
The Most Overrated Games of This Generation

Thinking back throughout the past six years, three editors at Gamers-Association.com considered their personal experiences to bring you what they believe to be the most overrated titles released this generation. What are your picks?

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Whitefeather4367d ago

I wholeheartedly disagree about God of War being over rated. It's not the best game series in the world but it is one of the best. Sure Kratos isn't a deep sophisticated gentleman but it gives us a chance to feel the inner most animal instincts a human can have.

As a child I was always interested in history and the greek mythology stuck out to me the most, so getting to see Zues, Hermes, Helios, etc. in HD and get to kill them.....simply amazing to me. I think it's not your kind of game but it isn't a bad one nor is it badly made. Just not to your liking.

GuyThatPlaysGames4367d ago ShowReplies(11)
Daver4366d ago

That list suck, its not even most overrated games its games that he didnt like...

guitarded774366d ago


If anything, the first Dead Space was underrated... at least initial sales would suggest. Dead Space grew more out of a cult/underground love of the game, and EA took that passion from players of the first and put marketing behind Dead Space 2 to make it a huge franchise.

God of War III is also not overrated. The game was everything GoW fans wanted, with what is arguably the greatest opening in video games. The game performed beautifully on a technical level, the story was epic and the gameplay was smooth. With those qualities, the game is not overrated.

I'll leave Dragon Age alone... it's hard to justify some of the technical glitches throughout the game, and an argument could be made about DA... although, I don't think it was overrated either.

thorstein4366d ago

If there is one thing we can count on to make it to the top of N4G it is flamebait articles like this one. There are generally two types:
1) [Insert game title that sold millions, is universally adored by critics and fans, and is an all around masterpiece of a game] is overrated.
2) Why The [Insert console name that has an install base in the 10s of Millions and is incredibly successful] has failed.

Both should be reported and taken down regularly.

Anon19744366d ago

I couldn't agree more that Dead Space didn't receive enough praise. That game was an absolute masterpiece and one of the best survival horror games I've ever played. I also couldn't get enough of Dragon Age. Playing through this game reminded me of all the things I loved about Baldur's Gate back in the day. God of War 3 was fantastic as well. Bitching about fixed camera angles? Please. And I found the story the most interesting in the series, and Kratos' development as well. I love how they took his character completely over the edge and yet were still able to draw him back to his humanity by the end. Well done.

You want overrated games this gen? How about Halo Retch? Halo 3 was fantastic, but Reach was the blandest, least thought-out entry in the series with boring, repetitive missions, zero characters, no story and cookie cutter weapons. For the first time in the series I found myself struggling to finish that forgettable campaign, only to be kicked in the nuts at the end. It was clear Bungie just phoned in this last entry and hurried to move onto the next project, and yet reviewers threw roses at it's feet. Ridiculous.

And I've never understood the fascination with Far Cry games. "Oooh! It's pretty! You can go anywhere." Yeah..except you can't. I tried again and again to get into the first one, got lost in the jungle, stuck against the side of a mountain with no clue what the hell I was even supposed to be doing and that's usually when I called it quits and went onto something decent. Blech!

And Perfect Dark Zero. Don't get me started on that irritating game. Again, I bought into all the reviewers praise only to sit back in my chair after a couple of hours and ask why I'd just wasting my time on this generic, shooter crap.

And Minecraft. Holy crap, I don't even know where to start on that one. Is it even a game? I can sit and build a castle out of legos, but I wouldn't call that a game.

And as for people always harping on GTA4, you just don't get it. That game was an absolute masterpiece from it's huge scale, varied missions to the absolutely superb voice acting and story. The only thing that hurt that game for me was answering your damn phone all the time. Once I just started ignoring the "let's hang out!" calls the game was fantastic. There was even talk for awhile that GTA4 might be the first game to be nominated for an Oscar in the animated movie category on the strength of it's story telling. Now San Andreas, there's an overrated game, but a little off topic as it wasn't this gen. Compared to GTA3 or Vice city, what a step backwards in terms of missions, story and characters. That's the only Grand Theft Auto I couldn't finish. Right around the time you had to start running all over hell to protect your territory the game just got irritating as hell.

chad22hkd4366d ago (Edited 4366d ago )

I don't know why this author thinks that we care what games he feels is overrated. I mean maybe if so many people felt that way. Like killzone 3 or halo,

It seems a lame attempt at getting hits for his site, or just a very ugly kind of article to write, where he thinks we actually care if doesn't like those 2 games.

