
Cage: Sony grants "total freedom," indie devs "the future of the industry"

With Gamescom 2012 giving him a platform to air his views, David Cage has been rather outspoken recently. Away from discussions of performance capture and Hollywood actresses, he chatted about his freedom as a writer, and how he believes indie development is the future.

"(I have) total freedom. Total freedom. No constraint in anything," said Cage.

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Bowzabub4411d ago

And that is why the next SotC game to come out will be on a Playstation system(s).

TheMasterShake4411d ago

there is no "next SotC game" there is only The Last Guardian which isn't really a sequel but more of a spiritual successor. but the way Team Ico employees keep leaving as of lately & the many delays that game looks like its in development hell and i don't see it coming out anytime soon.

Bowzabub4411d ago

Are you daft? Or just being funny? I mean the next game that is similar to SotC, a game you might find once every 10 years. Is that clear enough for you guy?

andibandit4411d ago (Edited 4411d ago )

Why dont you write what you mean instead of vague descriptions. Youre the one who is daft

DiRtY4411d ago

Zipper, BigBig and Liverpool enjoy their freedom now.

garos824411d ago (Edited 4411d ago )

yeah bad things happen in business all around the world but you seriously cant deny the plethora and variety of games appearing on sonys platforms. its been documented in the past and people still confirming this today.

this is why i love sony allowing people to be creative. sure you get some crap along the way but on the other hand so many experiences and great games are available.
so take your hate elsewhere troll

Hicken4411d ago

Freedom doesn't mean you're free from consequences. You still have to put out a quality product, and you STILL have to sell. Making video games is no game: you don't get unlimited retries.

nihonlight4411d ago (Edited 4411d ago )

Bethesda does . They put out a glitchfest.
They have no consequences, lied about quality and still got goty.
Proof you can put out shoddy coding and patch it to oblivion.

SamPao4411d ago

THIS! I think some studios just dont improve after beeing bought. Look at Naughty dog and Insomniac, who's doing better? both started like the same

MrBeatdown4411d ago (Edited 4411d ago )

They were given opportunities. Sometimes those opportunities are taken away for reasons beyond the developers' control. Other times, those opportunities are taken away due to a failure to deliver or the inability to prove one's worth when given the chance... Your bubbles being a prime example.

lodossrage4411d ago (Edited 4411d ago )

Do you mean the same way Pioneer Studios, Ensemble, Aces Studio, and Bizzare (sold, then closed) now enjoy their freedom?

Get with it, it happens. Stop trying to fanboy it up.

ALLWRONG4411d ago

Yet they have more games.

funny that.

humbleopinion4411d ago (Edited 4411d ago )

Bungie indeed. They were granted total freedom in a way no other studio has - It's probably the only company in the world to ever do so, and cudos to MS for actually letting them go without closing the farm.

Bungie showed the world that in order to have actual freedom you must be independent and own your IP.

Together with a few other companies, be it big independent studios like Epic, or small emerging studios like Mojang (selling over 10 million copies of Minecraft!) - they pretty much show that indie devs are already the present of the industry.

lodossrage4411d ago

Yet they've had their system out on the market longer

Funny that

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4411d ago
MysticStrummer4411d ago

You seem more OfF-tOpIc than DiRtY

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4411d ago
Agent_hitman4411d ago

Sony.............. You're good!.

from the beach4411d ago

Indie developers are the past of the industry, seems they can only make 2D platform games of the sort popular in 1990 - and even then theirs are nowhere near as good.

Could be a long, long time before they make a Mario Galaxy or Vanquish.

Bowzabub4411d ago

Yeah, did you see that 2D game Flower? And that other 2D game Journey?

from the beach4411d ago

Yeah, big empty 3D worlds with a single theme is the other thing indies can do like no other. All the technical marvels of an N64 game.

DigitalRaptor4411d ago

Wow it's our resident Sony hater. Everybody smile and give him a wave.

from the beach4411d ago

I'd give him a wave but I'm not sure who you're talking about, there's no Sony hate to be seen here.

MurDocINC4411d ago

Reason behide that is 2gig limit on xbla and psn. Beyond that you need a publisher and ton of money for disk/box production.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4411d ago
Genmu4411d ago

journey would like to show u a middle finger at ur face...while enjoying the sales and the n1 best downloadable game psn-xbox live combine.

before talking do some research stupid hater go back to zelda kkthxbb

STONEY44411d ago (Edited 4411d ago )

Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Best horror game in years. Frictional Games only consisted of about 7 people at the time too.

humbleopinion4411d ago

@from the beach, You are aware the Vanquish is a game coming from an independent developer, right? That's basically what indie is.

from the beach4411d ago

Yes I'm aware that the term "indie" is highly contentious - it has been argued that the larger companies such as Nintendo or Capcom etc. have far more independence in terms of their output and the tools at their disposal to make exactly what they want - but here I'm referring to the amateurs who have hijacked the "indie" label in recent years.

