
Who Sony’s Special gamescom Guest Could Be

Sony has revealed that there’ll be a “special guest” at gamescom working on an unannounced project, which will presumably be revealed at the show. So who do we think Sony’s special guest is? - PSLS

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alexcosborn4373d ago

Gabe to announce Half-Life 3? :D

doctorstrange4373d ago (Edited 4373d ago )

Exclusively to Vita

(Edit: Before I lose all my bubbles, I should add /s)

decrypt4373d ago (Edited 4373d ago )

You have a better chance at Sony announcing a departure from the gaming industry and going third party lol, before Valve ever makes a Half Life game exclusive to a Sony platform or any console for that matter.

srcBFMVBMTH4373d ago (Edited 4373d ago )

@decrypt Hey man, at least Sony is actually MAKING an appearance at Gamescom. You know, because you kinda need GAMES to show. :)

MaxXAttaxX4373d ago

Kojima walks on stage. Teases MGS5 will be a remake of the original Metal Gear with Solid Snake facing off against Big Boss . . . . ON PS4!
Bam! PS4 unveiling with super detailed model of Snake.

TotalHitman4372d ago

@NathanExplosion - Woah, that's not a bad idea! Personally though, I want MGS5 to uncover more of Big Boss's life in the late 70s or the 80s.

Gaming1014372d ago

lol wow, how nerdy are gamers that you needed to clarify the sarcasm on that joke lmao good Lord....

Anyway, who knows who it will be, I do get he feeling that if it's something huge it would have been announced at E3 a couple months ago, it may be someone announcing the slim PS3 model perhaps, but really who knows?

doctorstrange4372d ago

Haha, yeah. And I still lost a bubble...

BattleAxe4372d ago

Iwata will probably announce Nintendo titles for Playstation 3 :D

zeeshan4372d ago

Oh oh, I know, I know! It is gonna be Usherr!!! Oh wait...

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4372d ago
StayStatic4373d ago

Not at the Sony show lol , I would bet money on it , still curious to what it is though :)

StayStatic4373d ago (Edited 4373d ago )

Oh Gamescom my bad ... xD

Jazz41084372d ago (Edited 4372d ago )

Being at gamescom is nothing to brag about as apparently this conference is dying as they sony are the only one going out of the big three and many devs are skipping it as well.

Welshy4372d ago


Being the only ones willing to spare time and effort to show GAMES at a GAMING convention as a GAME company is bad?

go take your fanboy troll nonsense elsewhere, sir!

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4373d ago (Edited 4373d ago )

nope.. if anything l4d2 port that would be all.

I promise you half life 3 won't be shown on a console first. This is common sense as steam users would hand gabe's ass to him.

one2thr4373d ago

lmao "... as steam users would hand gabe's ass to him." funny but very true lol

showtimefolks4372d ago

David Jaffe?

Sony is even making gamescom a lot of fun lol

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4372d ago
LOL_WUT4373d ago

I hope its someone at Rockstar.

Foolsjoker4373d ago

I say its going to be Kojima...That or Kevin Butler gave up PR and started working on something.

Whitefeather4373d ago

Again I wish, but I think he'll be announcing that at the 25th anniversary party on the 30th.

MattyG4373d ago

@Whitefeather I actually think Kojima might tease MGS5 at Gamescom, and then show it off on the 30th. One can only hope.

TotalHitman4372d ago

Kevin Butler isn't big outside of America. And Gamescom is in Europe. You may disagree because anybody who visits a gaming forum or a news site like this, probably knows who he is. But, those who don't, would be clueless as to who he is. So it's probably not him. I'm not ruling it out... I'm just saying that it's unlikely.

Whitefeather4373d ago

I hope it's a revival of Eight Days developed by Rockstar.

Whitefeather4373d ago

I wish but looking at the article again I see it's an unannounced project. Hopefully it's a Vita game though for it's sake at least.

user54670074373d ago

I'd rather Rockstar work on what they already have now...let someone else make Eight Days.

Whitefeather4373d ago

They have 10 studios I think Rockstar can pull it off.

listenkids4373d ago

I want to agree, but I see Koj as more of a TGS reveal kind of guy.

With Gamescon being EU, it'll most probably be Guerrilla games.

doogiebear4372d ago

Kojima travels. He was just recently in Cali simply to just visit Naughty Dog. So I don't think it's beyond him to go to EU or reveal his next game at a non Japanese game convention.

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Respawn veteran Stig Asmussen forms Giant Skull to build AAA single player games

Experienced veterans from EA's Respawn studio have formed a new AAA team called Giant Skull.

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RaidenBlack136d ago

"... to build AAA single player games"
~ well that's some good news

Cacabunga136d ago

He Gave us the legendary classic God of War 3..

Levii_92136d ago

Hey it's Stig! He directed my favourite God of War game. You know one of the older ones that were fun.

Christopher136d ago

He also directed two Jedi games that are more like the two new GoW games than the old ones. All of them were fun, though.

Eonjay136d ago

Looks at Stig's profile picture:
Giant Skull seems oddly appropriate.


Guerrilla Games' Multiplayer Horizon Game Could Be Named "Hunters Gathering," Teases Leak

Guerrilla Games' upcoming multiplayer Horizon title could be dubbed "Hunters Gathering," according to a new leak.

Jin_Sakai219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

I wish PlayStation Studios would just stick to what they do best, making great single player games.

Outside_ofthe_Box219d ago

The core gameplay of Horizon is really good, so this is one of the few I can see working out. Also GG does have one of the greatest multiplayer games ever made in Killzone 2 under their belt so MP isn't too far off with what GG does best.

SyntheticForm219d ago

Hell, I enjoyed Shadowfall's MP thoroughly even though it had issues. Guerrilla have delivered solid multiplayer experiences.

Cacabunga218d ago

Oh boy. No idea why they don't want to work on a killzone it's a much more fun multi mode. -

__SteakDeck__218d ago

@Jin_Sakai First. As a business, you don’t just stick to what you do great. If that was the case, Apple would of just done computers and not taken a risk with iTunes and the iPhone. Also have you seen the cost of their AAA games like Spiderman 2? Sony is going to need one of these GAAS games to hit, or expect budget cuts to their SP games. We’re already seeing in the document leak, that they’re asking Insomniac to cut budgets.

Jin_Sakai218d ago

Their studios aren’t masters at GaaS and it’s showing. Naughty Dog wasted all that time and Resources just to cancel Factions and Insomniac's multiplayer Spider-Verse got axed. If Sony really wants a big GaaS hit their best bet would be to acquire EA or Epic Games. You need huge support to keep these games going with content and updates.

purple101219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

OHH GOD YES,, or at least some new shooter. finals was okay but I want more, spesh from 1st party

DaleCooper219d ago

Meh. You know what could be good? A new Killzone.

Magatsuhi219d ago

Hope it's not battle royale.

anast219d ago

It would be better than Monster Hunter, but I'm good with the Gaas stuff.

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Preserving nature and biodiversity with PlayStation Community - Sony Interactive Entertainment

It’s been over a year since the launch of Guerrilla’s Horizon Forbidden West, and we’d like to share an update on our Aloy’s Forest project with you. This initiative is part of our commitment to the United Nations Playing for the Planet Alliance, supported by UN-REDD, to raise awareness on biodiversity.

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mastershredder238d ago

Oh sure… yeah, totally what I think of when I’m busy entertaining myself by gaming and breaking away from the norm mainline of highly profitable / incentivized concerns in the world