
Come at me, Bro: Is Until Dawn the Horror Flick we Never Wanted?

Gaming Unwrapped Writer Ryan T Writes - "The horror genre is something that is very hard to get right. If I had a quarter for every single horror movie that was a stinking piece of poop, I would have quite a bit of money. People always try to sell their movie based upon stuff that people don’t really want, and it ends up being received badly by the public. In terms of games that are supposed to be “horror”, this trend is followed almost to a tee. Games like Dead Space and Resident Evil, which are supposed to be scary, just end up being silly. I’m not going to lie, but the necromorphs in Dead Space 2 ended up making me laugh more than they made me pee my pants. I thought the genre couldn’t get any worse; that was until I saw Until Dawn."

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smashcrashbash4412d ago

Yeah I was going to take you seriously until you said giant glowing dildo. Now I think you just sound like a ten year old. Try to write like an adult next time

gabbleratchet984412d ago

I hope you aren't the parent of a 10 year old who is that familiar with dildos

rezzah4411d ago

He was referring to your immaturity.

"10 year old" was used to represent the level of immaturity, not the expected knowledge.

Thatguy-3104411d ago

I seriously don't see how it looks like a dildo lol seriously ppl just pull out remarks out of their assent these days.

zebramocha4411d ago (Edited 4411d ago )

The move does have a phallic shape kinda like the wiimote,that long cylindrical look to it, other than that I don't see how people get a dildo from it,they must being thinking of some naughty things.

MoXxXi4411d ago

Just so you all know, the dildo analogy was originally used by Jim Sterling, and is just something that I found funny. It doesn't literally look like a penis. But wait to make that the only thing you got out of the article.

RememberThe3574411d ago

It's it's N4G, we don't spend time critically thinking.

Whitefeather4412d ago (Edited 4412d ago )

The game hasn't even been shown off yet and it's Move optional. Also I'm very happy with this game I always wanted to play a game where you are a teen in a horror movie, so speak for yourself.

NastyLeftHook04412d ago

person before: 'oh wow, look at this until dawn footage! looks impressive!

Sony: its an exclusive ps3 game.

person now: Until Dawn... the Horror Flick we Never Wanted

yewles14412d ago

Agreed, always this same pattern...

MoXxXi4412d ago

I don't think that's very valid. I mean, just because it's on PS3 doesn't make it a bad game. The PS Move support is kinda discouraging, but it's optional so it doesn't make a huge difference. The reason it looks dumb is more because of how cliche and overused the story is, not to mention the fact that the reveal trailer was kind of silly. It has nothing to do with the fact that it is a PS3 exclusive. Exclusive games are one of the main reasons I have my PS3 :P

4412d ago Replies(4)
RememberThe3574411d ago

Until Dawn looks f*ckin stupid. The fact that it's a PS3 exclusive only make people on N4G like it more. Look at the likes and dislikes on these comments. Ps3 exclusives haven't been under attack here since the years when I first joined the site and this was the only place with any balanced debate going on.

Beyond looks dope. The Last of Us looks dope. This, does not.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4411d ago
CGI-Quality4411d ago

I can understand some of the skepticism, but this article is poorly written.

r214411d ago

This guy is sooooo professional. I wonder how he hasnt been hired yet :L

Isnt the point of the game to play a crappy horror teen movie? Seems like they're pulling it off quite nicely and it's got more of a Evil Dead/Cabin In The Woods than the Strangers.

smashcrashbash4411d ago

Exactly. I thought that was the point. No ever said it was supposed to be some deep, life changing horror game or anything. People attacked me saying 'Give Rise of Nightmares a chance'. So I can't see why we can't give Until Dawn a chance too. It being a Move game is irrelevant.

MoXxXi4411d ago

But then you look at the reviews for Rise of Nightmares and it kind of speaks for itself. With actually "good" survival horror games coming out like Slender/Sanatorium and similar titles, I just don't see the point in driving the "crappy horror teen movie" even further into the ground than it already clearly is. Sounds like its beating a dead horse.


"No ever said it was supposed to be some deep, life changing horror game or anything."

I mean, it's supposed to be good though, right? Most developers strive to make a "good" game. No, this isn't some AAA title that is going to be groundbreaking or anything, but using an influence that usually turns out crappy usually won't yield anything too promising. Just my opinion, of course.

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Until Dawn PC features and specs revealed, out October 4

Experience the horror of Blackwood Mountain for the first time on PC.

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TheNamelessOne11d ago

Loved the game. Will definitely double dip for this, as long as they didn't botch the remake. Be waiting for a bit of a sale though.


Until Dawn, rebuilt and enhanced for PS5 and PC, launches October 4

Discover the enhancements in graphics, gameplay, story elements, and more.

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TheNamelessOne39d ago

I'll wait for a price drop on PC, but I'll buy this a second time.


Until Dawn PS5, PC Remake Is Still on Its Way as Age Rating Surfaces

Set to scare all over again this year

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