
The Average Gamer: XCOM's Jake Solomon On Consequences

Debbie Timmins from The Average Gamer talked with Lead Designer Jake Solomon about looting, international politics and the difficult choices you’ll face in the single-player campaign.

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josephps34362d ago

Personally for me this is looking more like Game of the Year. If I could only buy 1 game for the rest of 2012 AND 2013 it would be this. It is infinitely replayable just like the Civilization games and I'm sure there will be DLC or scenarios and bonus packs.


XCOM's Jake Solomon Q&A - Building a Narrative-Driven Life Sim Game at Midsummer Studios

XCOM and Marvel's Midnight Suns director Jake Solomon has founded a new studio to make a life sim game. Here's a new interview with him.

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XCOM 2 Director Says He's Never Seen Such "Horrific Layoffs" In His 25 Years In The Industry

Firaxis veteran Jake Solomon hasn't seen mass layoffs like this in his whole 25-year career.

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CrimsonWing6973d ago

Alot’s changed in 25 years. We have games with $300 mill budgets, people not interested in games other than Fortnite and Minecraft, the older generation of gamers giving up the hobby or dying off, a period of super bad inflation where the industry decided to hike up prices on games, Gamepass harming game sales, GaaS games being pushed left and right with obnoxious monetization and worse looking/playing (Suicide Squad vs Arkham Knight).

The industry is just shite right now. Games ain’t selling, games cost massive amounts, businesses can’t bleed money and this is what happens. Part of it is on them and part of it is on consumers not buying.

Yi-Long72d ago

Consumers ain't buying because of what they're selling; There is no new SSX or Burnout, everything is now Online Required, everything is 'service', etc.

Indies are still delivering the goods, perhaps even better than ever, because those are often the guys and gals who know what they want to make and just make that and hopefully we dig it as well and support it ...

... but when you look at those multi-million budget AAA games, are they improving on what we have had before? Is the new Forza Motorsport better than a Forza Mototsport 4? Is Halo Infinite better than Halo 3? Is Dragon Age 2 such a huge improvement over the first Dragon Age? Etcetc.

Yeah, graphics have gotten better, worlds have gotten better, but I think a gaming generations stands or falls with diversity and experiences, and a few gens ago we had access to whatever we wanted, so if we wanted a boxing game we picked up one of the boxing games, if we wanted snowboarding we'd pick up one of the snowboarding games, if we wanted to do a rythm game we had DJ Hero, or Guitar Hero, or Rockband. If we wanted to sneak around we had Splinter Cell or MGS or whatever.

We had variety and we had options, and that makes or breaks a generation, imo. You're in a foodcourt of games and they're serving all kinds of different cuisines, and so you'd pick and choose whatever you felt like that day.

Right now, you're in a restaurant, and you're only allowed to pick from one menu, and there's a dress-code, and you have to register, and you have to stay in your seat, etc etc.


XCOM: Enemy Unknown - A Welcome Rebirth

XCOM: Enemy Unknown rebooted the series back in 2012, and has since inspired numerous new strategy game series to be born.

shinoff2183272d ago (Edited 272d ago )

If someone gets into this I'd recommend getting the enemy within version. It's got all the dlc included so it's the better version. Wish the author would've atleast mentioned it. I didn't see it.

Fantastic game though. Xcom 2 is top notch also. I've spent countless hours in these games.

ModsDoBetter271d ago

Excellent game.
Played to death on PS3 years ago.

S2Killinit271d ago

What other games were inspired by this game?

JL2930271d ago

Gears Of War Tactics, Phoenix Point. Many others.

shinoff2183271d ago

Phoenix point if I remember was created by the original xcom developer or something to that affect. I did try gears tactics some months ago and I just couldn't get into it. It's probably just me

JL2930270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

It was, but it was really closer to the newer XCOM than the older ones. Gears Tactics was okay but was hard to get into knowing there probably wont be a sequel.