Man use your time to write something positive

knowyourstuff4366d ago (Edited 4366d ago )

Sounds like this douchebag author is just butthurt that he sucks at games.

People who hate God of War hate it for this reason - they're pussies and they suck at it.

People who hated Dead Space? They're pussies and they suck at it (and they're too stupid to know how to adjust brightness settings apparently lol).

People who hated Grand Theft Auto? They suck at it, and they have ADD so they can't get anything done in the story, they're too distracted by all the moving cars and walking pedestrians.

People who hate Metal Gear Solid? Overwhelmingly it's because they're stupid, they suck at it, and they're too used to playing mindless point-gun-shooty games that require little to no thinking or strategy whatsoever. It's called look before you leap, as opposed to mindlessly run around thinking you won't get spotted and strategically gunned down.

Get a life you pussies, and stop hating on things you suck at.

Except motion controls, those are balls.

hazardman4366d ago

I have to disagree, Halo Reach is a very good game, better than Halo 3! Your most overrated list consist of Xbox exclusive and a PC/Xbox Live game, why? I smell f....y!

snipes1014366d ago

Why are people bitching about these articles getting so much attention? You click on the fucking thing and give it all the hits - thereby sending it to the front page.

This stuff gets on N4G and becomes popular because you allow it to.

Also - why is everyone so mad?

MaxXAttaxX4366d ago (Edited 4366d ago )

Articles reads: "Subjective Rant About Popular Games I Didn't Like"

The GOW3 rant was laughable. "Kratos is angry. Camera is fixed".
There's a bigger leap in gameplay, graphics and overall design from GOW1 to GOW2 than the last 4 COD games, Halo 2 and 3... which by the way, where are the on the list?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4366d ago
Eyeco4366d ago

God Of War 3 overrated ....really?

More overrated than EVERY single COD game thats been released this gen ?
More overrated than Halo 3 (the month before that games release was like the media covering the 2nd coming)?
More overrated than GTA 4 ?

The most overrated game i've played this gen was easily Mass Effect 2, seriously what was the big deal with that game ? i thought it was incredibly boring, the emphasis of shooting didn't fit imo the game should have focused on the rpg aspect more than the action.

And im gonna get allot of flak for this but i thought some of the voice acting and parts of the story was incredibly CORNY, my god i thought i was watching a Star Trek parody at one point, i was like..really?

adamant7154366d ago

What would you consider a good game then? Cause Halo 3 and GTA 4 deserved all the praise given to them pre-release and post-release..

And please, popularity ≠ overrated. Get it right sir

TKCMuzzer4366d ago

You must have played a different Halo 3 to me. You are talking about the average graphics, very short story, uninspiring game play and generally no where near as good as the original Halo game? or is there another version your thinking of.

Eyeco4366d ago

i thought Halo 3 was a good game not an amazing one, especially when you go back to the game now its a little dusty, loved Halo 1 and 2 imo those are arguably the best console shooters of all time Halo 3 minus all the robust features hasn't got allot going for it ,the level design is pretty bland you just walk through an empty world at a a snails pace fighting a handfull of enemies its supposed to be a WAR!!

And thats another thing thats always bugged me about the Halo franchise in general is that its supposed to be this epic huge galactic war yet there are like 5-6 enemies on screen, the levels are huge but empty its embarrassing those are a few of my issues with Halo 3 as game.

And now for GTA 4 i'll keep it short and sweet

* Repetitive mission structure, becomes obvious in the 1st 2 hours of the game
*Forgettable characters
*Annoying Characters
*Driving physics suck
*Compared to San Andreas it feels stripped down
*Doesn't expand or refine allot of the gameplay elements that were present in SA, see point above
*Shorter length compared to previous titles but feels longer because of the repetitive missions
*lack of variety
*Soundtrack is pretty bad compared to previous titles

On Metacritic this its the highest rated game of all time, many reviewers gave it a 10 across the board the game felt allot more like a 6-8 bottomline it was overrated.

