
El33t's P33k at the games of August: Death, dogs and big bots

Oliver at El33tonline writes:

"At first blush, August 2012 may have seemed a bit low on exciting videogame releases compared to months earlier in the year, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

We all know that Darksiders II, Sleeping Dogs and Transformers: Fall of Cybertron are set to storm through August, and Nintendo fans would be keen to let everyone know that New Super Mario Bros. 2 is out soon, and while these games are certainly the pillars of the game industry this month we’ve got a gigantic collection of downloadable titles, and other niche games, to look forward to.

Let’s take a look at the full list of worldwide videogame releases for August 2012 as Lisa, Tom and I select our top picks for the month."

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Activision's Transformers Games Have Been Relisted On Xbox And Steam Stores

Activision's Transformers games have been relisted on the Xbox and Steam stores, suggesting they could be available in the future.

Inverno82d ago

Aw snap, i pirated the first game since I couldn't get it on steam but couldn't get it to work. Guess i don't gotta go out of my way now. Now if only SONY worked with em to port over Edge of Time or remastered Shattered and Edge.

82d ago
Redgrave82d ago

The bots have returned!

*slow dramatic falling to the floor*

Inverno82d ago

"please add .com" what a well mannered bot.

CobraKai82d ago (Edited 82d ago )

WTF? I’ve been wanting to replay Fall/War games. So bummed they didn’t make em backwards compatible. I think imma have to dig out my 360 out of storage

P_Bomb82d ago

Really wish they’d finish off the Fall/War run as a trilogy. The IP’s being wasted on mediocre games.

CobraKai82d ago

Yeah. Didn’t they try and merge the movie game and the Cybertron game for Dark of the Moon or something?

P_Bomb82d ago

I think they tried, but that’s one game I never played. Which is funny cuz I have the other movie games. Last TF game I bought was Devastation.

FinalFantasyFanatic81d ago

I really loved those games, I have them on my Steam account, but I wish they made more games like that.

ActualWhiteMan82d ago

Definitely don’t see them on steam…


It's A Crime That There's No Sleeping Dogs 2 Yet

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Sleeping Dogs from the early 2010s is one of the best open-world games out there but in dire need of a resurgence."

LG_Fox_Brazil162d ago

I agree, I consider the first one a cult classic already

isarai162d ago

You say "yet" as if it's even possible anymore. United Front Games is gone, along with anyone that made this game what it is

CrimsonWing69161d ago

That’s what happens when games sell poorly. And I’ve seen people wonder why people cry when a game sells badly… this is your answer.

solideagle161d ago

Majority of the time it's true but if a company/publisher is big (in terms of money), they can take a hit or 2. e.g. I am not worried about Rebirth sales as Square will make Remake 3 anyway but if FF 17 doesn't sell then Square might need to look for alternative. <-- my humble opinion

Abnor_Mal161d ago

Doesn’t Microsoft own the IP now since they acquired Activision?

DaReapa161d ago

No. Square Enix owns the IP.

Abnor_Mal161d ago

Oh okay, Activision owned True Crime, but when that didn’t sell as intended it was canceled. Six months later Square Enix bought the rights and changed the title to Sleeping Dogs.*

*As per Wikipedia

boing1161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

Sleeping Dogs was a sleeper hit back then. It was fantastic. It actually still is. Would love a sequel to this, or at least a revive of True Crime series.

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Top 30 Best Open World Games of All Time – 2023 Edition

The past few years have seen some excellent open-world titles on top of the existing classics. Here are some of the very best that you should play.

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Nobodyreally308d ago (Edited 308d ago )

watching the video is better then going through 31 pages of gamingbolt.

LG_Fox_Brazil308d ago

Do they explain in the video why there are two numbers 3? Starfield and Tears of the Kingdom?

xeniate302d ago

It's always refreshing to see games embracing the streaming community.