
Endless Ocean Review from Gamespot

Endless Ocean is a unique game that will strike a chord with some and fall flat with others.

The Good
* An experience like no other
* At times it's absolutely gorgeous and mesmerizing
* Lets you play at your own pace.

The Bad
* You'll see most of what the game has to offer in just a few hours
* Slow pace might turn off a lot of people
* The game's ocean isn't quite as endless as its title suggests.

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wiizy5988d ago

nice relaxing games.. should be checked out


6 Great Educational Games For Adults

TechRaptor writes, "When people start talking about educational video games, chances are they’re talking about kids games. I bet the first thing that came into your head when reading that was something like Reader Rabbit, Jumpstart or The Oregon Trail, right? The thing is, a game doesn’t have to be labeled educational to teach something worthwhile, nor does it have to make it boring or repetitive to do so. So here are six picks for educational games aimed at adults."

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Top 5 Underwater Games

Break out your scuba gear! This week, Lisa looks at the top 5 games that take you under the sea.

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Drive-By-Stabba3635d ago

Best. Dolphin. Impression. Ever. XD

mr-phillips3635d ago

Great list, honourable Leviathan DLC Mass Effect 3

3634d ago

5 Most Cheerful Games

Scared of the Dark? Terrified of tarantulas? Despise thin men in suits? It’s safe to say that horror gaming isn’t for everyone. In fact, aside from the occasional dare, few people really dabble with scary games. As if horror movies weren’t bad enough, titles like Slender, SCP Containment Breach and Silent Hill force players to experience shocks and scares only possible from an interactive medium. For those who prefer hugs and kisses over stalkings and screamings, Halloween is typically a pretty unpleasant affair. So what better time to take a look at some of the most calming, peaceful and cheerful games available right now. Snuggle up in bed, grab your collection of teddy bears and put on some whale sounds, let’s chill out and dig in.

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MazzingerZ3887d ago (Edited 3887d ago )

Flower was actually very dark in parts, I wish they made it a little bit "happier" but I understan the ecological theme...anyway, my daughters stopped playing it when it turned dark, they lost interest even when I told them it would get cheerful again after certain parts. Kids are a tough audience :)

WeAreLegion3887d ago

Um... What?!?

Loco Roco is the most cheerful game and it's not on the list!

Journey is not cheerful. Endless Ocean can be cheerful at times, but the pacing is just too slow. :/ Flower is cheerful during the first few levels, but then takes a dark turn.

You're missing:

- Secret of the Magic Crystals (It's a freaking unicorn game)
- LittleBigPlanet
- Free Realms
- Katamari (Any of them)