
Oddworld Abe’s Oddysee HD First Screenshot

Just Add Water has released the first screenshot of its upcoming HD remake of Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee.

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chrisyoung04224426d ago

I used to love this title. I hope the HD remake holds up!

waltyftm4426d ago

Agreed, and it's looking great.

ALaish4426d ago

:) Yes yes yes yes!

This is the first game I played on my own PlayStation home entertainment system.

Great design, great animation, great artwork and absoultely marvelous puzzles.

Tdmd4426d ago

Looks good, can't wait to jump back into oldschool Oddworld!!

Merrill4426d ago

About time! I was starting to think the HD Remake didn't exist anymore.

Moncole4426d ago

I wonder if they will update the Steam version as well.

Croash4426d ago

The developers said it will be sold separately as it was built from the ground-up. That's logical.

Stranger's Wrath and Munch's Oddysee will be the ones to receive a free HD patch.

I hope this "Abe HD" will play/feel like its 1997 counterpart :D This first screenshot looks promising!

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E3 2012: Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee New N’ Tasty Coming to PlayStation 4

oprainfall writes: "In his new HD remake of Abe’s Oddysee, Abe’s Oddysee New N’ Tasty, Abe’s back and he is looking finer than ever. At Sony’s E3 2013 Press Conference, they announced the indie developers Oddworld Inhabitants and Just Add Water‘s HD remake of the classic Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee will be making its way onto the PlayStation 4. Fans of the series will remember playing this classic on their PC or PlayStation in 1997. Check out some of the screenshots of the remake and their E3 trailer of Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee New N’ Tasty:"

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Relientk774121d ago

Looks fantastic love the Oddworld series

dedicatedtogamers4121d ago

Looks beautiful, and that music is SPOT ON! Gonna get this on my Vita.

Dee_914121d ago

took me back to my childhood.
Thanks for that nostalgia

steve30x4121d ago

Its coming to PS3 , PS Vita and PC too on Holiday 2013

mrmarvel294121d ago

dude thank you soo much! i thought it was only for ps4. i was bummed at first because i have been looking forward to it since it was first announced! Thanks! :D

majiebeast4121d ago

The first thing i heard when i turned on my PS1 and played that demo disc with the T-Rex.

Hi my name is Abe.

KwietStorm_BLM4121d ago

Man you really took it back just now. You remember how detailed that T-Rex used to look? lol bet it hurts my eyes now.

Inception4121d ago (Edited 4121d ago )

This make me want to buy Abe's Oddysee PS1 from PSN, which i never had the chance to do it T_T

boybato4121d ago

Thumbnail pick kinda reminds me of titanic.

CaptainYesterday4121d ago

Hah! Now that will be all I see when I look at that picture!

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Oddworld Inc Tells Us Like It Is: Q&A

Lorne Lanning the brains of Oddworld and Stewart Gilray, the head honcho at developers J.A.W. agreed to answer some of our (and our forum members) questions for your reading pleasure. Here are the results.

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4267d ago
Jakens4265d ago

Just Add Water should be supported in their efforts. Oddworld 1 was a great game.


Abe's Oddysee - a righteous classic gets the love it deserves | OXM UK

OXM UK: "It's digital distribution that's allowed Lanning to bring back the heroic underdog. The longer plan is to finish the five-part Oddysee - there are as many unfinished games in the series as there are complete. We hope there's an audience for this - if not, this might not be the industry we thought it was."

Snookies124312d ago

Can't wait for this. From what I saw, it looked amazing...

Freak of Nature4312d ago

Everything about ODDWORLD = WIN for me. The look, game play the A.I> is way ahead of it's time. It has aged really well, but with this new HD update the game will be even better visually.

I cannot wait for the new game to appear, it's been almost 8 year's since Strangers wrath, a top 5 original XBOX game for me.

Anyone that has missed this game should really look into getting this, it's a true classic in my book...

Relientk774312d ago

I love this series, bring it on

4312d ago
Zichu4312d ago

Really looking forward to this game. I played this game so much as a kid. Will definitely get this day one.