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Moncole4411d ago

And you get more freedom if you make a game without a publisher. There is always something a publisher wont allow.

catch4411d ago

You would also have a significantly smaller budget though which in itself has many restrictions.

Moncole4411d ago (Edited 4411d ago )

Indie devs never look to make an AAA game. And if they want to make one they are working for the wrong company.

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25 years of story-driven titles, the present and future of Quantic Dream - Interview with David Cage

Ruliweb interviewed Quantic Dream CEO David Cage at G-Star 2022.

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jznrpg675d ago (Edited 675d ago )

Heavy Rain was my favorite . Fahrenheit was great too

MadLad675d ago


Beyond Two Souls and Detroit were alright for the most part.
They're still making games, so something going decent for them.

Supermassive is definitely beating them in this genre though.


David Cage defends response to allegations of unhealthy studio culture at Quantic Dream

From Eurogamer: "David Cage has responded to allegations of unhealthy studio culture and inappropriate behaviour at Quantic Dream, which he previously described as a "smear campaign".

Published in this month's Edge Magazine, Cage discusses in depth the company culture of the studio and denies a lack of humility in its response to allegations.

"I don't think we had an aggressive attitude," he said. "When you're accused of things that go against everything you believe in, everything you've done in your life, it hurts. It went beyond just attacking the studio culture."

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jznrpg777d ago

Hasn’t this been a story for years now ? Doesn’t seem like anything changed or they have some very upset workers who lie for a long time ? Seems like it isn’t the latter .

SegaSaturn669777d ago

They should hire Kevin Spacey as a janitor. That would be awesome.

sourOG777d ago

The people who use words like “unhealthy culture” are usually mentally ill themselves. Not saying it’s not true, just sayin.

MadLad777d ago

Interesting comment to make ..

sourOG777d ago

Lol just saying. The last person I want to hear about “healthy culture” from is the people who use those words. Ususlly some kind of identity theory-ism. Commie talk.

jartoon777d ago

Okay... How would a mentally healthy person describe a shitty work environment?

sourOG777d ago

Shitty work environment

sourOG777d ago

I’m getting some disagrees so let me elaborate and try to change your mind.

Do you want to hear about healthy culture from people who celebrate fatness or put kids on puberty blockers as a few examples? That’s the kind of people who say shit like that and they are the most destructive force I’ve ever seen in my life when it comes to culture. Easily.

When you say culture what do you mean? The very core, right? The soul. QD is rotten to the very core and it needs to be replaced. With what? Ask whoever is using that term. I’m sure they have an idea. And I’d bet money their idea of healthy culture is ass backwards and not profitable lol.

Another example. I just saw a Kellogg ad that said “Food Justice for black communities”. They think they can trigger black folks into buying cereal with words like justice lol. They might be right, who knows. I laugh at shit like that though because I see right through these idiots.

Some people use words to communicate. “Shitty work environment”

Some people use words to manipulate. “Unhealthy culture” “Food justice”

777d ago Replies(2)
generic-user-name777d ago

Sites like Kotaku have been crapping on Cage for a long time now, to the point where I'm suspicious of if he has earned the bad rep he has. Go read Kotaku's review of Detroit, I recall it being borderline unprofessional.


Heavy Rain 2: Should David Cage Work on a Sequel?

Cage has confessed he has no plans for Heavy Rain 2, but fans have been quite vocal about their love for the game. Perhaps now that the PlayStation 5 is revolutionising the gaming landscape, we might get a proper sequel to one of the best games David Cage has ever made.

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CrimsonWing691120d ago

If he did it’ll probably be toned way down.

Ninver1120d ago

No! Leave the IP alone. It's a classic.

NecrumOddBoy1120d ago

No need. Heavy Rain was incredible as it was. Detroit Become Human was the next evolution. I do think they should continue with a new story but perhaps something less dark drama. I think it would be really cool to do something lighter with humor. The fantasy demo they showed off was pretty cool. If Kara became a full game, that would be great too!

smashman981120d ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Detroit become Human the full game for kara

NecrumOddBoy1120d ago (Edited 1120d ago )

Yes. Kara became Detroit. Also the job interview trailer demo back in 2007/8 became Heavy Rain. There was also a video about an actor who was portraying a dark sorcerer. I think that could be something too. I was saying since Kara did become a game, then their newer demo trailer could have too.


smashman981120d ago

Oh ok I misunderstood. I see what u meant now.

Muigi1120d ago

Lol I’m actually replaying that now love this and Detroit. Doesn’t need a sequel imo.

Orchard1120d ago

No. One of the most boring games I’ve played.