
Dead or Alive 5, Sleeping Dogs and ZoE HD get big pre-order discounts

An online retailer is currently offering substantial pre-order discounts for three upcoming multiplatform titles: Dead or Alive 5, Sleeping Dogs and Zone of the Enders HD Collection.

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Chris5584338d ago

In my country the full price is 47.50 you mad?

Burning_Finger4338d ago (Edited 4338d ago )

Zone of the Enders is worth $29.99 everything else are worth $9.99.

Ramas4338d ago

u are worth 9.99$ or maybe less, and of all those games zone of enders is worst.

Rainstorm814338d ago

9.99 for Sleeping Dogs and DOA5? You are living in a dream world.

Zone Of the Enders was a great game, personally my favorite mech game ever

Ramas4338d ago (Edited 4338d ago )

for me its bulshit and one thing that i learned about HD games (playing many of HD releases) what was once a very good game 10 or more years ago it does not mean that it is still good or you will have same ammount of fun. The only game that i really liked was metal gear HD, all other hd releases were not so good, even though i used to love one game or another long time ago, but realised that it sucks after you grow up.
p.s. try front mission 3, much better then zone of enders if u like robots.

Minato-Namikaze4338d ago

Having bought alot of HD collections, I've had just as much fun with them as before (god of war, metal gear, ico and shadow, jak and daxter,.sly and a couple others).


It's A Crime That There's No Sleeping Dogs 2 Yet

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Sleeping Dogs from the early 2010s is one of the best open-world games out there but in dire need of a resurgence."

LG_Fox_Brazil62d ago

I agree, I consider the first one a cult classic already

isarai62d ago

You say "yet" as if it's even possible anymore. United Front Games is gone, along with anyone that made this game what it is

CrimsonWing6961d ago

That’s what happens when games sell poorly. And I’ve seen people wonder why people cry when a game sells badly… this is your answer.

solideagle61d ago

Majority of the time it's true but if a company/publisher is big (in terms of money), they can take a hit or 2. e.g. I am not worried about Rebirth sales as Square will make Remake 3 anyway but if FF 17 doesn't sell then Square might need to look for alternative. <-- my humble opinion

Abnor_Mal61d ago

Doesn’t Microsoft own the IP now since they acquired Activision?

DaReapa61d ago

No. Square Enix owns the IP.

Abnor_Mal61d ago

Oh okay, Activision owned True Crime, but when that didn’t sell as intended it was canceled. Six months later Square Enix bought the rights and changed the title to Sleeping Dogs.*

*As per Wikipedia

boing161d ago (Edited 61d ago )

Sleeping Dogs was a sleeper hit back then. It was fantastic. It actually still is. Would love a sequel to this, or at least a revive of True Crime series.

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