
Alienware Management Talks Gaming Systems

Alienware is well known in the gaming industry for producing top level computer and laptop systems capable of handling even the most daunting of system specs from today’s games. Part of advancing the Alienware brand name involves building alliances with well known video game developers and publishers. We spoke with Lenard Swain, part of the team that handles this very business function, to find out what Alienware’s strategy is when forging these alliances.

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aliengmr4322d ago

Never buy an Alienware desktop PC. They are an enormous waste of money. Building your own PC is far cheaper and much easier than people think. Its also a great learning experience.

MaxXAttaxX4321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

There are people who don't care about building one and just want to buy everything in one package. The average consumer won't see building one as practical.
But their laptops are pretty good though.

SITH4321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

Exactly and I am one of those people. I got absolutely everything I wanted with a huge discount. Building has its own issues. Issues I cared to not deal with. And the money for it belongs to me, earned by me, and spent by me. I will decide if it was a waste not random people mad because I spent my money on something I wanted and they can't or choose not to.

Sure, the monitors and speakers are over priced. I personally did not get any of those from Alienware. But, the Nvidia GTX 690 was the correct price, and the i7-3960x it is mated with was also. I checked on the price for all the hardware and it was all reasonably priced. Customer service was excellent. The worst part of the experience was the shipping. FedEx is horrible and delayed my delivery three days after sending my Alienware to another state... after it passed literally a few miles right by my house on the highway.

@00 That is all good for you. I got the money to spend a lot more for a high quality and powerful gaming PC. I wasn't trying to cheap my PC out. My Gpu alone cost $999. I was not looking to upgrade for a long time. And I am 100% confident my new PC can handle all my gaming needs and more. And even if I do feel the need to upgrade, Alienware provides services to discount that upgrade.

004321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

[link] http://www.memoryexpress.co...

ta da, you can get your on PC built and they put together and deliver it to you, I spent under a 1000$ and my PC is a beast.

aliengmr4315d ago

I agree, but Alienware is still way over priced.

josephps34321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

If you understand how Lego blocks work and can build a simple wall then you can put together a PC. They make it so easy a chimpanzee can do it. Everything is color coded and connectors can only go in one way so you can't incorrect connect something.

Only a lazy ignorant fool would buy from Alienware...or just go to your loco zoo and have the chimpanzee assemble the PC for you. You only have to pay him with a banana.

SITH4321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

Color coded Eh? You must have a tonka toy pc light weight. People with the reasources to buy high quality PCs, buy alienware. My pockets can handle a $4000 gaming system. Can yours? And you might want to get one of those lego color coded power supplies, motherboard, and a grounding wire when you install it all.You PC builders seem to always leave out grounding yourself which results in damaged hardware before you even turn it on.

Don't be mad at people who can afford nice things then try and claim we are lazy and ignorant. No such thing netted me two degrees, a Air Force career, and 17,000 flight hours. Stay in school and get a life light weight.

Enjoy your chimp quality built PC, I will continue to enjoy my High quality Aurora-R4 ALX Alienware no chimp could even attempt to build.

josephps34321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

"netted me two degrees, a Air Force career, and 17,000 flight hours."

So your 2 degrees in verbal diarrhea and Blackbelt master degree in bullcrap?

Air Force Career in a game is not the same as in real life. 17,000 flight hours in a game simulator is again not the same as in real life.

You honestly expect ANYONE to believe a person with 2 degrees, career in Air Force with 17,000 hours would display such emotional immaturity?

I'm a PC gamer but not a hardcore one but I have friends who are hardcore and they would never buy from alienware because a real hardcore gamer like a motorcycle enthusiast would never buy something off the shelf. No numnuts, they'd pick and choose parts which they feel are the best. Something they argue with other hardcore enthusiast and put everything together themselves and show it off with pride because they built it.

You my little emotionally sensitive child is just a brat who is spending his/her parents money and pretending to be Master Chief/Shepard with 2 degrees with a career in the Air Force with 13,000 flight hours...ooops that was 17,000 hours and also if you don't know already, and he really shouldn't be telling us this but he will make this great sacrifice just this once, did save the human race while we were sleeping 12 times already from the Cylons and Replicators.