2pacalypsenow4366d ago

COD 4 was Hyped but for good reason its the best COD game made , after that they went downhill

AzaziL4366d ago


that's the reason why people are pissed with every release from MW2 through BO2, there hasn't been a major leap for CoD since 4.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4366d ago
stonecold34367d ago

cod halo wwe halo gears ff games wwe games asc series need for speed

camel_toad4367d ago

I can understand the casual and other players enjoying cod but not people that have been playing fps for over a decade. The massive love for Gears of War though I just don't get. The first one was cool enough but honestly after that it was just more of the same - imo very undeserving of the massive fanbase.

TooTall194367d ago

I really like Gears of War. That and Project Gotham Racing were my favorite games to play when I had a 360.

Nimblest-Assassin4367d ago

I think its due to multiplayer that people love gears... my problem with the franchise is it has potential to have a great story... I mean, a band of brothers surviving together, in the wake of civilization being ruined

Instead we get jokes, over the top violence, daddy issues etc...

The expanded stuff has all the things the game should... its this jarring transition where the extended universe is more fit for adults... where as the actual game is fit for teenagers

But the mp is great, and I think thats where the following comes from

MYSTERIO3604366d ago (Edited 4366d ago )

Would have to agree with you camel_toad gears of war started to lose my interest after 2

tee_bag2424366d ago (Edited 4366d ago )

Well said camel_toa(d) lol...

Nimblest-Assassin - really..really??..you like the Gears story? It's like watching GI Joe from the 80's. How is the story any different or better from Quake or any other game with the tough guy hero talk and alien invasion story? I've seen better voice acting in porno's.

Gears has one of the most unbelievable, uninteresting and unoriginal stories of today.
Seriously, play some other games if you think that's a strong point.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4366d ago
ALLWRONG4366d ago

You should have just said "I hate whatever Xbox owners play"

Robochobo4367d ago

Dragon Age: Origins? If he knew about how old school western RPG's on the PC's were before that, he might just understand Dragon Age: Origins is one of the best current gen oldschool RPG's to date. Heck, it's one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of sinking 60 hours into.

Letros4367d ago (Edited 4367d ago )

lol he says Dragon Age's combat was slow, it's pretty obvious he's never played any old school WRPGs.

coolbeans4367d ago (Edited 4367d ago )

It's within reason to question that portion, but he could simply be driving a point that (in his mind) "old school" to you or Robo ='s "archaic" to him.

Again, it's annoying to see him just give a vague-ish rant rather than going into detail explaining why this or that seems overrated. It's simply impossible for me to decipher what he means atm.

coolbeans4367d ago

While he mentioned DA's 91 meta on PC, I personally couldn't discern if he played one of the console versions or the PC version. I haven't played the game, but I heard 360 version is pretty nasty in comparison to PC (vanilla).

Robochobo4367d ago

The 360 version works amazingly well, I hadn't yet known that Dragon Age: Origins was out for the PC, because I had bought it a year or two after it was released with little insight into what it was. It might have had technical issues/bugs in the early run, but the fully patched game I got played without a hitch. It's going to be better on the PC, but they didn't skimp out at all when making the console version just as enjoyable. I personally recommend you to get the Complete Edition of the game, it's literally one of the best in depth games avaliable. 60+ hours of what reminded me of KotoR, although with even better character dialogue, a huge amount of world lore that almost puts Mass Effect to shame, and that Western Style RPG feel that really puts emphasis on you making the narration suit your style of game play.

coolbeans4367d ago

It's rather funny to see your post already showed a bit more depth than the guy's rant in the article on DA. XD

Thank you for updating on what I had previously heard for the 360 version.

Robochobo4367d ago

I think I should be the one getting paid to be a journalist eh?

Anyways, get *dat* DA Complete Editon for $20, and you can PM me later :D. Warning though, it's true to its roots, and is extremely difficult if not played by an RPG gamer that knows what he/she 's doing. Other than that the rest is a complete blast.

