Built from ground up for the Series S most probably. I mean that's 75% of the audience right there.

Father__Merrin294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

Forza motorsport doesn't have that traditional campaign but rather just tick box races. Most reviewers are omitting this

Flawlessmic294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

i dont mind how they have done it but, theres not a whole lot of content race wise which is a let down, and the car RPG thing sucks balls.

i unlock the same things in the same order everytime and make the same upgrades in the same order everytime.

rather than being able to look at the strengths and weakness of the car im using and put my credits into upgrading the weakess im stuck upgrading parts i dont really need cause thats all i can do and by the time i do unlock what i really wanted, lo and behold the 5 race series is over and its on to a new car to rinse and repeat my unlocking and applying my upgrades

IRetrouk294d ago

I remember this being a massive negative for another game a couple gens ago👀

dumahim294d ago

On one hand, that was kind of a bigger deal since the old models didn't have an interior so it was all just a black silhouette inside. But on the other hand, they made no claims that it was built from the ground up and were clear there were premium models that did have the full interior and some without.

IRetrouk294d ago

I agree, it was jarring and not needed in my opinion, but it didn't make the game bad or worse, yet that was the impression around here at the time if you remember.

yeahokwhatever294d ago

i uh....liked the black interiors. I got the perspective without the distraction. I wish it was an option.

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Dead or Alive 5 - 10 Years of Free-to-Play

Dead or Alive 5 debuted 10 years ago today, ushering in a new era of AAA free-to-play gaming which has since become commonplace.

Glemt668d ago

I really wish "free-to-play" got a different name. Because, yeah, you can play (part of) the game for free, but then they hypercharge you for DLC. Nearly 1000 credits to get all the DLC? Damn.

neutralgamer1992668d ago

Exactly give me a complete bundle

MadLad668d ago

You get the fighting game.
They make you pay for the bikinis and booty shorts.

ApocalypseShadow668d ago

Worse decision ever for the gamer. Over emphasis on fan service nonsense and micro transactions than making a great fighting game.

Use to love the game as a Virtual Fighter offshoot and competitor to VF and Tekken. Won't touch this current incarnation with a 10 foot pole. You know there was something wrong when they tried to charge for hair color.

spicelicka668d ago

I wish it wouldn't be called "fan service" anymore. It's of service to no one, it's just exploiting our perverted nature blatantly, but then again people who fall for it can't really complain.

MadLad668d ago

People complain about the dlc, but you get the actual game.
You're paying to look at their bodies.

Silly gameAr668d ago

I have no problem whatsoever with the fanservice. My problem was the endless, expensive packs of pointless costumes that people loved to buy apparently.

lucian229668d ago

Don't be a cry baby. Go play another game if you don't like fan service. Not every game needs to be woke trash.

DOA only fell because of overpriced dlc

Silly gameAr668d ago

Not every comment needs to bring up woke when there is no wokeness going on. I wish they would ban the word woke from the face of the planet.

lucian229666d ago (Edited 666d ago )

You sound "woke" yourself, crying and wanting more cancel culture. That's the problem with you people, you don't like something and just want to cancel it.

Woke is now a day a synonym for social justice Warrior. It's people who cry that something is offensive and use cancel culture to destroy something they don't like...... Sorry but it applies when people complain about boobs

isarai668d ago (Edited 668d ago )

Do people really not realize there was a full release of this game? I've seen this pop up a few times and it always baffles me that people talk as if DOA5 was only F2P. I still have the Last Round disc that includes all characters, maps and most outfits

HeliosHex668d ago

Truly the best in the series. If you only want one DOA this is the one to get right here.