Heroes of Handheld 275: The Alienware Nintendo Switch Rip Off, Pokemon Direct & Nintendo Switch Pro?

Welcome to episode 275 of Heroes of Handheld! This week, we discuss: Jedi: Fallen Order The upcoming Pokemon Direct CES 2020 and the Alienware Switch lookalike The Nintendo Switch Pro incoming?

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Elronza1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

Sorry to hurt your Nintendo blind fan feelings ,but Nintendo actually stole the Switch's design from the Wikipad and other Handhelds and Android controller grips.


Exclusive: Alienware Concept UFO is a Switch killer that plays PC games

The Alienware Concept UFO stuffs a Windows 10 PC into an amazingly portable package

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Jin_Sakai1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

It’s far from a Switch killer. People will always buy Nintendo based on brand loyalty and for their amazing exclusives.

indysurfn1621d ago

I agree!
"super premium" is not tech specs. They have no exclusive games they are going to have to at least have SUPER TECH! And they will still not touch SWITCH.

1621d ago
CaptainHenry9161621d ago

I feel that way with Nintendo and Sony

Kribwalker1621d ago

except when they get that switch emulator running on it. Then that thing could be wicked

spicelicka1621d ago

It would make it better than the Switch, but people still wouldn't buy it as much as the switch simply because of brand power and convenience.

2pacalypsenow1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

Exclusives which you can play on PC with an emulator. Js

Shiken1621d ago

One, you still have to buy the game to play it legally on an emulator...and you have to rip the game yourself.

Two, there is no Switch emulator at this point in time...JS

King_Noctis1621d ago

And you think this little thing have enough juice to fully emulate a Switch game?

Maybe you should wake up.

2pacalypsenow1621d ago

I don’t know it’s not out yet.

King_Noctis1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

“ I don’t know it’s not out yet.”

Why do you need to wait until it is out in order to realize that if a big desktop-sized PC struggle to emulate the Switch, then how can a tablet-sized PC like this one able to achieve that?

CosmicTurtle1620d ago

There is a Switch emulator called Yuzu.

Shiken1620d ago


Yuzu is experimental and most games either will not boot, or they run like garbage. Why even bother naming it when it runs would run worse than supporting the devs for their hard work?

Sounds like you are just looking for ways to claim you do not need a Switch to play major Switch games...but a quick google search will just out you quicker than you can type a response.

2pacalypsenow1620d ago


Actually majority of the switch’s mayor games are playable on the Wii U.

Shiken1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )


That is false. I assure you that games like Mario Odyssey, Link's Awakening remake, Luigi's Mansion 3, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Astral Chain, Pokemon Sw/Sh, Smash Ultimate, BotW2 (coming soon), Splatoon 2, Xenonlade 2, Xenoblade Torna, etc etc etc are not playable on WiiU.

Just because the WiiU has lost its value to most of their under appreciated games getting a second chance on Switch, that does not mean that Switch is not still pumping out its own exclusives at an even greater number as well.

But like I said...downplay...and we all know you do a lot of it lol.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1617d ago
bujasem_891621d ago

Dare I say... Emulation? If I own it, why can't I play it in any form I like?

Shiken1617d ago

Because there is no reliable Switch emulator at this time.

m2stech1621d ago

How about Yuzu switch emulator installed on it?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1617d ago
aarogree1621d ago

Calling it a Switch rival would be more accurate.

1621d ago
isarai1621d ago

"Switch Killer" lol

People buy the switch for Nintendo's exclusives, so unless they can suddenly hault Nintendo from making games it's really not even gonna affect the Switch in the least. That said the product does look dope an i'd love to get one for emulation aswell as PC games.

Bhuahahaha1621d ago

lol when someone says its a "(insert game/device) killer" it will always end in failure

Vits1621d ago

That is what I call a sensationalist title.

The UFO is not even a real product, let alone a Switch killer.... It's just a concept, one of many that Dell has brought to the CES 2020. It might eventually go into production if they find a market for it. But as many other concepts it might as well just stay a concept.

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