AngelicIceDiamond4367d ago

I would honestly rate Skyrim as one of the more overrated games this gen. Big Giant world you can fully explore in a matter of a day. fetch quest riddles missions with no real variety. And no matter what you did good or bad there were no real consequence or rewards in the world(excluding daedra quest) just, "Thank you, now here's some gold and a crappy weapon you get at the beginning of the game."

SolidDuck4367d ago

Wait what? That's a horrible horrible list those are some of my favorite games this Gen.

bubblebeam4366d ago

I thought dead space was underrated if anything. I have only played the 1st, and it give it above 9.

I like how he says God of war and every game in the series, that made me laugh. They are well deserving of their ratings. They perfected the hack n slash gameplay.

Dragon age looked good, havn't played it.

I'd say GTA4 definitely, and mass effect 2 and 3.

Roccetarius4366d ago

Perfected Hack & Slash gameplay? I hope you're kidding about that.

bubblebeam4366d ago

no, i thought God Of War did gameplay brilliantly. The boss battles were epic. why would I be kidding? it is MY opinion afterall.
you should instead say what you think, rather than try and make me sound stupid :)

Lord_Sloth4366d ago

Personally I believe the DMC franchise perfected the Hack'n'Slash gameplay.

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EA Japan Exec Criticises Japanese Ratings Board

An executive of Electronic Arts Japan has criticised the Japanese video game ratings board for allowing upcoming action game Stellar Blade to be released uncensored while EA's own Dead Space was banned in the country.

CrimsonWing6994d ago

He’s got a point. If a game is M-Rated, which is the equivalent of an R rating, I don’t get why you need to censor anything. The rating is the indicator of the content and the age appropriate. If it’s appropriate for adults… why treat them like children? 🤷‍♂️

Eonjay94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

This is about gore... not about anything sexual. And specifically I think it is about the realistic depiction of gore. Unfortunately I don't know the nuance of the CERO board or how it is relevant their specific culture (as a prohibition on gore may transcend age) so I hesitate to make a statement. Can anyone else provide insight to what kind of gore is considered unacceptable?

CrimsonWing6994d ago (Edited 94d ago )

Yea, I know this is about gore, but thanks for pointing that out.

My point still stands, if a game is essentially rated for a mature audience then why censor for them as if they’re too young to view it? Makes no sense.

To answer your question: Decapitation, dismemberment, like… anything gore. They have been censoring that since CERO was established. Look up RE4 chainsaw decapitation or any MK games that made it there.

Cacabunga94d ago

EA Japan? Wtf never heard of that

ZwVw94d ago

Yet, the Oneechanbara series (y'know, the game with half-naked samurai females slicing up zombies to bloody pieces) get released in Japan uncensored.

The CERO ratings board is an equilibrium.

Smellsforfree93d ago

This confuses me since I've seen so many gory Japanese movies and anime. For example, Battle Royale.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 93d ago
gold_drake94d ago

definitely has a point.

but .. its japan. are we really surprised?

VersusDMC94d ago

I don't know if the EA executive is going off the one close up of an arm being cut off in the demo. Maybe it's uncensored because it's the arm of a cyborg or it doesn't happen that often (didn’t see EVE dismemberment when killed in the demo) .

In the states there's a certain amount of swear words allowed to a PG13 movie before it is deemed R. So maybe it's the same in Japan for gore?

Eonjay94d ago

Yes I think you may be on to something. The violence is gory but I wouldn't call it gruesome.

Retroman94d ago

Ea Japan please make Knack 3
in the future

Eonjay94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

Does EA Japan actually make games at all? Or are they just a regional publisher?

Retroman93d ago

I'm sorry Japan Studio made Knack


One Year Later, What Was The Point Of The Dead Space Remake

The remake teased an expanded universe, but now a sequel has no chance of delivering on it.

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isarai101d ago

Honestly i believe it was mainly as retaliation for the original devs breaking off and making colisto protocol. They've done this a few times, ignoring fan demands for the return of a belived ip until someone does it for them, then they retaliate by only then announcing an entry. Colisto protocol was announced and EA announced the remake shortly after, Session finally hit consoles and skate 4 was announced, shortly after Undisputed was shown off, talks started happening about a new fight night.

ZeekQuattro100d ago

I agree. Reminds me of when Inafune announced Mighty No.9 and the initial reaction of the game industry was that of celebration and suddenly Capcom said ohh shit we need to announce Mega Man 11. 😆 Still waiting for MM12 & the next X title.

isarai100d ago

Exactly, it's BS that pettiness has more power than demand for some reason.

Cacabunga100d ago

i liked the remake as much as the original.. it has so many improvements, the most noticeable to me was the seemless transition between levels which should be a must and a standard nowadays.
I cannot wait for the sequel's remake too.

Tacoboto100d ago (Edited 100d ago )

That's a very farfetched conspiracy.

Callisto Protocol was announced in February 2021 and Dead Space in July. They didn't just decide in March 2021 to "retaliate" by remaking from scratch Dead Space in under a two year timespan.

If anything, Callisto is the result of a has-been Creative Director whose only inspiration is his previous work, and EA took inspiration long before Callisto was known about from the insane success of the RE Remakes and endless calls at the time for the RE4 Remake.

0hMyGandhi99d ago

So, how do you like working at EA?

shadowhaxor99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

And yet,fans of Dead Space, myself included, have been asking EA to bring back Dead Space for a better part of a decade. To which EA refused, stating that it was done with the series. Specifically after Dead Space 3 failed to meet EA's sale goals (sound familiar?) But magically, after they caught wind of The Callisto Protocol, with Glen at the helm, Dead Space remake was greenlit.

For those not counting, The Callisto Protocol call was announced in 2019, while Dead Space remake was announced in 2021. Long before TCP was announced?

badboyz09100d ago

100% that's the way EA operates

Extermin8or3_99d ago

You know how long it will have taken to make this game, this is some rediciulous logic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 99d ago
Tacoboto101d ago

It was a solid game and we'll have to move on and accept it for what it is. Just because we're not getting a sequel (original or remake) doesn't mean there's no point anymore in what is a great, tense, well-paced single player experience. No one's taking Dead Space Remake away.

I just hope that the game isn't so technically stitched together on PC that driver updates render the game unplayable like what happened with me and my RTX 4070 last year, requiring a driver downgrade just months after the game came out. If you're a console player then you've got no worries.

TheProfessional100d ago (Edited 100d ago )

Yeah but it was a pointless remake since the original still looks pretty good. They should've done a sequel, something original or Dante's Inferno 2.

Way too many remakes now. Even resident evil 4 had already been remastered twice before the most recent one. No originality. Why not just hire the original team to make a new game instead?

Harkins172199d ago

For the hopes to get a new generation of people into the game. OG still looks good but it stopped selling long ago. So I get why they do remakes.

Knightofelemia100d ago

Most likely for EA to cash in on the remake craze that followed Capcom when they started remaking RE games. I am glad EA did it I enjoy the game. DS is one of my favorite franchises love the sci fi horror shit. What I don't like is EA not remaking DS2. So DS1 remake did not do well with the numbers so what. DS2 has a solid fanbase and is probably the best entry in the franchise depending on the fan. DS2 remake would have been a day one for me but I got a reminder on why I hate EA. Scrap the DS2 remake for a shitty Iron Man game.

chicken_in_the_corn100d ago

It's because the gaming community want remakes and remasters over new games.

mandf100d ago (Edited 100d ago )

Thank you for recognizing that. One group always complains over remasters or remakes.gamers want them and they sell. To the once’s that complain your console has no games to do again. If you did ,they would remake them.

Crows90100d ago

Or maybe we can tell most of these devs can't deliver good new IP for some reason.

isarai100d ago

When it's hard to find a modern game that isn't broken, incomplete and monetized to hell, remakes are a sure bet for having a complete experience as older games weren't plagued with those issues

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 100d ago
Fonsecap100d ago

I think that is for the best of the franchise o be left alone then to be turned into a game as a service or something like that, EA has the awful habit of trying to monetize everything.

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